by Nate Bradley, Executive Director of California Cannabis Industry Association
We did it! After almost 20 years without statewide regulations, the California State Legislature has taken an important first step in creating a legal framework for medical cannabis. On September 11th at 11:47 pm, CCIA staff watched as the legislature sent a package of bills to the Governor’s office. Those bills – AB 266, AB 243, and SB 643 – combined to make the Medical Marijuana Regulation & Safety Act (MMRSA).
The MMRSA establishes the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation under the Department of Consumer Affairs. The Department of Food and Agriculture has responsibility for regulating cultivation and processing, the Department of Public Health is tasked with developing standards for the manufacture, testing, and production and labeling of all cannabis products, and the Department of Pesticide Regulation oversees developing pesticide standards. For more information on what this legislation does, please check out CCIA’s “MMSRA Cheat Sheet” here.
CCIA members, board, and staff were central to the process — advocating for the cannabis industry and pushing back against the most harmful proposals. The resulting legislation isn’t perfect, but it’s an important first step towards a safer, more professional industry. Click here for more information on CCIA’s legislative victories in the 2015 legislative year.
We think it’s fair to say most CCIA members understand the need for regulation and are glad California has started the process. That said, we believe parts of the bills need fixing. We are eager to hear what you think. We will continue relying on feedback from our allies in the industry to help us develop follow-up legislation — and to take part in the rule-making process — to address these issues. That said, the clear message from our members has been: even strict regulation is better than no regulation at all.

We also hope this legislation will put California in compliance with the U.S. Department of Justice guidelines, which ought to end federal prosecution of lawful cannabis operators in California. The citizens of California spoke clearly when they voted for medical cannabis in 1996; their elected representatives have just spoken again. We hope the federal government will respect California’s clear desire to have a well-regulated medical cannabis industry.
Our expectation is that California will now be able to take its rightful place as the center of investment and innovation in the cannabis economy. Governor Brown and his colleagues in the legislature have just given the green light to let California’s cannabis industry become the thriving, tax-paying, job-creating industry it was always destined to become.
Nate Bradley, based in Sacramento, is the executive director and cofounder of the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA). He is responsible for CCIA’s public policy advocacy and political strategy in California’s State Capitol. Nate also has ten years of education and experience in law enforcement and is a speaker for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP).
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