Each week Khadijah Adams hosts cannabis industry operators, advocates, and allies to discuss issues related to social equity and highlight their experiences, challenges and success stories as people of color in the cannabis industry. This episode, Khadijah is joined by Tiffany Watkins, a thirty-year cannabis advocate and founder of Vanguard Media Online. We’re also joined by co-hosts Alexis Olive and Margeaux Bruner.
Tiffany Watkins is known in the community as LadyCanna. She’s a former IT Professional, working many years as a Network Systems Engineer. She holds degrees in Computer Sciences and Network Infrastructure, as well as multiple certifications. Her grassroots campaigning and advocacy goes back 30+ years. She’s been heavily involved in patient representation, harm reduction, public policy, and overall community organizing. Her goal is always to elevate and unify the voices of the people in order to make pivotal changes. Two years ago, Tiffany founded Vanguard Media Online, a media platform and magazine that’s dedicated to women in cannabis. In addition, Tiffany sits on many boards and committees where she helps craft changes in cannabis policy, public health, and social justice.
© 2021 National Cannabis Industry Association and NCIA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee
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