ServSafe® & SELL-SMaRT™: NCIA Partners with Cannabis Trainers for Pilot Training Series

The National Cannabis Industry Association is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with our member Cannabis Trainers™!

In a pilot project reflecting our commitment to high industry standards for quality, safety, and responsibility, NCIA will host a series of training courses focused on food safety and responsible selling, open to all cannabis industry professionals but heavily subsidized for NCIA member-businesses.

With cannabis businesses under a microscope, NCIA wants to help our members continue developing the kinds of best practices that define a professional, sustainable industry. That includes the safe handling of cannabis edibles and the responsible, knowledgeable, and safe sale of cannabis in any form to their customer base.

NCIA’s pilot series will include both ServSafe® Food Safety Basics courses and Sell-SMaRT™ Responsible Cannabis Vendor training courses produced by member business Cannabis Trainers™. The first trainings will take place in Denver, Colorado in August, with additional trainings to be scheduled in the coming months.

Maureen McNamara, the founder and chief facilitator with Cannabis Trainers™ has 20 years of professional training experience, with an extensive background in food safety and responsible alcohol service training. She has served as a consultant and facilitator for courses and course design with the National Restaurant Association and has partnered with the Colorado Restaurant Association to deliver their trainings since 1999. In that time, she has trained and certified over 10,000 employees, managers, and owners in these national certification programs. Additionally, she worked with the Colorado Department of Revenue’s Liquor Enforcement Division to develop the Responsible Vendor Act that was passed in 2005 and will be working with the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division to design the Responsible Cannabis Vendor Program this year. Maureen and the team at Cannabis Trainers™ deliver highly interactive, compelling workshops and now are ready to bring this expertise and customizable training for professionals in the cannabis industry.

The first ServSafe® food safety training program will take place on August 6th from 9 am – 12 pm at the Colorado Restaurant Association in Denver.

The nationally accredited ServSafe® program provides food safety training, exams, certifications, and educational materials to professionals in the food service industry. Blending the latest FDA Food Code, food safety research and years of food sanitation training experience, this will be the first-ever ServSafe® course solely for makers of cannabis infused edibles. Employees and managers alike will learn to implement essential food safety practices and work within a culture of food safety. This course is in full compliance with and fulfills the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division’s requirements to demonstrate an understanding of basic food handling safety practices or attend a food handler training course prior to manufacturing any Edible Retail Marijuana Product.

This three-hour course is $10 for each NCIA member employee and $45 for each non-member employee. Registration for the ServSafe® training program is available online here:

The first Sell-SMaRT™ training program will take place on August 19th from 12 pm – 5 pm at the Alliance for Sustainable Colorado non-profit space.

The Sell-SMaRT™ course is a responsible vendor training program aimed toward owners, managers, budtenders, and all front-line store staff to prepare for safely and effectively handling complex situations in operating a business. The responsible vending program will cover such topics as educating consumers about potency, dosage, and effects of different forms of cannabis. In addition this course will encompass issues regarding ID verification and following the numerous and varied legal regulations around selling cannabis.

This five-hour course is $97 for each NCIA member employee and $147 for each non-member employee. Registration for the Sell-SMaRT™ training program is available online here: here:

NCIA strongly believes that the knowledgeable, responsible production and sale of cannabis products is a cornerstone to the success of our industry. Educating yourself and your employees is one of the most important things you can do to build a sustainable future for your business.

If you aren’t yet a member of NCIA, please consider joining today! Membership starts as low as $100 a month or $1,000 a year and not only do you receive benefits such as discounted prices for these trainings, but you support the cannabis industry’s only unified and coordinated national campaign to change laws and public opinion.

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Contact Your Member of Congress Today!

Around 2pm ET today, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on two amendments to the Financial Services Appropriation bill that could affect the ability of cannabis businesses to access banking services. We need your help. Please call your Representative’s office and urge him or her to vote NO on the Fleming amendment and YES on the Heck/Rohrabacher/Perlmutter/Lee amendment.

The Fleming amendment would block the guidance issued by the Department of Treasury in February that began to open the door for banks to provide services to our industry. Urge your Representative to vote NO.

The Heck/Rohrabacher/Perlmutter/Lee amendment would allow cannabis businesses operating in compliance with state law to access the banking system. Urge your Representative to vote YES.

You can find your Representative’s contact information by going to this link and entering your zip code.

Here is some additional information to help you share your story with your Representative:

  • 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of either medical (21 states) or adult and medical-use (2 states) marijuana.
  • Because marijuana remains classified as Schedule I drug, individuals who grow, possess, use, sell, transport, or distribute marijuana remain subject to federal criminal prosecution, even in states that have legalized those actions.
  • Consequently, financial institutions providing banking services to legitimate marijuana businesses are subject to criminal prosecution.
  • Earlier this year, DOJ and Treasury released guidance for banking regulators on how banks can provide services to legitimate marijuana business. While the guidance has not fully solved the problem—many banks are still reluctant to offer financial services to marijuana businesses—it has created a framework for allowing marijuana businesses to access the banking system.
  • As cash-only businesses, marijuana businesses are targets for crime and robbery, which puts employees, customers, bystanders and law enforcement at risk.
  • The inability of marijuana related businesses to access the banking system also makes it harder for regulators and law enforcement tomonitor transactions and prosecute crime.
  • Restricting marijuana business’s access to banks forces them to operate as a cash-only business, which results in a serious public safety and law enforcement concern. In the last two years, marijuana businesses in Denver have suffered from an annual burglary rate of about 50 percent.

The Heck-Perlmutter-Lee-Rohrabacher Amendment will allow legitimate marijuana-related businesses operating according to state laws to access the banking system in an effort to reduce the risks and public safety concern of operating as a cash-only business. The Amendment stops banking regulators from penalizing financial institutions for providing services to marijuana related business that operate according to state law.

Guest Post: Commercial Cannabis Compliance – The Key to a Golden Age

By Mark Slaugh, Founder and CEO of iComply, LLC

As I call another contact in Colorado, the knowledge of the latest Denver Post article is still fresh in my mind. The headline reads, “Denver approves plan to increase staff to enforce marijuana regulations.” Our client, busy as usual managing plants, product, and people, sighs in desperation as I tell her about the additional $3.4m in Denver being added to the $25m budget of State regulators.

Exasperated, she says, “man, it seems like they want to regulate as few of us as possible.” She knows the horror stories etched on the tombstones of businesses now shut down due to regulatory enforcement. Forfeit in the grave are dozens of jobs, thousands in investment, and millions in opportunity.

I know the struggle of marijuana businesses to reach the high bar of compliance that has been set in Colorado for commercial cannabis operators. When I started iComply in 2011, it was with the operational understanding of early rules at an initial stage of medical marijuana regulatory framework. At the time, my work had been facilitating the operations of new dispensaries and directing a Southern Colorado industry group making its way through local laws and state legislation.

Back then, we all knew about cameras, about locks, about badging, about tracking sales. What we didn’t know was how long the arm of the Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) was. Up until last year, the industry and regulators we still figuring it out. Many people viewed enforcement like a Sasquatch; sightings and rumors abound but with very few inspections ever conducted and even fewer enforcement actions taken.

Typical in new markets, about 60% of the industry went out of business in the first 18 months and the Division had over-projected revenues and under-projected budgets. In short, they were down to 12 employees and very little bandwidth in the field to regulate over 1,000 facilities.

To no real surprise, a scathing audit of the MED found they were inefficient and ineffective. However, shortly after Amendment 64 passed, legislators took action. The Division was robustly funded to make up for years of enforcement gaps. The industry, for the most part, rejoiced over the possibility of removing bad actors from the playing field and leveling the standard for compliant cannabis commerce in Colorado.

The only reason anyone in the national industry is allowed to blatantly violate Federal Law is if they can show clear, unambiguous, compliance with State regulatory regimes. These regulations cover the eight Department of Justice Guidelines outlined in the 2012 Cole Memo. As new states bring regulations online from CBD only, to medical and retail marijuana, the signal is clear: expect enforcement to hold businesses accountable to the law.

For experienced and novice operators alike, compliance is a challenge that is difficult to take on alone. Qualified labor shortages are the nature of the market place and budtenders and growers seldom read legalese and are able to fully comprehend the regulatory expectations of the industry. Managing compliance details is crucial and standardizing best practices is far from complete. As the industry matures in Colorado and expands nationwide, owners and operators must keenly hone in on what the future will look like:

State-wide seed to sale tracking using RFID technology, real-time analytic reporting to law enforcement, standard operating procedure requirements, laboratory testing, manufacturing safety protocols, and product homogeneity under certified processes are just a few of the high level expectations likely to govern any cannabis market in the US.

As operators expand the marketplace by opening more facilities amid multiple states, we must contend with a slew of regulatory nuances. Colorado owners are hiring a scarce qualified workforce as compliance officers to internally manage reporting, tracking, and deadlines. Rules change frequently, and interpretations vary from attorneys to individual enforcement agents in the field – making a complex operation even more difficult.

We have clients who, due to missing the filing of one form, have had over 20lbs of product sanctioned by enforcement. For 6 months, they have simply awaited action by regulators with no clear end to empty shelves and disappearing customers in sight.

States who miss the reality of rubber hitting the road are faced with the question of establishing reasonable enforcement procedures inherent to licensing. In Colorado, a record number of application denials, enforcement actions, and administrative hearings has taken the industry by force and surprise since Retail sales came online Jan 1 this year.

A few words to the wise for the Responsible and Compliant vendors of the future.

  • Do everything you can to mitigate the risk of non-compliance.
  • Document, whenever possible, the activities of your facilities.
  • Be pro-active rather than reactive to changing regulation.
  • Support industry organizations to negotiate your rules based on best practices.

Preparing against non-compliance is the first step to ensuring a compliant operation and to reducing scrutiny from Law Enforcement. How we operate will determine our fate and the whole world is watching. Our brave new world still hangs in the balance and any single operator is either an asset or a liability to the overall industry and movement. Compliance is key to unlocking the golden age of commercial cannabis as expectations rise and the industry grows.


Mark Slaugh is the founder and CEO of iComply, LLC, and has more than four  years of experience in the regulated cannabis industry development, consulting and compliance business. His successful startup provides valued services to clients on starting operations, production/manufacturing/retail management, and compliance consulting, training, and certification. Additionally, he served as the Colorado Springs Medical Cannabis Council (CSMCC) industry membership and executive director, and as the Southern Colorado Regional Coordinator for the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol (Amendment 64).

Guest post: Young entrepreneurs & the legal marijuana industry

The following post was provided by Students for Sensible Drug Policy in advance of NCIA’s Cannabis Business Summit

Students for Sensible Drug Policy has long held a unique space in the drug policy reform movement: The work that our members do on their campuses and in their states prepares them to be leaders in not only drug policy reform, but also in many intersecting movements. The list of SSDP alumni doing meaningful work in social justice, the liberty movement, direct service harm reduction, and other areas of policy reform is long and impressive.

State-legal marijuana industries have opened another door for post-graduation employment and many of the more visible leaders of that industry cut their teeth while founding SSDP and building their chapters. As they become influential leaders, SSDP alumni ensure the cannabis industry remains deeply connected to its advocacy roots and maintains the values of responsibility, transparency, and social entrepreneurship. Troy Dayton and Kris Krane have become pivotal voices in the national legal marijuana industry; Kris Lotlikar’s market reports are the go-to resource for analysis of the emerging market; SSDPers like Sean Luse, Luke Ramirez, and Josh Kappel are heading up influential businesses; and across the nation alumni are filling out the ranks of entry- and mid-level positions at consulting firms, service providers, law firms, and, yes, legal marijuana providers.

While some used to consider including SSDP membership on a résumé a liability, it’s now well-known that many employers will move SSDPers to top consideration because of the powerful experiences that shape their work ethic and philosophy while in college. Opportunities abound for young alumni seeking internship or employment opportunities. In fact, I get calls every week from nonprofits and small businesses alike looking for rockstar up-and-comers to contribute that special SSDP ethos to their teams.

And in the coming post-prohibition world, there may be no more powerful way to bring science, evidence, and compassion to public health and regulation of drugs — whether alcohol, marijuana, or others — than to have SSDP students and alumni engaged in developing and implementing public campaigns or working in regulated markets. That’s why, earlier this week, I shared information about three open jobs currently available at the Colorado Department of Health’s marijuana division in our Jobs and Opportunities Facebook group.

I’ll be exploring these topics, and the particular challenges for young entrepreneurs, when I moderate the Spotlight on Young Cannabis Industry Leaders panel at the National Cannabis Industry Association‘s Cannabis Business Summit later this month. The panelists include Gracen Hook, owner of Port Hadlock Alternative Clinic in Washington; Murphy Murri with Forefront Healthcare in Denver; and SSDP alumnus Luke Ramirez, owner of Walking Raven in Colorado, employer of many SSDP alumni, and a Sensible Sustainer. This panel will be one of many powerful discussions regarding all aspects of the legal marijuana world to take place at the conference June 24 and 25 in Denver, and the organizers have offered a special 10% discount code to SSDP network members. Just be sure to enter “TDSSDP10″ when you register to attend to have the discount applied.

See you in Denver!

HISTORY: Congress Takes Bipartisan Step to End War on Medical Marijuana

With a 219-189 vote, including 49 Republicans voting in support, the House of Representatives approved a measure denying the use of federal funds to undermine state-authorized medical cannabis laws

First act of Congress to protect medical marijuana patients and caregivers reflects overwhelming public support for medical cannabis

WASHINGTON, DC – In an historic vote late last night, the U.S. House of Representatives took a major step to end the federal government’s war on medical cannabis patients and caregivers. With 219 Members of Congress, including 49 Republicans, voting in support, the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill forbids the use of federal funds to raid, harass, or otherwise interfere with medical cannabis patients or providers in states where medical marijuana is legal.

“On behalf of lawful cannabis businesses across the United States, NCIA applauds the Members of Congress who supported this historic step,” said National Cannabis Industry Association director of government relations Michael Correia. “Voters overwhelmingly support the idea that patients whose lives can be changed by medical cannabis should be able to get that medicine legally, and the time has come for the federal government to respect the states that have made that possible. The House took that step last night.”

“This is a truly historic vote and a great day for state-legal businesses that many advocates and business owners, myself included, have worked for years to make happen,” said Etienne Fontan, chief operations officer for Berkeley Patients Group in Berkeley, California. “We’re elated and hope this signals an end to federal interference in states where cannabis is legal.”

Berkeley Patients Group is a licensed medical cannabis collective in California and has provided legal cannabis to patients for 15 years and has been the target of federal property forfeiture action despite its standing as one of the nation’s most well-respected medical cannabis operations. Fontan, a Gulf War combat veteran who also serves on the Board of Directors for NCIA.

The Justice, Science, and Commerce appropriations bill making its way through the U.S. Senate does not currently include the language of the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, so the provision must either be added during Senate debate or retained during the conference committee actions that will reconcile differences between the two bills.

“If you’ve been wondering when Congress would be forced to catch up to public opinion on cannabis, it started last night,” said Correia. “The House of Representatives has done its part to respect state laws, patients, and the will of the voters. The Senate should do the same.”


Medical Marijuana on the U.S. House Floor

State medical marijuana laws will get a discussion on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives next week, when Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Sam Farr (D-CA) plan to introduce an amendment to the Department of Justice’s funding bill which would bar federal funds from being used to prosecute medical marijuana patients and caregivers who are abiding by state law.

The discussion follows on the heels of a recent House floor vote that would have allowed doctors with the Department of Veterans Affairs to discuss the potential benefits of medical marijuana with their veteran patients. The amendment failed, but only by 27 votes in the Republican-majority House, indicating the increasing possibilities for successful marijuana reform measures.

The Marijuana Policy Project, our close allies in the reform movement, have set up a page where you can find out how your member of Congress voted on the recent Veterans Affairs amendment. Based on how your legislator voted, they’ve also prepared links to pre-written letters allowing you to either thank him or her for supporting the amendment, or encourage those who voted against it to reconsider his or her stance ahead of the vote on Department of Justice funding.


Members-Only Features Arrive at the NCIA Website!

We are excited to announce that the Member features of the NCIA website are now live!

In the first week of May, an email was sent to the primary contact email address that we have on file for your NCIA member business. That email – with the subject line “[National Cannabis Industry Association] Please activate your NCIA member account” – included instructions and a link to set up the user name and password for your member business. If you have not yet done so, please do. You will need your member account to access the Board of Directors voting form as well as the full stories included in this newsletter. If you did not get that email or are having trouble activating your account, please email

Your NCIA member account will also allow you to access more exclusive content, including the Members-Only Blog, where you can share and discuss industry issues with other NCIA members. By logging in to your member account, you will also be able to review and update your member information and add additional users from your member business.

(Please note that additional company users will have access to member content but will not be able to access the Board of Directors ballot or change information in the member account. Only the primary member account-holder has those capabilities.)

In order to make the Members-Only Blog a true forum for ideas and discussion, we are now accepting submissions for educational guest posts written by NCIA members or allied nonprofit organizations. Please review the guidelines below before submitting your post to

  • Guest posts are educational in nature and directed toward an audience of cannabis business professionals.
  • Guest posts are 200-800 words and may contain external links, images, video, and other forms of content.
  • While it is assumed that members writing guest posts will reference their member company and provide resources created by the company, the NCIA blog is not a forum for company advertisements. Pitches and advertisement-heavy posts will not be accepted for publication.
  • All posts are subject to editing by NCIA staff and become the property of NCIA upon publication.
  • Posts may be shared more widely by the author or NCIA through social media, email, or external media.


Step Right Up for the Cannabis Carnival!

Cannabis Carnival Poster

NCIA and O.penVAPE are very proud to present Cannabis Carnival, an exciting fundraising event open to the public, taking place in conjunction with our Cannabis Business Summit. The Cannabis Carnival is sure to stimulate the senses with live entertainment and MANY special performances! We hope you’ll come celebrate with us and help raise money for your national industry trade association.

The Cannabis Carnival is taking place at Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom in Denver on June 24th, following the first day of the Cannabis Business Summit. The bill features an incredible line-up of national and local musical acts – The Nadis Warriors, SunSquabi, Itchy-O, Erothyme, and Bear Antler. Covering the spectrum from electronica to funk to brass band to rock & roll, there’s something for everyone at the Cannabis Carnival!

General admission tickets are available to the public. NCIA is also offering special VIP passes, featuring an exclusive balcony, bar, and dance area, along with drink tickets, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and other special gifts. All proceeds from the Cannabis Carnival will support NCIA’s critical missions of advocacy and education on behalf of the responsible cannabis industry.

Get your tickets here or bundle them with your registration for the Cannabis Business Summit and we’ll see you under the big tent!

Cannabis Carnival, a fundraising spectacle for the National Cannabis Industry Association
Presented by NCIA and O.penVAPE
Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom – June 24
2637 Welton Street Denver, CO
Doors: 8PM
Show: 8:30PM – 2AM
Ages 18+

Huge thanks to our generous sponsors for making this all possible!
The Farm
Good Chemistry
Bridgewest CPA’s and Consultants LLC
The Clinic
Cannabis Trainers

Sponsorships for this lively fundraiser are still available for member-businesses looking to build brand awareness among industry professionals and cannabis consumers alike! Contact for more information.

The 2014 Cannabis Business Summit Is Coming

On June 24 and 25 in Denver, NCIA will host its first-ever national conference – the 2014 Cannabis Business Summit. This must-attend event features the biggest names in the industry, a jam-packed agenda of informational sessions, and unmatched opportunities to meet and network with the country’s top cannabis professionals.

Even better, NCIA members receive a $345 discount on the two-day conference pass!

Detailed information about the conference schedule, speakers, and registration can all be found at

For a chance to showcase your company to more than 800 cannabis industry leaders, as well as countless members of the media, please review our Cannabis Business Summit Sponsorship Opportunities. A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are being offered, so don’t miss your chance to take advantage before they’re all sold out. Contact Ryan Fleischhauer  at for more information on sponsorship opportunities.

This will be the biggest and best event NCIA has ever hosted, and we’re excited to see all of you in Denver in June!

NCIA Board Election Ends Friday, May 16

The 2014 NCIA Board of Directors election opened on April 30. Voting will continue until midnight Eastern Time on Friday, May 16. The online voting form is only accessible by securely logging into the NCIA website via a member-business account.

Following a change to NCIA bylaws earlier this year, all NCIA member businesses, regardless of membership level, are eligible to vote in the board election. Votes will be weighted accorded to membership level. The votes of Basic Members will be weighted at face value; Sponsoring Members’ votes will carry twice the weight of Basic Member votes; and Sustaining Members’ votes will carry five times the weight of Basic Member votes.

There are currently 20 elected board members seated on NCIA’s board, in addition to the executive director. Of the 20 elected positions, eleven seats are up for election in 2014, and there are 24 nominated candidates.

For the list of candidates, their bios, and their candidate statements, please visit the 2014 Board Election Voter Guide.

Don’t miss your chance to weigh in on the future leadership of your industry’s trade association!

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Cody Bass

By Cody Bass, Tahoe Wellness Collective (CA)

Our industry is reaching a point that we must be organized and represented as a unified industry with real guidance. National Cannabis Industry Association is what I see will ensure that for this great industry. I would bring a perspective to the board that is deep rooted with knowledge that comes from dedicating my life of thirty-three years to this plant. I have worked in every angle of this industry and understand the business just as much as the plant. Serving on the board I would bring a perspective that will help in shaping this great industry by sharing the knowledge I have gained for cannabis throughout my life. I have an extensive background in the cultivation of cannabis from large outdoors cultivation to small and large indoor operations. I have opened multiple dispensaries in different municipalities from the ground up. We as an industry are faced with setting standards around quality, integrity, and policy. I would have valuable insight to the board in developing those standards. The National Cannabis Industry Association is the voice for what I have dedicated my life to. I would be honored to give my time and energy to this great association by serving on the board.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Tim Cullen

By Tim Cullen, OrganaLabs (CO)

Tim Cullen believes in NCIA. This belief has been supported with active membership since 2011. His work with the legislative process resulted in the first legalized cannabis sales in the United States. Tim understands the social and economic benefits of legal cannabis. This includes the individuals who are no longer being prosecuted for cannabis possession to the tax benefits being enjoyed by the State of Colorado and the City of Denver. He is an example of how the cannabis Industry can work with state and local officials to create an environment where both enjoy the benefits of carefully crafted legislation that establishes the legal framework for continued success of cannabis business. Colorado has provided a model to the country that Tim understands. His leadership on the NCIA board will serve as a platform to share the aspects of success as well as areas of concern that have come about as Colorado became the first state in the union to fully legalize adult use. Tim understands the important role that NCIA has played and will continue to support the principle of power in numbers by helping to recruit new members to the organization.  Tim represents the professional business aspects of the cannabis industry by the supporting local and national efforts to expand the growth of the legal cannabis markets.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – John Davis (Incumbent)

By John Davis, Northwest Patient Resource Center (WA)

John Davis is running for a board position for the NCIA and would appreciate your vote. John’s Seattle-based organization is Northwest Patient Resource Center, which John founded and currently serves as the organization’s Chief Executive Officer.

John has served as a board member of NCIA for two years and has a successful track record of attendance and participation in events ranging from board meetings to lobby days. Northwest Patient Resource Center is a founding member of the NCIA and Washington State’s first member organization and is active in recruiting new members. John looks forward to working toward further successes for and with NCIA.

John has been working on cannabis law reform for more than 20 years. John has worked on many initiatives since 1993 including I-692 (Washington Medical Marijuana) and I-75 (Seattle lowest police priority). John is a founding member of the Coalition for Cannabis Standards and Ethics (CCSE) and currently serves as the Executive Director. John has worked with many localities including the Seattle Mayor’s office, state and federal lawmakers, and Congressional committees and subcommittees. John has written and influenced laws since 1993. John was a member of President Vicente Fox’s global summit on cannabis reform. John is a member of Governor Jay Inslee’s Recreational MJ Guidance Workgroup. John continues to work with the Washington Liquor Control Board on adult-use cannabis implementation in Washington State. John is a current board member of the National Cannabis Industry Association, the Nevada Cannabis Industry Association, and Chairs the Board for Seattle Hempfest’s production company. John has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Daily News, Time Magazine, GQ, CNN, BBC, NPR, Al Jazeera (Worldwide, English, and America), TF1, ITN4, ABC, NBC, CBS, Seattle Times, LA Times, Las Vegas Spokesman Review, Weekly World Report, and many others.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Troy Dayton (Incumbent)

By Troy Dayton, The ArcView Group (CA)

I became a founding board member of the NCIA because I believe that the development of a responsible, politically engaged, and profitable legal cannabis industry will be the single biggest factor leading to a day when not a single adult is punished for this plant. Through my work at The ArcView Group I do everything I can to promote the NCIA by giving NCIA stage time to pitch our 180+ investors at every meeting, inviting NCIA Executive Director Aaron Smith to introduce any political figures that come to speak at our events, and by inviting NCIA staff onto our market research report webinars. We offer a significant discount to NCIA members for membership in the ArcView Investor Network and for purchase of the the 2nd Edition of the State of the Legal Marijuana Markets report. We are also collaborating with NCIA on a jobs report. I also include NCIA’s logo in my auto-signature and mention them often when talking to media. I focus my attention as a board member mainly on fundraising and member development efforts since that is a special way that I can help. I don’t think I’ve ever missed a meeting or a phone call. I stand for not just building a new industry, but building a new kind of industry built on a social mission of health, wellness, responsibility, and freedom. We are part of one of the most incredible social, political, and economic stories of our time. With that comes great responsibility to make sure we write the history books in a way that continues to bring tremendous value to the world. I hope I can count on you for your vote.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Jordan Dietrich

By Jordan Dietrich, Dietrich Union (CO)

For me the National Cannabis Industry Association is an important part of the movement to legalize the growth, possession, and use of the cannabis plant. I want to live in a world where adults can make the choice for themselves of whether or not to interact with this natural product, be it for personal consumption of the flower in a manner similar to medicinal herbs or alcoholic beverages, or be it for industrial purposes such as sustainable fuels, or fiber for production of useful items such as rope, clothing, paper, and building materials.

My many years of personal experience in the marijuana legalization movement led me to support the cannabis industry as it developed. For a couple of years now I have been involved with the NCIA at some level, and last year my new company to provide financial services, Dietrich Union, became an NCIA member. Over this time I have seen the NCIA expand and evolve, and from here I want to help this organization to be more successful.  The way that I define success for the NCIA is how well it serves its member businesses and the consumers who willingly support them with their dollars exchanged through investments and purchases.

As Bill Clinton famously stated in 1992, “It’s the economy, stupid.” At this point I believe the cannabis industry is the best way forward in the effort to legalize cannabis in the United States. If cannabis is legalized in the U.S., then I am certain that a number of other countries throughout the world will also legalize it.

I am running for the NCIA Board of Directors because as a committed fighter for personal liberties and for the success of our efforts I want to help the NCIA to succeed, at the same time as I want to help it to remain true to its roots in the marijuana and hemp legalization movements.  Please consider voting for me for the NCIA Board of Directors so that I may bring it my commitment to furthering the contribution that the NCIA makes to this new industry.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Kevin Fisher

By Kevin Fisher, Rocky Mountain Remedies (CO)

As we are all aware, there has been a significant phase-shift in the public’s opinion of both medicinal and recreational cannabis.  New states are adopting marijuana programs at a very swift pace.  For NCIA to enjoy long-term success, it will require the stewardship and insight that can only be provided by individuals who possess multi-modal and multi-jurisdictional expertise.

To this end, through my current industry ventures, I have developed relationships and have garnered experience that would serve to benefit both the NCIA and its individual members. I have had a direct and active role in the design and construction of cannabis-specific facilities and have developed, grown, processed, distributed, and ultimately provisioned cannabis and myriad cannabis-infused products.

As Board Chair of the Marijuana Industry Group, I spent countless hours crafting industry positions that have been translated into rules and regulations that often serve as the template for new legislation in states beyond Colorado. I have been seated on a number of governor-appointed workgroups in Colorado which have addressed many of the issues associated with the legalization of adult-use cannabis including: testing protocols, lab standards, child-proof packaging, marketing and advertising, and potency limits (which we effectively quashed).

NCIA’s efforts at the federal level have always focused on issues, such as banking, that affect us all no matter our geography. I contend that this mission not be changed. However, I do believe that as marijuana commerce matures, expands, and evolves, federal oversight will become a reality and, in turn, if we are to thrive, it will necessitate a broader, active industry voice in legislative and policy development. It would be my duty as a board member of NCIA to grow our member and donor bases to provide the funds needed to keep our foot in the door and then to help provide the political and operational insight to ensure that reasonable regulations be promulgated and an environment conducive to our collective success is nurtured.

Thank you for your consideration.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Étienne Fontan (Incumbent)

By Étienne Fontan, Berkeley Patients Group (CA)

I’m honored to be nominated for another term on the NCIA Board and I am seeking reelection. Since day one of NCIA’s founding, I have provided stability and leadership to the NCIA membership. It has been my honor to do so, and I look forward to continuing to serve. I am a founding and current member of NCIA’s Board of Directors, serving as Chairman of the Board from 2012-13. My company, Berkeley Patients Group (BPG), is also a founding member of the NCIA and continues to be an active member-business, sponsoring events, participating in lobby days, and recruiting new members.

As pioneers of the cannabis industry, BPG and I bring decades of experience to the NCIA Board. We are well positioned to continue helping build NCIA into a powerful force in Washington, D.C. We know first-hand the struggles it takes to operate and maintain a successful dispensary under great duress while simultaneously working to improve and grow the business. Last year, our local U.S. Attorney initiated forfeiture proceedings to seize the property housing our dispensary. Within hours, NCIA came to our defense and helped us tell our story, to both media and elected officials. I experienced first-hand how vital NCIA is for our industry.

I hope to maintain my board seat in order to assist the many new entrants in our burgeoning industry. I am committed to supporting the growth of our industry, and I need your help to continue this work. BPG has been a consistent participant and sponsor of numerous NCIA events, helping to build NCIA and the industry as a whole. BPG will continue to assist in broadening the NCIA membership base through event sponsorships and direct recruitment. I appreciate your ongoing support and ask for your vote in the upcoming NCIA Board election.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Gabriel Greenstein (Incumbent)

By Gabriel Greenstein, TetraLabs (CA)

As the incumbent Vice Chairman of the National Cannabis Industry Association, I have had the honor of helping to build the NCIA into the single most relevant and important trade group working in the cannabis space. NCIA has become the national voice of our industry, representing stakeholders and pioneers across the country.  I feel blessed and grateful to have been a part of it.

As a founding member of NCIA I have built a strong track record of participation, helpful contributions, and responsible leadership. I’ve spent years working closely alongside Aaron Smith to help expand membership and promote and plan events.

During my time as an NCIA member I have attended and sponsored dozens of meetings and events all across the country, and have been involved in our national lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C.

If my fellow members would do me the honor of reelecting me to our board, I promise to continue to help lead efforts to increase our membership, revenues, political power, and national footprint.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Dr. Lakisha Jenkins

By Dr. Lakisha Jenkins, California Cannabis Industry Association (CA)

It is both an honor and humbling experience to be nominated for the NCIA Board of Directors. I am excited about the potential of the opportunity to extend my dedication and passion in the area advocating for responsible business practices and corporate accountability within the cannabis industry to a national level. If elected for this position, I will bring to the Board both direct practice and competent experience with executive level management and fundraising. I would bring to the position my corporate expertise in a variety of settings, across different institutions, cultures, and business industries. I currently serve as President of the Board of Directors for the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA), which is the state affiliate of NCIA and the trade organization representing both the cannabis and industrial hemp industries in California at the local and state levels. In addition to service with CCIA, I also serve on the Health, Hunger and Wellness Coalition Board for the City of Patterson and the Board of the Alameda County 4H – an extension of the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources division. Currently, I hold a Doctorate in Naturopathy and am a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild. My passion for natural health and alternative healing therapies started while researching alternative treatment options as my eldest child, Kiona, battled with brain cancer. I have served as President of the Kiona T Jenkins Foundation for Natural Health since its inception in 2003. I believe that my background, education, and my experiences in administration, leadership, and fundraising have prepared me to be an effective member of the Board of Directors and a strong advocate for NCIA’s diverse base of professional and business members. I am immensely grateful for this nomination and eager to serve if elected. I am asking for your vote and support in this leadership position and challenge.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Michael Julian

By Michael Julian, HempMedsPX (CA)

I am running for a National Cannabis Industry Association board position because I want to join the campaign to legalize marijuana nationally for two reasons: it is negligent of our legislators to prohibit cannabis from being available to any and all patients that a doctor feels could benefit from treatment with cannabis and, in the most direct terms I can express, I believe that if alcohol is legal than marijuana being illegal is excruciatingly illogical. Without reiterating all of the science that we currently know about cannabis, simply stated it treats illness less expensively and more effectively than many of the high-priced, big pharma drugs on the market today, and all evidence to date points to the conclusion that alcohol, a legal drug that can be purchased in any corner liquor store in America with both state and federal government enjoying the tax revenue, is more physically and psychologically damaging than marijuana. For one to be legal and not the other is hypocritical, illogical and ridiculous.

I am a clean-cut, successful, professional businessman who has responsibly used marijuana recreationally, survived the alleged gateway affects and mind-scrambling and de-motivating influence marijuana is suggested by prohibition advocates to have. I would like to face legislators eye to eye and counter those assertions by exhibiting myself as living proof that marijuana is not the evil weed many of those in my generation grew up being programmed to believe. It is not a matter of IF cannabis will be legal in all 50 states but WHEN. Many people have an aversion to change but change in the legalization of cannabis is eminent. The burden of WHEN is being carried by NCIA and will be successful due to its volunteers’ contributions and efforts. The majority of Americans agree that marijuana should at least be legal for medical use if not completely decriminalized. America is ready for legalization and luckily we have an organization like NCIA to push that agenda. I want to be part of that fight and that is why I am running for the NCIA board.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Aaron Justis

By Aaron Justis, Buds & Roses Collective (CA)

Having joined NCIA in its first year of operation, I have always sought to build and advance the organization. I personally know and respect a majority of its membership, and I am aligned with our common interests for a strong, thriving, and respected cannabis industry. I am seeking your vote for a seat on the NCIA board to raise my involvement in the organization to a new, more powerful level. By sitting on the board, I can better promote cannabis reform and influence how the industry can grow and where it’s headed.

Growing up in Rockford, IL, the third most dangerous city in America, I saw firsthand the negative effects of prohibition and the drug war. I made connections early on between prohibition and many of the dysfunctions in our society. These connections are what put a fire in my belly for change, and it has never gone away.

I believe that with my love for this industry and the patients it supports, my talent as a motivator and promoter with a substantial presence and following on social media, my experience as a lobbyist, and my connections to the entertainment industry, I can help NCIA build its network of power-brokers, celebrities, and other influential stakeholders.

I come to NCIA as an experienced medical cannabis dispensary operator with a successful and proven model. If elected, I will be the only board member to represent Los Angeles, the single largest municipality to regulate medical cannabis and the largest cannabis market in the world. I played a key role in the adoption of those regulations, but I have also worked under the imposition of a ban on distribution, and under “limited immunity,” and I want to bring all of that knowledge and insight to the NCIA board.

I am extremely hard working, focused, and persistent, and will bring these qualities to the NCIA board if elected. I am very excited about this opportunity and I hope to get the chance to work with the great membership of the NCIA board.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Dr. Steven M. Katz

By The Honorable Dr. Steven M. Katz, Budding Enterprise Fund (NY)

Forty years of experience in the business world, science, veterinary medicine,  politics, and the legislature, coupled with the confidence of full national legalization, had brought me to the point where I know I can make a significant contribution as a board member of NCIA. As a New York State Assemblyman I am shepherding my bill to legalize medical marijuana through the state legislature.

I am one of the first elected officials to publicly announced his commitment to the marijuana industry and have shown it by investing broadly within this space. As a legislator in one of the nation’s largest states, I have become a leading spokesman for the many medical benefits of cannabis and for national adult-use legalization.

As a veterinarian,  I founded the Bronx Veterinary Center in 1995, becoming the largest veterinary hospital in the Bronx and one of the largest pit bull practices in the nation.

I have been passionate about the legalization of marijuana for the past 42 years. I view the industry as one of the great private sector job-creators over the next 20 years. I’m summoning all of my experience, passion, and dedication to help formulate policy and develop standards for our industry. I shall continue to be one of the outspoken leaders of our movement. My legislative experience and activism will help move each state over to the legal marijuana side of town.

Becoming a board member of the NCIA would be the culmination of 42 years of passionate belief in the full legalization of this remarkable plant.

I alone uniquely represent the conservative voice nationally for the cannabis industry.

I will continue to hammer on a national basis the themes of our industry following the Great American Entrepreneurial Tradition, the private sector jobs we’re creating, and the revenue we’re generating. I will continue to voice nationally the incredible medical properties this amazing plant possesses.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Kristopher Krane

By Kristopher Krane, 4Front Advisors (AZ)

I’m running for the board of NCIA because I’ve spent my entire career working to bring about an end to cannabis prohibition and to help shepherd a new cannabis industry based on reason, compassion, and sound business practices. For over ten years I worked as an advocate for change on this issue. Starting as a college student when I helped found Students for Sensible Drug Policy, I dedicated my work to this cause, going on to serve as Associate Director of NORML and later as executive director of SSDP.

Unlike many who were motivated to get involved in the cannabis industry strictly by the prospect of making money, I chose to move from advocacy to industry because I saw the influence that private enterprise was having on changing public perception about cannabis and cannabis distribution. When cannabis businesses are well run, they change stereotypes of what cannabis and cannabis distribution can and should look like.

My motivation for forming 4Front Advisors was to enable as many dedicated professionals as possible to open retail facilities that their communities could be proud of. We’ve worked tirelessly to develop best practices and standards that are unmatched in the industry today in furtherance of this goal.

In my work at 4Front Advisors I’ve had the opportunity to assist clients in numerous states around the country, including Arizona, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Washington, D.C.  As such, I have a breadth of understanding of the issues and challenges that cannabis business owners face in different regulatory environments that goes beyond your average cannabis industry entrepreneur.

Having served as a Congressional lobbyist, non-profit executive, and now leader of a major cannabis industry consulting firm, I hope to bring the skills that I have acquired to NCIA to help further the organization’s goals. As a board member, I plan to work closely with NCIA staff and board, many of whom I have known and worked closely with for years, to advocate changes to banking, taxes, state cannabis laws, and eventually an end to prohibition. I would be honored to have your vote.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Jaime Lewis (Incumbent)

By Jaime Lewis, Good Chemistry (CO)

As a business woman and industry advocate, I have been involved in the medical marijuana industry for almost a decade and know first-hand the boundaries, obstacles, and false preconceptions that the industry faces. Gaining support, respect, and legitimacy for our industry takes a unified front to educate and advocate—which is why NCIA’s mission is so important to the future of the industry and my company. I ask for your support to continue to bring my knowledge, experience, and commitment to this process as a board member representing Good Chemistry.

Good Chemistry, a marijuana cultivator and dispensary located in Denver, has been a sustaining member of NCIA for over three years. I am a current board member representing Mountain Medicine – a marijuana-infused product company I founded – which is now an operating company of Good Chemistry.

As a board member of NCIA, I have been a strong supporter of NCIA’s Political Action Committee, which is critical to ensuring our voice is heard in Washington. I was also one of only five NCIA members involved in the association’s funding and hiring of Capitol Counsel — a high-level DC tax policy lobbying firm — to reform the federal tax burden our industry faces. As a passionate industry advocate, I frequently serve as an NCIA speaker to promote the benefits of our industry, participate in industry lobbying visits, and have given a presentation on the industry’s banking access issues at a Capitol Hill Staff Briefing in 2012.

As a board member representing Good Chemistry, I will continue to contribute my diverse perspective and lessons learned from my experience:

  • Founder and owner of a marijuana-infused product company that supplies Good Chemistry and over twenty other dispensaries
  • Chief Operating Officer of Good Chemistry, a medical and adult-use marijuana cultivator and dispensary
  • Key founder and Chair of the Cannabis Business Alliance, the policy voice for the marijuana industry in Colorado
  • Stakeholder in developing medical marijuana regulations in some states that have approved its use for medical purposes where Good Chemistry plans to expand
  • Spokesperson and advocate on behalf of the medical marijuana industry
  • Community relationship-builder to promote corporate citizenship

I pledge to work hard to improve the perception of the industry and to overcome the barriers that will make it a credible, sustainable contributor to the economy. Thanks in advance for your support.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Lance Ott

By Lance Ott, Guardian Data Systems (WA)

A key mission of NCIA is ensuring equal access to banking. Cannabis providers must be afforded the same banking and financial services as any other legitimate business. NCIA has never had a board member with a background in banking and payment processing. I hope to assist NCIA in its efforts by applying my 14 years of banking and payment processing experience as a Certified Payment Professional. We face increasing governmental scrutiny and regulation as well as increased security and compliance requirements; I will strive to bring clarity to the myriad of rules and proposed legislation that has been thrust on our emerging industry.

Guardian Data Systems is a leading provider of electronic transaction processing and services. As a Sustaining Member of NCIA we center our business on assisting our clients to achieve their financial goals through the use of our leading payment processing tools and our financial relationships in the industry. We are also an advocate for our business in the industry and seek to help influence its direction by taking an active part in the legislation and laws that are being developed to shape our industry. Our team, some of whom have over 30 years in the banking and payment industry, actively monitors the merchant acquiring industry and provides leadership through education, advocacy, and the exchange of real information.

Payment professionals need to have unique knowledge of the cannabis industry as well as the challenges and laws shaping its future. They must identify pitfalls and unscrupulous providers, operations keeping business owners safe from prosecution or fines, products and solutions that help maximize their business potential, as well as risk, regulatory, compliance and security matters.

Guardian Data Systems is committed to the cannabis industry and to delivering the truth in this tumultuous growth period of the industry. A key question that we should be asking is “What can we do to protect our members and their businesses?” Guardian Data Systems hopes to help answer those questions as part of the NCIA board.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Erich Pearson (Incumbent)

By Erich Pearson, SPARC (CA)

Our mission at NCIA is to advance and legitimize our industry — through education, improving professionalism, advocating for sound regulations, developing new technology, leveraging each other’s strengths, and learning from mistakes.

We come from all areas of cannabis. Individually, we are sometimes competitors. Together, as members of NCIA, we play for one united team. On this platform, we not only celebrate our individual successes, we advance the industry as a whole through our singular voice.

Serving you on the NCIA board since its founding in 2010, I understand the business from seed to sale, from operations to regulations. I bring a high level of expertise to the board – as a cultivator, dispensary operator, and legislative advisor. I represent the largest state in the union, an internationally recognized dispensary and brand, and some of the most well-engineered cultivation projects in the world.

It takes a team to accomplish great things. That’s why I’m quick to augment my skills with respected experts. I recruited the founder of Peace in Medicine, now Sebastopol Mayor Robert Jacob, to bring SPARC to the next level. We now have a unified team, offer health benefits to our employees, and are expanding to better serve San Francisco patients.

To graduate from good cannabis to great cannabis, large-scale, I brought in Dr. Robby Flannery, Ph.D. and plant biologist. Dr. Robby built and leads our R&D team to optimize crop production via physiological and ecological research in collaboration with UC Davis, and with input from experts at University of Chicago and Cornell. Dr. Robby lends his expertise to the greater herbal community serving on the cannabis nomenclature working group and the cannabis committee of AHPA, the American Herbal Products Association.

And the team keeps growing. We’ve built global alliances by hosting tours at our facility – guests include the Board of the League of California Cities and legislators from Germany. We’ve joined forces with regulatory movers like DPA, MPP, and ASA. And through NCIA, my biggest team is you.

Thank you for doing the great work that’s gotten us this far. It’s been a pleasure serving you.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Luke Ramirez

By Luke Ramirez, Walking Raven Retail and Medical Marijuana Center (CO)

As a board member of the NCIA I will advance the image of business people in the cannabis industry. Through activism and relentless networking with canna-business professionals of Denver, I was introduced to Aaron Smith and the NCIA three years ago. I knew that both of my companies would be joining a short time later. It was an easy decision after observing the organization’s commitment to professionalism and positive media image; they reflected the ideals my companies follow.

I have leveraged my company’s platform to further cannabis advocacy for business professionals, and I’ll use the board seat as further leverage to help our industry gain respect with mainstream businesses and government officials. Last year, my business, Cannabusiness School and Consulting, worked with the NCIA team, traveling to their symposiums in Chicago and Las Vegas, recording the symposium speakers and making their presentations available in an online format for those who could not attend. ( and

My time spent traveling to cannabis events nationwide gives me the perspective of what our industry needs on a national level; not just the needs of my peers locally.  I have been a contributor to charities such as The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the Harm Reduction Action Center; I’ve also contributed to groups such as Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), and the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol (Amendment 64). These activities are an effort to elevate the perception of the cannabis professional. My track record shows that I’m committed to elevating the image of the cannabis community, willing to volunteer my time and resources.

The reputation I’ve earned in our community as a dispensary owner comes from my ability to build relationships and get involved with multiple trade groups, both locally with groups such as the Marijuana Industry Group and nationally with the National Cannabis Industry Association. I am very much a team player, and interested in the image and longevity of our industry; you can count on me to make decisions based off our needs as a whole and not my business’s agenda. Don’t hesitate to ask folks in our industry!

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Michael Roberts

By Michael Roberts, MPS International (CA)

I am running for a National Cannabis Industry Association board position to support the legalization of marijuana. I have seen and heard testimony from many sources as to the medical effectiveness of cannabis. With such overwhelming support for legalization seen across the country, and my desire to ease the suffering of persons in need through proven methods, I feel it is imperative I join forces with like-minded individuals to do my part.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Ean Seeb (Incumbent)

By Ean Seeb, Denver Relief (CO)

I have been a part of the medical marijuana industry for over eight years. I am a co-founder and co-owner of Denver Relief and Denver Relief Consulting. Those businesses also have equity in Cannabis Talks and Extract Outfitters, all of which are members of NCIA. My relationship with NCIA goes back to the very beginning in early 2011, as Denver Relief is a founding member. Denver Relief also requires all the Colorado licensed vendors that we do business with to be members of NCIA.

For the past two years I have had the honor of serving NCIA as the Vice Chair and currently reside as Chair. During that time, I have brought more members to NCIA than any other individual or company. This numbers into the dozens. Between my business partners and myself, our member referrals are approaching fifty.

I have attended almost every NCIA event in Denver and have traveled to Nevada, Massachusetts, Oregon, California, Washington, and Washington  D.C., all in the name of our organization. I have lobbied Congress on three separate occasions and represented NCIA and Colorado at congressional briefings with our elected officials on Capitol Hill.

My momentum is just getting started with NCIA. Much progress has been made in the past two years but much more needs to be done. I have focused much of my own time on the banking issues we face as an industry. I’ve worked hard to educate members of Congress about the difficulties we face as small business owners. I’ve urged our colleagues to join our ranks and help grow our organization so we can continue to make big steps in ending cannabis prohibition as we know it. With your vote, I can continue to work hard for all of us in the hopes that our cannabis businesses will one day be treated like any other regular business in the United States.

Thank you.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Steven Siegel

By Steven Siegel, BioTrackTHC (FL)

Mr. Siegel aims to help legitimize the cannabis industry through providing cutting-edge technology that brings transparency, accountability, and security to cannabis operations. The Department of Justice, in the fall of 2013, in summary stated that they would not interfere with state-approved cannabis activity should the state “build a strong and effective regulatory and enforcement system,” a key piece of which is a robust and accurate cannabis inventory and sales tracking system. The quality of Mr. Siegel’s cannabis traceability system for the State of Washington has catapulted both the technology and the conversation into the national spotlight—with both supporters and detractors of cannabis legalization expressing support for such a solution. In fact, demonstrations of the traceability system to U.S. congressmen and other high-level government personnel have garnered additional political support and catalyzed progress for the industry as a whole. (The 2/14/2014 Department of Treasury guidance regarding banking services to cannabis businesses was issued shortly after one such demonstration.)

Mr. Siegel’s technology is at the forefront of cannabis transparency, and he is seeking a seat on the NCIA board to bring his unique position and experience to serve the industry. BioTrackTHC’s position as the only company providing cannabis tracking services to both the private and public sectors and Mr. Siegel’s extensive experience in politics will continue to open many opportunities to further the industry’s forward motion. We wish to bring these new inroads to NCIA and to further the inroads NCIA already has.

The federal government is looking for ways to allow for financial institutions to do business with cannabis businesses while minimizing the risk of money laundering. BioTrackTHC has a solution. State governments need assurance that if they legalize cannabis in some form, they will have expert advice as to how to structure their market properly and in compliance with the DOJ’s guidance. BioTrackTHC is already providing that. Cannabis operators are looking for ways to show that they are responsible, tax-paying business leaders. BioTrackTHC can make that a reality.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

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