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Striving for Carbon Neutrality with the Boulder County Cannabis Carbon Conscious Certification (BCCCC)
By Bethany Moore
April 14, 2021
/ Education

Striving for Carbon Neutrality with the Boulder County Cannabis Carbon Conscious Certification (BCCCC)

The Cannabis Conservancy



Striving for Carbon Neutrality with the Boulder County Cannabis Carbon Conscious Certification (BCCCC)

Working Towards an Environmentally-Focused, Green Market

Boulder, Colorado (April 12, 2021) – Here are the facts: Climate change is happening; Boulder County and Colorado are already experiencing its costly impacts. Indoor cannabis cultivation is energy-intensive and has the potential to exacerbate this problem, if not appropriately mitigated. Right Now. The Cannabis Conservancy and Boulder County’s Energy Impact Offset Fund (EIOF) Committee recognized the urgent need for stewardship and accountability within the current cultivation market — and so the Boulder County Carbon Conscious Certification (BCCCC) was created — with the ultimate goal of Net Zero Carbon Cannabis Cultivation. 

“After a year of explosive wildfires and dangerous air quality, it is clear that Colorado communities are already paying the costs of the climate crisis. Millions of Front Range residents – especially those in historically marginalized and disproportionately impacted communities – have been suffering from exposure to ozone pollution due to these sources.” —

The BCCCC seal allows the consumer and others in the supply chain to know that they’re supporting a cultivator who is working towards carbon neutral cannabis production. Benefits of the certification include increased consumer and public awareness and profile-boosting industry recognition. It is designed to help cultivators, by providing a step-by-step framework for strategic energy management, adequate and clear reasons for implementation guidance, and meticulous compliance support. 

For more information, visit:, or — or email to get in touch!


About The Cannabis Conservancy:

Our mission is to empower and assure that the regulated cannabis industry achieves environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The Cannabis Conservancy provides Sustainability Certification to legal cannabis organizations that adhere to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), are free of harmful chemical inputs, utilize waste reduction methods, are energy efficient, and conserve water.


About Boulder County’s Energy Impact Offset Fund (EIOF)

Because of its proportionally significant contribution to climate change, Boulder County is requiring commercial cannabis cultivators to either offset their electricity use with local renewable energy, which now includes RenewableConnect, or pay a 2.16 cent charge per kWh. The fees from this surcharge are then placed into the Boulder County Energy Impact Offset Fund. This fund in turn, can be used to educate and support best in industry practices with regards to energy usage as well as for funding other carbon pollution reducing projects such as low income renewable energy. 


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Cannabis Injustice Inspires Creation of New Social Equity Certification Mark

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