January 10, 2017

CEO Update: Marijuana, outdoor industry groups launch ad campaigns

The “We are the Cannabis Industry” campaign by the National Cannabis Industry Association and “Together We are a Force” campaign by the Outdoor Industry Association are each designed to reach consumers and policymakers through print and online ads.

“Cannabis businesses generate billions of dollars in economic activity and support tens of thousands of jobs,” NCIA Executive Director Aaron Smith said. “The people of the industry provide compassionate care for patients, responsible education for consumers, and cutting-edge innovation for quality and safety. We’re proud to tell their stories.”

The cornerstone of NCIA’s campaign is a website——featuring profiles of employees in the cannabis industry as well as people who use the drug for pain medication. The association also will run digital ads in the Washington, D.C., area for the first time in its history.

Read more:

CBS News: Three things to watch in Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing

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