Consistent Quality Flower With Increased Crop Yields
By Bethany Moore
March 2, 2020
/ Education

Consistent Quality Flower With Increased Crop Yields

Tune into this episode to learn more about consistent quality flower with increased crop yields with Peter Dougherty, CEO of Orion Partners. Orion Partners Gro iQ platform helps cultivators increase crop yields and produce consistent quality flower. The Gro iQ analytics platform helps cultivators increase cultivation command and control measured in increased grams per sq foot and reduced cost per gram results. Data is KING as they say. And now that we’ve got a few years of state-legal programs under our belt, there is actually quite a bit of data to crunch.

We talk about Peter’s thoughts on the importance of analyzing user data in our industry for companies trying to not only survive but truly thrive. We also take a big picture look at the market as a whole. We’re not quite at a federal level yet but there are dozens of states with either medical or adult-use laws on the books and those markets are either established by now or emerging markets. We see what Peter thinks about these various markets and where they’re at today, and any advice or concerns he has about what we’re doing today.

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