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Northern Emeralds


Searcher and new frontier pioneer with an unbridled passion shaped in the legacy of a Formula One race car driver and 1980’s smuggler father.  Raised in Mexico, and legally emancipated at 13, Cody took a bold leap moving to a new country on his own, and came of age in the coastal fog of the hidden hills of Humboldt. These are the building blocks of a cannabis community and industry partner, leader and advocate.

Founder and CEO of California’s finest purveyor of craft cannabis, Cody leads a passionate team of 100 Northern Emeralds artisanal cultivators and manicurists, customer service concierge, drivers, club relationship managers and a select syndicate of independent Humboldt craft cultivators. Has cultivated many mutually beneficial relationships with an ever-broadening group of Southern and Northern California’s finest medical dispensaries.

Join the movement

NCIA is leading the cannabis industry's unified and coordinated campaign to ensure our business sector is treated fairly and has the opportunity to reach its full potential. Now - more than ever - is the time to invest in your business and the future of the industry by becoming a member.

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