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Cannabinoid Science For Planetary Health And Well-Being
By Bethany Moore
November 4, 2019
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Cannabinoid Science For Planetary Health And Well-Being

Tune in to this episode to learn more about cannabinoid science for planetary health and well-being with Steve Goldner of Pure Green. Pure Green creates pharmaceutical grade solutions for everyday ailments and chronic conditions. Stephen Goldner has served as FDA Advisor to the NIH, advising medical device and drug developers and grant awardees. Steve is a forensic toxicologist and to the laywoman, that means he has done medical examinations, autopsies, and has an intimate understanding of the disease.

As someone who is pro-cannabis, we talk about his concern with this epidemic we’re seeing with the vaping illnesses. There have been more than 30 deaths already, and it is very tragic and concerning. Despite this hiccough, we can still safely say that cannabis has provided real medical benefits to so many people for issues ranging from PTSD treatment to pain management and everything in between. Steve is passionate about and dedicated to bringing real science to cannabis. We discuss some of the clinical trials he is working on and anecdotes of people healing from cannabis.


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