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Enter to Win: The Best of 4/20 Marketing Campaigns
By Bethany Moore
March 24, 2021

Enter to Win: The Best of 4/20 Marketing Campaigns

Does your company have a uniquely effective 4/20 marketing campaign that deserves to be showcased?

Submit a campaign for review on our upcoming webinar “The Best of 4/20 Marketing Campaigns” being hosted by NCIA’s Marketing & Advertising Committee and taking place on Wednesday, May 5 at 3:00 PM ET.

Entries will be collected over the following two weeks, with a deadline to submit by Wednesday, April 7.

Members of NCIA’s Marketing & Advertising Committee will vote on entries and the finalists will be selected by Wednesday, April 14. Please provide basic information about your company, location, and entry category along with some basic information surrounding your campaign as well as interest & ability to participate in the live broadcast.

If selected, your campaign will be showcased by a member of NCIA’s Marketing & Advertising Committee during the live broadcast. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to participate as a panelist during the award ceremony segment of the program after our live audience selection of the winners.

All entries will receive recognition in a video highlight reel featured during the live broadcast and post-event credit sequence along with inclusion in a blog post hosted on NCIA’s website.


Thanks for participating and good luck!

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