NCIA Committees: Now Accepting Applications For 2020-2021 Term!
By Rachel Kurtz
June 2, 2020
/ Community
/ Education

NCIA Committees: Now Accepting Applications For 2020-2021 Term!

NCIA is excited to announce that we are accepting applications for the 2020-21 Committee term! We need your skills, passion, and wide-ranging perspectives to build upon our energetic, inclusive, and innovative committees. NCIA committees are an opportunity for our members to get engaged in specific industry issues and sectors of their professional expertise and interest.

All NCIA annual members in good standing are invited to apply for an NCIA committee seat for the 2020-2021 committee term, to commence on August 1, 2020.

NCIA committees enable NCIA members’ to engage their vast and varied areas of expertise and passion to:
effect change and influence public opinion and policy,
enhance your leadership skills,
expand your professional and personal network, and
develop best practices and guidelines to shape the future of our industry.


All NCIA annual members whose memberships are current may apply;
Appointees (or their employing company) must maintain a current membership throughout the term of their appointment;
Appointees may serve on no more than one committee at a time;
All committee applicants must complete the online form fully and in good faith by the August 1, 2020 deadline; and
Appointees must commit to dedicating at least a few hours monthly to their committee projects and scheduled meetings/calls. Committees may hold scheduled teleconferences, but the majority of committees’ work will be done online.


Review the list of current committees and see if one is a good match for you. If so, apply today to become tomorrow’s NCIA committee leader!

Together, we can accomplish incredible things and help steer the cannabis industry in the United States towards its bright future. Apply today for the committee that interests you the most, or reach out to Committees@TheCannabisIndustry.Org with questions or ideas.

Webinar Recording: Managing Novel Risks During The COVID-19 Crisis (Part 2)

Join the movement

NCIA is leading the cannabis industry's unified and coordinated campaign to ensure our business sector is treated fairly and has the opportunity to reach its full potential. Now - more than ever - is the time to invest in your business and the future of the industry by becoming a member.

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