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Committee Insights | 7.14.21 | How to develop a Risk Assessment for your Canna-Business

In this edition of our NCIA Committee Insights series originally aired on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 we were joined by members of our Risk Management and Insurance Committee for a discussion on how to evaluate and rank risks to your cannabusiness.

Our experts discussed the potential impact of risk to cannabusiness operations and how to effectively identify and rank them. The discussion included risks posed by product sales, partnership agreements and corporate culture. The expert panelists also shared insights gained from their respective areas of specialty which include; Legal, Financial, Manufacturing, Technology and Insurance. Their insights will arm YOU with the tools needed to fortify yout operational practices and minimize or avoid costly losses.

Presentation Slide Deck:

Helkin Berg

Merril Gilbert
Co-Founder & CEO,

Kevin Haller
Akene Consulting, LLC

Mathew Grimes
Vice President – Cannabis Specialty Group
HUB International Limited

Summer Jenkins
Business Development Manager
Cannasure Insurance Services

Service Solutions | 7.13.21 | Learn How to Grow Your Cannabis Business with Acumatica Cloud ERP

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