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VIDEO: Looking Back On NCIA’s 9th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days
By Bethany Moore
June 7, 2019
/ Community
/ Education

VIDEO: Looking Back On NCIA’s 9th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days

On May 21-23, 2019, NCIA held it’s 9th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in Washington, D.C. with more than 250 NCIA members who represent the cannabis industry all across the country. NCIA’s Executive Director Aaron Smith highlights some of issues we brought to the halls of Congress to educate House Members and Senators, as well as our brand-new VIP Day for PAC Leadership Circle Members.

“One way that I think really demonstrates the leadership that NCIA has here on Capitol Hill and the way that we’ve moved the dial in Congress is that between all of the events at Lobby Days, over 20 members of Congress showed up to speak, attend, and mingle with NCIA Members.” – Aaron Smith, NCIA Executive Director and Co-Founder

Thanks to everyone who joined us in our nation’s capital to bring the advocacy, education, and community to our federal legislators and lawmakers.

Mark your calendars for next year’s 10th Annual Lobby Days happening May 19-21, 2020!
(Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this has been moved to September 2022.)
Be sure to check out the full photo album from this year’s Lobby Days!

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