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Cannabis In The Media
By Bethany Moore
February 2, 2021
/ Education

Cannabis In The Media

Tune in to this episode to learn more about Cannabis In The Media with Jimmy Young of Pro Cannabis Media. A native of Newton, Massachusetts, and a 1979 graduate of Tufts University, Jimmy Young has over 40 years of experience in commercial television and radio. A former Emmy Award-winning Talk Show host for his sports talk show for kids on NECN in the 90’s, he is one of the rare professionals in that industry who has had success in front of the camera, in production, and in sales management. ​The founder of Pro Cannabis Media is the current host of In The Weeds with JimmyYoung. Pro Cannabis Media is dedicated to telling the true stories of the emerging cannabis economy and culture through the real voices of those leading the change.

Founded by Emmy Award-winning producer, veteran New England sports journalist, and medical cardholder since 2013, Jimmy Young, PCM produces and distributes cannabis-themed podcasts, videocasts, live streams, and branded content from a diverse array of talented journalists and storytellers, anchored by its industry news and trend reporting, featuring In The Weeds with Jimmy Young, News Dabs, and The Canna Mom Show.

As a news and media person, Jimmy has seen all the cannabis news over the years and it’s exciting to see how the news coverage has become more mainstream and normalized and we’re not seeing as many “stoner jokes” in the media. We dive into his thoughts about the messaging around cannabis in the mainstream and how it’s changed over the years. Also, we talk about how our industry talks about itself in the media.

Andrew Farrior – Digital Venture Partners

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