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Quarterly Cannabis Caucus

The premier networking and educational experience for industry professionals.

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Northern California Quarterly Cannabis Caucus

NCIA’s Quarterly Cannabis Caucuses bring together executive-level industry professionals, policymakers, regulators, and movement leaders to network, learn about emerging topics in the industry, and plug into NCIA’s efforts to advance the industry nationally.

Event Agenda
7:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Check-In & Open Networking

7:30 PM – 7:35 PM
Opening Remarks w/ Annual Sponsor Introduction & Address to Attendees

7:35 PM – 7:45 PM
Understanding State Payroll Tax Regulation
Heidi Mattos, Payroll Tax Specialist, State of California Employment Development Department

7:45 PM – 7:55 PM
Federal Policy Update
Aaron Smith, Executive Director, National Cannabis Industry Association

7:55 PM – 8:00 PM
Organizational Update
Kaliko Castille, Business Development Officer, National Cannabis Industry Association

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Open Networking

Event Details

Oct 09 2018
Tuesday | 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Vintners Inn
4350 Barnes Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95403 United States
Venue: (800) 421-2584
Online registration closes at midnight on Tuesday, October 9th. These events are complimentary for all NCIA members, and $75 per ticket for non-members ($100 at the door). Light hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar will be provided.
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Thank You to our Sponsors

Annual Sponsor

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NCIA is leading the cannabis industry's unified and coordinated campaign to ensure our business sector is treated fairly and has the opportunity to reach its full potential. Now - more than ever - is the time to invest in your business and the future of the industry by becoming a member.

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