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February 12, 2014

Rhode Island proposes legalizing recreational marijuana | Reuters

Two Rhode Island legislators introduced a bill on Wednesday that could make the state the third in the United States to legalize recreational marijuana for adults.

State Senator Joshua Miller and Representative Edith Ajello, both Democrats, said the bill would regulate and tax marijuana, treating it similarly to alcohol and making it available only to users age 21 and over.

The bill would allow adults to possess up to 1 ounce (28 grams) and to grow two marijuana plants. It also would set taxes on the drug, including a 10 percent sales tax.

“Regulation allows us to create barriers to teen access, such as ID checks and serious penalties for selling to those under 21,” Ajello said. “Taxing marijuana sales will generate tens of millions of dollars in much-needed tax revenue for the state.”

Read more: Rhode Island proposes legalizing recreational marijuana | Reuters

Marijuana manufacturing 2.0 | Fortune

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