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July 31, 2018

Upcoming Webinar: Cannabis Law Basics for Lawyers – How Attorneys can Serve this Cutting-Edge Industry!

I’m so excited to share Cannabis Law Basics for Lawyers.

This webinar is designed to introduce attorneys, law students, and curious minds to the fundamentals and opportunities of this emerging industry. Think of it as Cannabis Law 101 that didn’t quite make it into your law school curriculum.

Join for the live webinar on Tuesday, August 7th at 1:00PM MT (3pm ET).

For $75, you’ll receive:
Brief history of the legal status of marijuana in the U.S. It’s a long and tumultuous history, so I’ll be sharing the important highlights from the initial prohibition of marijuana use and sales, and the legal implications for cannabis law.
Snapshot of the current legalization status while cannabis is still federally outlawed, the changes in legalization vary from state to state.
We’ll walk through the differences between medicinal and recreational legalizations, and touch on which states are currently being affected (spoiler: they are all, just in different ways – more on this in the course).
Overview of legal services you can offer with the growth in the cannabis industry, more businesses and entrepreneurs are looking for legal counsel in setting up a business that is compliant with state and local regulations and policies.
Additionally, the budding cannabis industry effects various aspects of life and law.

You do not have to be a business attorney to work with the cannabis industry! Cannabis legalization involves taxes, real estate, family law, criminal defense, estate planning, health law, dispute resolution, bankruptcy, and more. I’ll discuss the different services you can offer, how they benefit your clients, and how they’ll benefit you! Recommendations on next steps to grow your legal offerings with this introductory content under your belt, I’ll explain how you can expand your firm or pivot the focus to incorporate cannabis law – just like I did. I’ll share my insights, lessons learned, and recommendations on how to do so successfully. Answers to all of your burning questions live during this webinar, I’ll be sharing my experience in a Q&A format. Bring your questions about the cannabis industry, legal challenges, and business opportunities!

This is for you if:
You’ve watched the cannabis industry grow and want to get in before your competition does
You’re a law student or graduate interested in embarking on an unique niche
You have an established practice, but want to expand your offerings
You’re looking to grow your client list, and need to tap into a growing market
You’re interested in pivoting your law firm’s focus, but aren’t sure what’s right for you
You’re hesitant to add a seemingly complex and controversial industry to your offerings
You’re a curious mind interested in learning about the fundamentals of cannabis law

Sign up today!

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NCIA is leading the cannabis industry's unified and coordinated campaign to ensure our business sector is treated fairly and has the opportunity to reach its full potential. Now - more than ever - is the time to invest in your business and the future of the industry by becoming a member.

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