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Why Lobby Days Are Important To Me
March 10, 2016

Why Lobby Days Are Important To Me

by Michael Correia, NCIA Director of Government Relations

As the remaining days of winter wind down, each new day brings added excitement for me as we look forward to spring and NCIA’s 6th Annual Lobby Days, being held May 12th and 13th. Lobby Days has always been a highlight of my year, as it gives me an opportunity to meet our wonderful members from around the country and to showcase our industry to members of Congress.

Michael Correia, NCIA's Director of Government Relations
Michael Correia, NCIA’s Director of Government Relations

Before joining the NCIA team in 2013, I spent more than 15 years working on Capitol Hill. One aspect that I will always remember is seeing all the interest groups converging on Capitol Hill to hold their individual lobby days and advocate for a particular issue. It gave me, as a congressional staffer, the opportunity to see first-hand who supported (or opposed) certain policy issues and to gain a thorough understanding about those particular issues, making the issue personal to me. As we get nearer to NCIA’s Lobby Days, it’s very important for you to find the time, make the sacrifice, become politically engaged, and ensure your voice is heard as we put a personal face on this industry.

For most NCIA members, cannabis reform is the number-one policy issue, but for congressional offices, it is only one of hundreds of issues they tackle on a regular basis. When NCIA members show up for Lobby Day, the marijuana issue is no longer theoretical, but personal.

It is the child with epilepsy, it is the returning vet with PTSD, it is the grandparent with cancer, or the parent dealing with chronic pain.

It is the local business owner, paying taxes, and providing jobs.

It is “regular” people asking congressional offices to support an issue that is broadly supported in the district.

There is no easy way to say it, but politicians are risk-averse and take the path of least resistance. It is much easier for them to support an issue that is broadly “accepted” rather than what is perceived to be a “fringe” issue.  Putting a face to our cause is so important to changing Congress’ perception of our industry.

If you follow the news, you know that Congress has gotten so polarized that it’s becoming harder and harder for them to pass basic legislation – even funding our nation’s budget. With all the issues going on in the world today, it is easy for political leaders to just forget about an issue and leave it to the side. Political change does not happen in a vacuum; it takes active engagement and continual struggle to achieve success. Our issue will not be swept aside and forgotten. Between the presidential election and so many states having ballot initiatives, 2016 is sure to be a truly historic year for cannabis reform. It is imperative that the next president continue on with the previous administration’s policies on cannabis (and do even more). The best way to ensure continual progress is having Congress affirm what is already happening at the state level and continue supporting pro-cannabis legislation in larger and larger majorities.

The National Cannabis Industry Association's 5th Annual Lobby Days in Washington, D.C.
NCIA’s 5th Annual Lobby Days in Washington, D.C.

My goal has always been to build up the kind of respected, professional, effective government relations effort that every other industry in America has and that our members can be proud of, but I can’t do that without your help. My job in Washington, D.C., is not mutually exclusive to what is happening at the local level. When I walk into an office to discuss our issues, it’s always refreshing when they say “we’ve been hearing from our constituents on this issue.”

In addition to having your voice heard and putting a legitimate face on our industry, attending Lobby Days gives you an opportunity to meet our government relations office and witness first-hand what we are trying to accomplish at the federal level, along with meeting other cannabis reformers from around the country. This is just one part of our journey. Being professional. Being effective. Being heard. To help achieve all of our goals, I need your help. Please find the time to make sure your voice is heard and join us for Lobby Days.

Make your voice heard alongside your industry peers at this year’s Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in Washington, D.C., on May 12-13.

Register before April 30 and you’ll be entered to win admission and travel expenses for two at NCIA’s Cannabis Business Summit & Expo, including airfare and lodging at the Oakland Marriott Convention Center June 20th through 22nd. The winner will be announced at Lobby Days, and you must be present to win.

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VIDEO: 1 minute, 12 cities, a million reasons to join NCIA’s Cannabis Caucuses

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