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Free SEO Audit from a New Star in Cannabis Marketing
By Bethany Moore
July 22, 2021

Free SEO Audit from a New Star in Cannabis Marketing

MjSEO, a new name in cannabis SEO, is offering comprehensive audits of cannabis sites in the US. The agency’s analysis helps businesses optimize promotional strategies for better profitability. The agency has announced that these services are now available free of charge. 

MjSEO helps companies create efficient marketing strategies. Its services help them achieve the best measurable results despite the existing restrictions, such as the ban of PPC advertising. The audit includes an overview of the current ranking and efficiency of SEO, as well as digital marketing tactics. It is free for all providers of cannabis and cannabis-derived products, from medical and recreational dispensaries to accessory producers to transporters. 

The purpose of the audit is to determine how well a website performs, and what practices can boost its popularity and profitability. MjSEO experts examine a broad range of aspects. Their analysis pinpoints content gaps and opportunities, revealing issues related to:

  • Technical SEO 
  • On-page SEO 
  • Website structure 
  • User experience 
  • Potential problems off-site 

This ‘health check’ delivers actionable marketplace insights, as the agency identifies current obstacles for sales. The conclusions and recommendations may be used to expand reach and profitability through better national and local SEO, as well as link building. 

MjSEO, a member of the NHA, NCIA, and California NORML, exclusively focuses on SEO strategies for the cannabis segment. It offers tailored services, including customer needs analysis and SEO. Its customers have seen their traffic surge and their websites have risen to the top of search engine rankings. The company’s personalized promotional tactics help companies thrive in the digital space. 

For more information:


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