Committee Blog: Breaking the Stigma – Cannabis in the Retail World
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Committee Blog: Breaking the Stigma – Cannabis in the Retail World

Published on behalf of members of NCIA’s Retail Committee

Cannabis, once relegated to the shadows of society, is making a significant push into mainstream America. However, the journey from prohibition to acceptance is faced with many challenges, particularly in the retail world. The stigma surrounding cannabis stems from historical, legal, social, and cultural factors, and lack of education, plays a role in shaping the stigma. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the roots of the stigma on cannabis and how the landscape is gradually changing.

The Historical Backdrop

The roots of cannabis stigma are deeply embedded in history. In the early 20th century, cannabis was criminalized in many parts of the world. The United States’ War on Drugs, which began in the 1970s, heavily penalized cannabis use, linking it to criminal behavior and societal decay. Media reports of cannabis users as lazy, unmotivated, or criminals; these negative stereotypes are what many believe to be true. 

However, alongside this negative portrayal, there exists a rich history of cannabis as a medicinal plant. For centuries, cannabis has been used to treat a variety of medical issues. Ancient cultures across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa utilized cannabis for its therapeutic properties, including pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits.

In more recent times, cannabis has shown promise in helping cancer patients manage symptoms such as nausea, pain, and loss of appetite. Additionally, it has been found to fight inflammation, which is beneficial in treating conditions like arthritis and multiple sclerosis. This positive history of cannabis as a healing plant is often overshadowed by its criminalization and the stigma attached to its recreational use.

Legal and Regulatory Hurdles

One of the most significant barriers to cannabis acceptance in retail is the complex legal landscape. In the United States, for instance, cannabis remains illegal at the federal level, despite being legal in several different states. This legal ambiguity creates uncertainty and fear among businesses, banks, customers as well as B2B consumers.

Moreover, the reluctance of banks and financial institutions to work with cannabis-related businesses due to federal regulations results in limited access to financial services and funding. This financial exclusion makes it difficult for cannabis businesses to operate and expand, perpetuating the stigma. It also makes it challenging for funding purposes for these businesses to continue to operate efficiently. 

Social and Cultural Challenges

Public perception plays a crucial role in the acceptance of cannabis. Despite increasing acceptance, many still view cannabis use negatively and as a Schedule 1 drug, influenced by concerns about health impacts, addiction, and moral values. Workplace policies that maintain strict no-drug stances, regardless of legal status, also contribute to this negative perception. Enhancing education on cannabis can help mitigate this stigma within our culture, which in turn will aid in positioning the cannabis industry as a credible sector in the eyes of consumers, banks, and other business sources.

Retail Industry-Specific Issues

In addition, mainstream retailers are often hesitant to carry cannabis products due to fear of backlash from conservative customers or communities, which limits the visibility and availability of these products in the broader spectrum. 

Furthermore, stringent marketing and advertising regulations restrict cannabis businesses from effectively reaching new customers and normalizing their products. Social Media advertising is prohibited as well as certain television channels. 


Resolving the challenges surrounding the stigma of cannabis in the retail world requires a multifaceted approach. Firstly, education plays a pivotal role: increasing public awareness about the medicinal benefits of cannabis and dispelling myths through targeted campaigns can shift negative perceptions. Secondly, advocating for legislative reform to align federal and state laws can provide clarity and confidence for businesses to operate effectively. Moreover, fostering open dialogue among stakeholders, including policymakers, industry leaders, and the public, can promote understanding and acceptance. Lastly, mainstream retailers can be encouraged to embrace cannabis products through initiatives that demonstrate responsible consumption and highlight regulatory compliance, thereby normalizing its presence in the retail market. By addressing these aspects comprehensively, we can gradually reduce stigma and integrate cannabis as a legitimate and beneficial sector within the retail market.

Author & Company Information

Jay Snipes

Meet Jay Snipes! She is a highly experienced professional in the Cannabis Industry with over 7 years of expertise. Jay has worked in all aspects of the industry, from seed to sale, and currently serves as the COO of West Coast Meds, where she is responsible for overseeing daily operations. Jay's background is in business and accounting, and she is a proud member of the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA). She is also actively involved in the Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) Diversity Workgroup. In addition, Jay is a member of Black Cannabis Access and the founder of Black Elevation Intuitive, which is a collaboration of Detroit legacy cannabis brands and dispensary owners. Jay has been featured in WDIV Flashpoint, Metro Times, Crain Business, Politico News, and many other media outlets. Jay has become a pioneer in the Detroit cannabis scene and continues to break barriers daily for women in the industry.

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