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Cal NORML Hosts Webinar on Leading Issues in California Cannabis Law and Policy 
By Bethany Moore
August 8, 2022

Cal NORML Hosts Webinar on Leading Issues in California Cannabis Law and Policy 

August 4, 2022
Contact: Ellen Komp, Deputy Director, CA NORML, 510-725-7084 

Cal NORML Hosts Webinar on Leading Issues in California Cannabis Law and Policy 

California NORML is excited to host an informative webinar, Leading Issues in California  Cannabis Law and Policy this August 25th from 4 to 5:30 pm PDT. 

Cannabis attorneys, professionals, and consumers in California will benefit from updates and commentary provided by Cal NORML board members and cannabis policy experts Lauren  Mendelsohn, Esq. and Hirsh Jain, Esq. Attorneys who attend the webinar will earn 1.5 CLE  credits (pending).  

Presentation and discussion topics will include 

  • Tax reform efforts at the state and local level 
  • The expansion of retail licensing across the state 
  • The impact of the provisional license deadline / CEQA compliance 
  • Growth in California’s illicit market 
  • The impact of new DCC regulations 

Tickets are $25 for non-attorneys, $50 for members of Cal NORML’s legal committee, and $75  for non-member attorneys. Proceeds will go to support Cal NORML’s efforts to promote cannabis access and protect the rights of cannabis consumers in California. Scholarships are available for students and others. Contact for more information.  

“This webinar is intended to be relevant to lawyers and non-lawyers alike. The discussion will examine how evolving regulatory dynamics at the state and local level in California will impact the strategic decisions that operators make, as they seek to expand and reach profitability in  California’s hyper-competitive cannabis market. The webinar will focus on the relationship between policy, regulation and business strategy for operators across the cannabis supply chain in California. Additionally, key issues related to consumer rights, patient rights, and social justice will be explored.” says Jain.

California NORML 2261 Market St. #278 A, San Francisco CA 94114  415-563-5858 • 

Cannabis industry members, attorneys, and the public are invited to learn more and purchase tickets at  

Founded in 1972, California NORML, the state chapter of the National Organization for the  Reform of Marijuana Laws, advocates for the rights of cannabis consumers in California. The organization has a Legal Committee and regularly sponsors seminars to inform lawyers and the public about California cannabis laws. 

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