by Aaron Smith, NCIA Co-founder and Executive Director
When a handful of top cannabis business leaders came together to form a national industry association in 2010, the world was a different place. Medical cannabis providers were routinely raided by federal law enforcement, the media often characterized cannabis businesses as illegitimate, and there was little political will in Congress to take on the marijuana issue whatsoever. Some of my colleagues in the reform movement even expressed skepticism over whether it was entirely a good idea to bring the industry together as a vocal stakeholder in the fight to change outdated marijuana laws.

As we come close to concluding our 5th year of operation, I’m incredibly proud of what our members have made possible. Cannabis businesses are now largely taken seriously by the mainstream media, a majority of voters, and we are experiencing greater momentum in Congress than ever before.
Too much has happened over the last half-decade to list it all but here are just a few key developments:
- Four states and the District of Columbia have legalized adult cannabis use and robust industries have already taken root in Colorado and Washington,
- Protections for medical marijuana businesses have been included in the federal government’s annual budget,
- The U.S. Senate is considering medical cannabis and industry legislation for the first time in its history,
- Appropriations amendments seeking to open banking access to state-legal cannabis businesses have cleared the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate Appropriations Committee,
- Presidential candidates are taking our industry seriously and at least one held a fundraiser with the industry during NCIA’s national Cannabis Business Summit, and
- NCIA recently engaged two top public policy firms in Washington, D.C. to bolster our federal lobbying efforts on behalf of the industry.
This progress didn’t happen by coincidence. The cannabis industry is finally being taken seriously because our members have come together to assert their collective economic and political strength just as every other business sector does.
The coordinated political and communications strategy executed by NCIA has changed the narrative around marijuana. The debate is now more about how legal cannabis sales will be regulated than about whether people should be put in jail for its use. We have also reframed the conversation so that responsible cannabis businesses and the economic and social benefits they offer communities are at the forefront.
2016 is going to be an even bigger year for the industry and as we look back at our accomplishments, we also must acknowledge there is so much more work that needs to be done before our industry is treated fairly under federal law.
In celebration of NCIA’s 5th Anniversary, we are challenging each of our nearly 1,000 members to contribute at least $500 in our annual fund drive so that we can start next year off as strong as possible.
As a token of my gratitude, all members who contribute to this cause will be acknowledged at our 5th Anniversary Banquet in Las Vegas on November 11. All contributors will also be entered into a drawing to win an iPad Air 2, which will be selected at the Anniversary Banquet.
Please consider investing in the future of the industry by giving a $500 gift to NCIA* today. All proceeds will support our direct advocacy and lobbying efforts on behalf of the cannabis industry.
*This link to will take you to our new donation website, hosted by MemberClicks.
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