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#IndustryEssentials Webinar Recording – Service Solutions: Why Good Manufacturing Practices are Critical for Cannabis Edibles Success (and Other Lessons from the Food & Dietary Supplements Sectors)

#IndustryEssentials Webinar Recording – Service Solutions: Why Good Manufacturing Practices are Critical for Cannabis Edibles Success (and Other Lessons from the Food & Dietary Supplements Sectors)

NCIA’s #IndustryEssentials webinars are our weekly educational series featuring a variety of programs allowing us to provide you timely, engaging and essential education when & where you need it most.

The Service Solutions series is our sponsored content webinar program which allows business owners the opportunity to learn more about premier products, services and industry solutions directly from our network of established suppliers, providers and thought leaders.

In this edition of our Service Solutions series originally aired on Tuesday, January 19 our panel of experts led by the team at ImEPIK discussed why food safety programs are important for those making edibles, even though they’re not federally required (yet). ImEPIK pulled together a unique group of experts who covered the importance of Good Manufacturing Practices in the U.S. and Good Production Practices in Canada, as well as certification standards and training options.

Learning Objectives

1. Discuss why a food framework will likely be adopted with cannabis edibles become federally regulated;

2. Recognize the importance of incorporating GMPs and GPPs as part of cannabis edibles production;

3. Establish what training and certification programs they’ll need to establish to prepare for federal requirements.

Panelists include:

Patricia Wester (MODERATOR)
Food Safety Expert and Owner
PA Wester Consulting

Kathryn Birmingham, PhD
COO and Vice President of Research and Development

Kathy Knutson, PhD Food Safety and Cannabis Consultant – PCQI Lead Instructor

Merril Gilbert
Co-Founder and CEO

David Vaillencourt
Founder and CEO
The GMP Collective

Session Resources:

GMP Certification Audit Guidelines by TraceTrust –

What Is The Pyramid of Edibles Food Safety –

Sponsored By:


Committee Blog: The Language Of the Cannabis Industry – Developing A Commercial Manufacturing Glossary

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