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Extraction Solutions And Trends
By Bethany Moore
January 19, 2021
/ Education

Extraction Solutions And Trends

Tune in to this episode to learn more about Precision Extraction Solutions with founder, Nick Tennant. Precision Extraction Solutions is a group of passionate and innovative cannabis enthusiasts dedicated to preserving the legacy of one of the world’s most relevant extraction equipment and technology companies.

Nick Tennant is the Founder and CTO of Precision Extraction Solutions, the global leader in cannabis extraction equipment, technology, site planning, compliance, and training. Tennant is a cannabis entrepreneur with almost two decades of experience developing and operating companies in the cannabis industry. Tennant’s work in the industry has been featured in hundreds of publications. His expertise is in cannabis and hemp extraction, code regulation, lab design, extract product and process development, and extraction equipment engineering.

We talk about extraction as a method of consuming cannabis versus smoking flowers out of a glass bowl or pipe or a rolled joint or even baked into edibles. Extraction is relatively new in the grand scheme of cannabis consumption in the last ten years or less. So with this, we dive into why this product is valuable and trending for consumers and how it looks for the producers of extraction products as well and much more.

The Marketing Technology of Cannabis

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