September 6, 2016

HISIERRA: Earth Friendly / Kid Safe Packaging Pre-Approved by Oregon OLCC

Portland, OR September 2, 2016 — HISIERRA: Renewable Sustainable Child Resistant Packaging is pleased to announce Pre-Approval by the Oregon OLCC for immediate use. Oregon packaging laws change effective October 1st. The OLCC has posted HISIERRA on the official website and can be viewed here

HISIERRA CRREO style Exit bags are Renewable, Sustainable Earth Friendly Cannabis Packaging. HISIERRA is made in USA with Sugarcane based raw materials using 100% wind generated electricity in our LEED certified Silver factory. HISIERRA bags are Child Resistant packaging conforming to ASTM D3475, protocol 16 CFR 1700.20 and the Poison Prevention Act of 1970. HISIERRA bags are Renewable Sustainable packaging conforming to ASTM 6866.

HISIERRA_WEEKENDERMike Greenfield, creator of HISIERRA bags said “It’s very exciting to bring new true green packaging technology to the cannabis market. HISIERRA is the only renewable sustainable packaging made in USA in a wind powered LEED certified factory using bio-based raw materials and certified to child resistant ASTM standards. There is nothing else like it”. He continued — “We call HISIERRA Eco-Responsible packaging – it is certified child resistant safe and earth friendly in material and manufacturing. It is new technology and perfect for Cannabis packaging. To simplify – We turn plants and wind into HISIERRA bags! It’s time for people to think about where their MMJ bags are made and made from. By using HISIERRA they automatically Go Green!”

HISIERRA bags are available in 2 sizes — the DAYTRIPPER 9 x 6 flat bag and larger WEEKENDER 12 x 9 x 4 big bottom bag. Both sizes are packed 420 bags per case (7 dispenser boxes of 60 each). For more information please visit our website or contact Mike Greenfield HISIERRA bags are available for every state Child Resistant Packaging is required.

HISIERRA has been reviewed by GANJAPRENEUR LEAFLY and Marijuana Venture magazines

Mike Greenfield
HISIERRA Compliance Packaging
Direct (909) 573-8517

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