urban-gro, the product solutions expert for the commercial Cannabis cultivator, has launched nationwide sales of Procidic2, a FIFRA 25b product, the first state-registered organic pesticide labeled specifically for Cannabis crops. urban-gro is the sole U.S. distributor of Procidic2. Procidic2, a fungicide and bactericide, is registered with WSDA for Organic Agricultural Use. Procidic2 works on contact and systemically with the Cannabis crop. It is rapidly absorbed into the plant and moves towards the apex, allowing new tissues to be free of infection and reducing the risk of future bacterial and fungal growth. Procidic2, with Cannabis listed on its label, meets many States’ stringent requirements for Cannabis application. Procidic2 is now labeled and cleared for use on Cannabis in 18 states, including Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. The next three states, Maryland, New Hampshire and Oregon, and the District of Columbia, are in final process to clear for State approval. The remaining two states, Arizona and New Mexico, are in the first application process with State Departments of Agriculture.
The Cannabis industry continues to respond to changing regulations regarding pesticide use for Cannabis. “Growers are grappling with the issue of protecting their plants while still remaining compliant with the industry’s fluctuating regulatory landscape,” said John Chandler, Vice President of Cultivation Technologies, urban-gro. “Procidic2 is the first Cannabis-labeled and legally approved pesticide product to protect growers’ harvests and fight against common fungi, specifically Powdery Mildew. urban-gro has been working to get this product approved since the beginning and we are pleased to be the sole U.S. distributor of this product nationwide.”
“Greenspire Global’s exclusive affiliation with urban-gro offers our outstanding Procidic2 product the national reach and in-house expertise of a strong Cannabis-focused distributor to service this rapidly growing industry,” said Steve Knauss, President, Greenspire Global. The combination of organic acids comprised in Procidic2 are ingredients classified as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe), which reduces the risk for pesticide applicators, and because the product has no REI (restricted entry interval), it allows growers to spray the product and still work in the same vicinity. When used properly and integrated into a regimented pest management plan, Procidic2 is a FIFRA 25b exempt organic broad-spectrum bactericide and fungicide compound formulated to protect crops during all stages of growth. Following Procidic2 label instructions allows the producer to work with beneficials (organisms such as ladybugs, lacewings and bacteria) that feed on or parasitize pests of crops, an emerging pest control solution for the Cannabis industry today. urban-gro recommends spraying the crop from the vegetative to the budding stage to ensure the pesticide has fully traveled through the inside of the plant.
In addition to providing organic pesticide options, urban-gro also offers beneficial biologicals for commercial scale grow operators’ integrated pest management (IPM) plans. urban-gro has formed an exclusive partnership with Biobest, a Belgian-based global leader in biological control of pests. Biobest’s organic bio-control solutions for natural crop care help growers achieve high yields of premium quality residue-free crops. Their range of bio-control products serves as the cornerstone of a successful integrated pest management strategy and helps cultivators grow a successful organic harvest. Chandler will participate in the NCIA panel “The Wild West of Marijuana Pesticides” at NCIA’s Cannabis Business Summit & Expo 2016 in Oakland from June 20-22 (Booths #122-123).
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