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October 24, 2017

Survey: Employee Engagement in the Cannabis Industry

Needle Consultants, LLC, presents the Cannabis Industry Employee Engagement Survey

With thousands of employees working in the cannabis industry, the industry has become a significant employer in the states that have legalized cannabis production, processing, and consumption. Ensuring that the industry is creating a satisfying work environment and a fulfilled workforce is key to attracting and retaining top talent and provides certainty to business planning.

Workers today not only seek this sense of purpose within their places of work, but have also been known to accept less compensation, if fulfilled in other ways, offered “nontraditional” benefits, and/or opportunities to engage in authentic community activities.

Marc Ross, Chief Instigator at Needle Consultants

As the leading cannabis industry organization, NCIA desires to see our member businesses thrive, with tens of thousands of satisfied and fulfilled workers, eager to participate and add their talent and passion to our work. We also seek to be an industry that improves the lives of not only our members’ patients, clients, and customers, but their communities.

“I’m really excited to have this opportunity to do a deep dive into employee engagement as it pertains to the cannabis industry” says Marc Ross, Chief Instigator at Needle Consultants, LLC. “It is my belief that by gathering a baseline of this data and identifying opportunities for improvement, we’ll be able to help create a healthier and more satisfying environment for the industry’s workers, which in turn, will elevate the industry overall.”

In this first Cannabis Industry Employee Engagement Survey, we seek to gather baseline data regarding:

·      Overall Worker Satisfaction
·      Worker Needs and Desires around Benefits
·      Worker Desires around Community Engagement opportunities

Who should take this survey?
Employees of direct-to-plant cannabis companies, including cultivation, retail, and processing and manufacturing from MIPs and concentrate companies, with a heavy focus on Colorado-based companies.

The survey is anonymous.

Cannabis companies that self-report participation of over 90% will receive recognition by NCIA in the future report. One lucky participant will even win a complimentary Seed To Sale Show 2018 registration.

How long does it take to complete the survey?
The survey takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

How long is the survey open?
The survey will be open for collecting anonymous responses between now and December 1, 2017.

We believe the results of this survey will provide immeasurable value as companies within our industry seek to build happy and fulfilling work environments. The results will be analyzed and compiled into a comprehensive report which will be shared with the cannabis industry at large.

Are you a cannabis industry employee?

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