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Safe Vaping Task Force: NCIA Testimony Before The U.S. Senate Committee On Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Prepared by NCIA's Policy Council

In late 2019, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) identified a probable proximate cause of recent vaping injuries and deaths. Shortly after, the United States Senate (HELP Committee) held a hearing on Wednesday, November 13, on the vaping crisis, where CDC officials testified.

NCIA Policy Council’s Safe Vaping Task Force also submitted testimony for the record.

NCIA’s Policy Council calls for de-scheduling and regulation at the federal level to displace the illegal, untested, unregulated illicit market. It’s time for Congress to act. We can no longer sit by and watch as people are sickened by unregulated, untested, and dangerous products from the illicit market.



Adapting A Regulatory Framework For The Emerging Cannabis Industry

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