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Committee Blog: Don’t Wipe Out – Riding the Wave of Cannabis Standardization
By Bethany Moore
October 4, 2021
/ Education

Committee Blog: Don’t Wipe Out – Riding the Wave of Cannabis Standardization

by NCIA’s Facilities Design Committee

Staying ahead of the quick rollout of state, national, and international cannabis regulations is a huge and complex challenge. The patchwork of more than three dozen (and counting) different state regulatory regimes remains disconnected as cannabis remains federally illegal as a Schedule I drug. The framework of regulations and standards that guides allied sectors such as Foods, Dietary Supplements, Pharmaceuticals, or Tobacco is just beginning to take shape. Where do you look for guidance? How do you choose how to invest, how to design your operation, and how to produce?

There are a number of considerations and industry-relevant organizations to become familiar with when looking to conduct business in the cannabis space. In doing so, businesses can operate more successfully and mitigate risk. Risk should not be underestimated – many cultivation and manufacturing facilities will fall seriously short of the expectations of agencies such as the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), if risk, both business and consumer health and safety, is not considered upfront. Market pressures will build quickly as brand-savvy companies with significant capital and operational expertise enter the field. One way to avoid wiping out – is looking to national and international standards, guidelines and regulations already in place. For a comprehensive list of relevant standards regulatory bodies, refer to our recent blog post here.

As standards continue to be developed by industry experts for adoption by regulators, businesses can be empowered to run their operations with more predictability and reliability knowing that they demonstrate compliance with approved industry guidelines. Laboratories will have access to valid test methods and reference materials. Equipment specifications will require globally accepted certification marks or labels (such as CE or UL) which ensures safety and longevity of operations.

What is the cost of not adhering to established standards?

A simple batch loss can easily exceed tens of thousands of dollars of lost product, let alone the damage to your brand, labor costs surrounding rework, and relationships with your clients. Crop and batch losses due to subpar equipment sourcing, processes that are not validated, and worse – risk of fines or losing your license are all symptoms of a business lacking standardization.

Credible standards – they are data-driven, go through a rigorous and transparent process. In most cases, these standards were developed with input and guidance from federal and international regulatory agencies.

Here is the snapshot today. Read it fast, because it may be out of date next month: 

The NCIA has several relevant committees sharing best practices and developing guidance for our industry.

ASTM International, one of the oldest and most recognized Standards Development Organizations (SDO) formed Committee D37 on Cannabis in 2017, and has already approved over 25 standards that provide guidance on key areas such as: 

AOAC International, another 100+ year old SDO has a Cannabis Analytical Science Program (CASP) where cannabis standards and methods have also been developed – principally in the area of product standard method performance requirements (SMPRs) and methods of analysis such as:

You don’t have to put your business at risk of wiping out! The resources that NCIA Committees continue to create have your best interest in mind. Stay tuned to ensure you have the latest resources and guidance!

Video: NCIA Today – October 1, 2021

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