
Committee Insights | Safeguarding Consumers in the Cannabinoid Product Landscape

NCIA’s #IndustryEssentials webinar series is our premier digital educational platform featuring a variety of interactive programs allowing us to provide you timely, engaging and essential education when you need it most.

In this edition of our NCIA Committee Insights series, originally aired on June 13, we were joined by members of NCIA’s Cannabis Manufacturing, Scientific Advisory and Hemp Committees for an in-depth discussion of the current cannabinoid testing & labeling landscape alongside complications compounding consumer safety and product manufacturing concerns.

Consumer products that contain cannabinoids are a popular new consumer product category sweeping the United States. Whether these consumer products are manufactured using cannabinoids derived from cannabis or hemp, consumers deserve to know what they are consuming.

Truth in labeling is critical to providing cannabinoid content information to a consumer so they can make an informed purchase decision and in ensuring consumer safety. However, with so many different label content requirements from state to state for consumer products containing cannabinoids, this lack of consistency can lead to potential risks to the end consumer.

This is especially true when the majority of cannabinoid product manufacturers are dependent on third-party data during product manufacturing and compliance testing. This interdependence between testing laboratories and product manufacturers makes it all the more important that label content requirements are both achievable from a manufacturing standpoint without being overly burdensome for regulators to verify and do not endanger public health and safety.

In this webinar, our panelists explored about the current state of America’s somewhat-monitored cannabinoid-product marketplace, and examined several of the issues related to cannabinoid quantification, cannabinoid content declarations, and label claim verification and how these relate to consumer safety.

Learning Objectives:

• Learn about the potential risks associated with untested, unlabeled products both for the business owner and as a consumer

• Review the current landscape of cannabinoid testing requirements, how they vary state to state and the role 3rd party labs play in the picture

• Understand the nuances with label content compliance and implications on label claims

• Explore data integrity issues preventing consumers from making informed decisions

• Share best practices for what the the industry should do, what consumers can do and what regulators need to do


Paul Coble
Technology Attorney
Harris Bricken Sliwoski LLP

Matthew Johnson
Vice President, Risk Services
QuadScore Insurance Services

Rhiannon Woo
Co-Founder & CSO

Keith Butler
OP Innovates / Naturia+™

Darwin Millard
Owner/Founder /// Subcommittee Vice-chair
TSOC LLC /// ASTM International D37.04 on Cannabis Processing and Handling

This is the third of five in a multi-part series of #IndustryEssentials webinars. You can watch Parts I-V at the links below.

Defining the Conversation: Minor, Novel & Synthetic Cannabinoids (Part I):

Meet the Minors (Part II):

Safeguarding Consumers in the Cannabinoid Product Landscape (Part III)

Know Your Hazards – Occupational Health and Safety Considerations in Cannabinoid Ingredient Manufacturing (Part IV)

Concepts for Regulatory Consideration – Shifting the Conversation from “Cannabis vs. Hemp” to “The Cannabinoids” (Part V):

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