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February 24, 2014

Poll: Ohioans overwhelmingly support use of medical marijuana, half support same sex marriage | WVXU

By an eight-to-one margin, Ohio voters support the use of medical marijuana, while support for same sex marriage has reached 50 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released this morning.

The poll by the Connecticut-based polling institute, which regularly polls voters in key states, said that 51 percent of Ohio voters said adults should be allowed to possess small amounts of marijuana for personal use, while 44 percent were opposed.

The support for medical use of marijuana was at least 78 percent among every demographic group surveyed, according to the poll.

Read more: Poll: Ohioans overwhelmingly support use of medical marijuana, half support same sex marriage | WVXU

Banks balk on marijuana money despite US guidelines | CNBC

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