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August 20, 2018

Newest Member Duramax Building Products joins NCIA and supports the Cannabis Industry

Many entrepreneurs and venture capitalists have joined the cannabis industry in the cultivation, processing, and distributing of cannabis products in California, Oregon, Colorado, Ohio, and many more states. The huge growth in the cannabis industry goes all the way up the supply chain and has affected many businesses in different industries as well. The booming commercialization of Cannabis has gained a lot of speculation in the states, but many rules and regulations have followed since.

The Cannabis Industry was deeply unregulated in the start of legalization with several incidents involving fires, explosions, and contaminations occurring as new startups formed. As a result, building codes and regulations have been implemented that involve certain criteria in fire grade for walls and standards for hygiene and sanitation. Although a hurdle for businesses in the Cannabis Industry, the standards generate new demand for specialized products and services in existing industries.

Currently a PVC panel supplier has found new demand in the emerging cannabis facility development. Duramax Building Products have been a distributor in Polyvinyl products since 1983. Duramax Trusscore, their PVC wall panel, has been used in many industries such as indoor farming, food processing, refrigerated warehouses, and more. By catering to several other industries, their product has evolved and adapted to follow several of the same regulations like the fire grade standard, FDA hygiene standard, and Building and Safety codes.  

The convenience of installation and maintenance has given PVC panels a reputable name in the cultivation field. Startups and investors are looking at the long-term effects of all their initial decisions, but they are also trying to begin as soon as possible. In the long-term side, waterproof, light-reflective, and smooth-surfaced walls can make a huge difference in monthly to daily maintenance. In the short-term, installation and labor of a material that can be finished in 1 day versus several days can be the deciding factor of meeting the rest of the months deadlines.  

Overall the current Cannabis Industry has provided a positive emergence of demand for existing businesses all over the state. It has given new opportunity to entrepreneurs and investors that are passionate about the industry. And it has also provided safer and regulated access for the consumer. With the invigoration of the economy, the future looks promising.

If interested in receiving a Free Sample of Duramax Trusscore, visit

If you would like more information about Duramax PVC Panels, visit our website at  

Upcoming Webinar: Cannabis Law Basics for Lawyers – How Attorneys can Serve this Cutting-Edge Industry!

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