Tune in to this episode to learn more about justice for Cannabis with Omar Figueroa, head of Law offices of Omar Figueroa, based in Sebastopol, CA. Omar has published a series of books documenting the legal evolution of California’s cannabis laws and is new board member at NCIA. Omar has his finger on the pulse of California regulations and even “wrote the book” on it, or several books as it were. But this landscape is ever-evolving, so we talk about his sense of what changes are to come for the cannabis industry in California.
Much like champagne, it is only champagne if it’s grown a specific way in a specific region of France. California has a similar legal framework of APPELLATIONS for California wines. We dive into how cannabis is moving into these legal designations as well.
Omar Figueroa has spent two decades at the vanguard of California cannabis law and is widely respected as an industry expert. Omar frequently appears in media coverage as a legal expert on cannabis. He also speaks at cannabis events around the world, such as Spannabis and The International Cannabis Business Conference in Barcelona, MJBizCon NEXT in New Orleans, The Emerald Cup in Sonoma County, and the State of Cannabis in Long Beach, to name a few. His interests are not limited to cannabis, and he has a profound, long-term interest in entheogen law and policy.
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