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NCIA’S Quarterly #CannabisCaucus Event Series Continues!
March 28, 2017

NCIA’S Quarterly #CannabisCaucus Event Series Continues!

by Brian Gilbert, Events Manager

NCIA started the year off with the continuation of our Q1 Quarterly Cannabis Caucus event series, this time seeing us return to the 8 strongest regions visited throughout 2016. Thank you to the nearly 600 cannabis business professionals which joined us across the month in Seattle, Cambridge, Denver, New York City, Portland, Santa Monica, Oakland and Chicago. Weren’t able to make it to one of our caucuses in January? Download the resources provided at the event on our Cannabis Caucus Resources page.

As the cannabis industry navigates the potential challenges of new leadership in Washington, D.C., there’s never been a more important time to connect with your fellow industry peers and arm yourself with information about possible changes to federal policy. In order to better prepare our members for the uncertain times ahead and provide them the tools needed to help continue the positive momentum seen for our issues on the federal level, we’re pleased to announce the dates & locations for the Q2 editions of our recurring networking and educational event series.

NCIA’s Cannabis Caucus events are the best place to network, hear from industry thought leaders and elected officials, and engage with our advocacy work on the national level! The Quarterly Cannabis Caucuses are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the first month of each new quarter. Read on to learn about specific speaker and location updates regarding our Q2 events. Then, mark your calendar, register today and join us at a Caucus near you next month!

Headshot - QCC17Q2NEA - Dave Rogers

  • Massachusetts champion Rep. Dave Rogers (D – 24th Middlesex District) will be addressing attendees in Cambridge, MA for our final Northeast event before heading to Portland, ME in July.

Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes - QCC17Q2WAS - Headshot

  • City Attorney Pete Holmes will be in joining us in Seattle, WA in order to educate attendees of recent developments and upcoming challenges for this Spring.

Senator Tim Neville - QCC17Q2COL - Headshot

  • Colorado State Senator Tim Neville (R – 16th District) will be addressing attendees in Boulder, CO at The Riverside as we continue our back and forth between the two cannabis industry epicenters in Colorado. Senator Neville will be discussing the 2017 Colorado Legislature’s approach to cannabis and his efforts to protect Colorado’s cannabis industry from a possible Federal crackdown.

Aviary Room (Theater) - QCC17Q2TRI - Maritime Parc

  • The Tri-State event is moving to Jersey City for NCIA’s first event west of the Hudson at the captivating Maritime Parc event complex featuring stunning views of the NYC skyline from their Atrium Room.

Headshot - QCC17Q2SCA - Pamela Epstein

  • To avoid conflicts with the 4/20 holiday, we’ve rescheduled the Southern California event to take place on 4/27 and we’ll be joined by Pamela Epstein of Green Wise Consulting & Hoban Law Group as guest speaker.

Headshot - QCC17Q2CHI - Mark Passerini

  • We’ll also be bringing the Midwest NCIA community together in Michigan as we head outside of Chicago for our return to Ann Arbor. We’ll be hosting the event at Om of Medicine and joined by their owner & proprietor Mark Passerini to provide a regional policy update.

Cannabis Caucuses are FREE for current NCIA members and just $50 for non-members. In addition to intimate networking opportunities with leaders in the industry, you’ll get a detailed update on the latest federal policy developments, meet local policy-makers, and receive a packet filled with legislative analysis and information on how to get the most from your NCIA membership.

Northeast – Cambridge, MA – Tuesday, April 11 – REGISTER NOW
Washington – Seattle, WA – Tuesday, April 11 – REGISTER NOW
Colorado Boulder, CO – Thursday, April 13 – REGISTER NOW
Oregon – Portland, OR – Tuesday, April 18 – REGISTER NOW
Tri-State – Jersey City, NJ – Tuesday, April 18 – REGISTER NOW
No. California – San Francisco, CA – Tuesday, April 25 – REGISTER NOW
So. California – West Hollywood, CA – Thursday, April 27 – REGISTER NOW
Midwest – Ann Arbor, MI – Thursday, April 27 – REGISTER NOW

Not yet a member of NCIA? Join online prior to the event in order to access your free tickets or pay up front then have your admission fees applied toward membership once you join at or immediately following the event.

Finally, huge thanks as always to our sponsors, media partners and event hosts that made Q1 such a success and will be joining us again in April! We hope you’ll join us in showing them some appreciation for the enormous support. Please follow the links below to learn more about each of these amazing businesses or groups then reach out to see how they might be able to help you.

Premier Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors
CRichter ~ HR Consulting

Media Partners
Sensi Media
Stoner Magazine

Event Hosts
California Cannabis Industry Association
Om of Medicine

Wondering how your company can engage with the cannabis industry’s top decision-makers? Contact us at to learn more about supporting your industry’s political voice and highlighting your brand at NCIA’s Quarterly Cannabis Caucuses and NCIA’s 7th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in May!

NCIA Lobby Days 2017 email 600x200px

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