New Member Benefit: Group Health Options – Minimal Essential Coverage (MEC)

Typically, benefits and cannabis mentioned in the same sentence refer to the qualities medicinal marijuana provides patients and those suffering from numerous maladies.

But benefits can mean so many things, for instance health coverage benefits. The hottest topic in Washington these days revolves around health benefits: repeal, replace, or just repeal. In any event the result is confusion for the employer and employee. What will be the law?

It’s interesting though, that no one is talking about the positive and creative benefits that were born during the “Obamacare” era. Minimal Essential Coverage (MEC) programs were birthed and flourished for the past 4-years. Some of the plans were and are lousy for employees… they cost $50+ per month and provided only one prevention visit to a doctor. Hardly enough. Some of the plans defy logic because you get so much coverage for so little money! So, how do you find those benefit rich plans… just turn to the NCIA’s exclusive relationship with ProducerHub’s Apex suite of MEC products.

Buy Apex products and support NCIA’s efforts to support your business and the Cannabis Industry. Apex donates money back to NCIA every time an NCIA member company buys Apex.

More of that later, something else happened along the way as “Obamacare” matured. Small and mid-size businesses used MEC benefits to attract new and more skilled employees… their businesses were strengthened by the new employees accepting the work and opportunities because benefits were being provided.

So, the better the benefits, the better the employee. Imagine, what a concept… keeping good people relies on creating and sustaining a safe and considerate workplace. Affordability is essential, and a plan that offers a RARE 4-year rate cap* requires everyone’s attention. That same plan only requires 4 employees to sign up… another RARE benefit.

As an employer in a “gold rush industry” you need to ask yourself how important is your credibility? Are you a more credible company by offering benefits? Are you more trustworthy and therefore, a better option for an employee in a competitive marketplace?

Expand the meaning of benefits for you and your employees. See and find Apex’ products, and by doing so, support NCIA’s mission.

Explore NCIA’s Group Health Options today!

*not to exceed 3% per year.

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