Foley Hoag LLP
Bryant Godfrey
Bryant M. Godfrey is a partner at Foley Hoag in Washington, D.C. Having spent nearly a decade at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) in senior regulatory and policy roles, Bryant M. Godfrey advises FDA-regulated companies on FDA regulatory, compliance, and enforcement matters. He provides FDA policy advice and strategic counsel to stakeholders within the cannabis industry in the areas of clinical research, foods/dietary supplements, and cosmetics. Additionally, his experience encompasses a wide range of issues relating to product jurisdiction, labeling, advertising and promotion, good manufacturing practices, FDA warning letters and responses, dispute resolution, FDA inspections, recalls, administrative detention, import alerts and refusals. Mr. Godfrey has a deep understanding of the issues that are of utmost importance to his clients, and he helps his clients to foster positive relationships with the Agency.