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April 6, 2017

Member Blog: 5 Critical Keys to Cannabiz Marketing Success

by Lisa Hansen, VP and GM of Plaid Cannabis Marketing

plaidcannabisIt’s such a thrilling time to be an up and coming cannabis company. And if you’re looking to build a brand, it’s also a critical time to ensure you’re making all the right moves to build a solid brand foundation that can ensure you capture market share. The cannabis “brandscape” holds a lot of opportunity, if you use the right approach.

Here are 5 of the most critical keys to achieving your brand objectives.

1) Establish a compelling, differentiated brand

Communicate your brand vision by stopping customers in their tracks with killer design, then close the deal with messages that motivate shoppers to become customers.

2) Be agile, move fast

Buckle up partner because this industry is in the middle of a gold rush, and that demands flexibility so you can quickly address market and regulatory changes.

3) Get certified, test every product

We all know the hot topics here but the real question is: which brands will step up and lead the way to creating and adhering to valid standards for safe cannabis cultivation and consumption?

4) Grow your channels

Retail, wholesale or anything in between requires a channel strategy, and more importantly, effective tactics that drive response. Focused B2B marketing is critical – even in the age of Snapchat.

5) Show your digital prowess

Sure, social media has it’s place in cannabis. But the brands that will win the land grab are the ones that integrate digital mojo so they stand out in the crowded online marketplace.

From foundation building to execution, the number one key to success is to define clear objectives, identify your best resources (internal and external consultants, vendors and partners), measure results and continually adapt.

A little bit of planning goes a long way. Don’t skip this critical step.

Lisa Hansen - VP, GM Plaid Cannabiz MarketingLisa Hansen has more than 15 years of marketing experience, working across a wide range of industries, from technology to packaged goods. At Plaid Cannabiz and its parent company, McDill Associates, she leads business development as well as execution of client marketing programs. Lisa is known for her sound strategic thinking, and excellent writing and presentation skills. An information junkie, she is a voracious reader, making her a valuable information resource for our clients. She stays on top of the rapidly changing cannabiz trends to drive innovative marketing strategies and programs.

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