Politico Influence: Jobs Jobs Jobs, and Fly-Ins

The National Cannabis Industry Association is lobbying on the Hill today and tomorrow. The trade association says it has over 100 pros in the legal marijuana industry meeting with congressional staffers on giving their businesses access to banking, lowering their tax rates and handing control of pot law over to the states.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/politico-influence/2016/05/mclarty-for-kurds-214266


In collaboration with a new startup, the National Cannabis Industry Association is offering its members data on the fairly new industry—information that has been hard to come by.

The legal cannabis industry—still going strong in Colorado and other states—is starting to embrace analytics.

And now a new collaboration between the National Cannabis Industry Association and an industry startup is ensuring that businesses in the state will have access.

Read more: http://associationsnow.com/2016/05/cannabis-associations-latest-member-benefit-industry-analytics/

Boulder Daily Camera: Boulder’s BDS Analytics partners with National Cannabis Industry Association

Boulder-based BDS Analytics has partnered with the National Cannabis Industry Association in a deal that will give members access to cannabis industry data and market reports.

Beginning in June, NCIA’s nearly 1,000 member businesses will receive free interactive access to market and category-level sales data compiled by BDS’ sales tracking software. Reports will cover insights such as market size and growth, dollar and unit volume, retail price trends and shifts in category mix.

“We hear from our members all the time that one of their biggest challenges is the scarcity of reliable market intelligence and data in the industry,” said Aaron Smith, executive director of NCIA, the largest cannabis trade association in the U.S. “Being able to offer this kind of data as an included benefit of NCIA membership is incredibly valuable.”

Read more: http://www.dailycamera.com/boulder-business/ci_29848188/boulders-bds-analytics-partners-national-cannabis-industry-association


Washington City Paper: At the National Cannabis Festival, a Celebration of Pot and Prince

An education pavilion by the entrance had a lot to offer, kicking the day off with a yoga session, followed by discussions and demonstrations about cannabis growing and consumption. One of the more well-attended sessions was the National Cannabis Industry Association-sponsored CannaTank competition, wherein four finalists of a cannabis entrepreneurs contest pitched a panel of judges—one of them, At-Large Councilmember David Grosso—for a chance to win $1,000 toward their company. The winner was the Ardent NOVA precision decarboxylator, a thermos-like device that ensures you get the maximum potential THC yield from your bud.

Read more: http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/arts/blog/13082983/at-the-national-cannabis-festival-a-celebration-of-pot-and-prince

Business Insider: This could be the No. 1 problem facing legal weed businesses in America

While this is an inconvenience for consumers, who must pay for their legal highs in cash, it’s a much bigger problem for private marijuana growers and distributors.

“A lot of people hear ‘cash only’ and think that means they can’t accept credit cards,” Taylor West, the director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, told ThinkProgress . “That’s true, but the real complications come on the backend. You’re paying your staff in cash, your utility bills, your mortgages, and your taxes. Not being able to handle these transactions electronically is just incredibly difficult.”

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/no-1-problem-facing-legal-weed-businesses-2016-4

5280: Meet the Marijuana Consultants Growing an Industry

The newly dubbed Canna Advisors helped their clients get three of 20 medical marijuana licenses in Massachusetts; the state eventually revoked nine of those, but all three Canna clients were spared, largely because they’d filed everything properly and had strong business plans. Since then Canna has expanded its services to entrepreneurs in about five other states, with more to come. They also were early members of the National Cannabis Industry Association, and part of their work involves lobbying Congress about changes to marijuana laws. Lately they’ve begun fielding calls from potential international clients, and with some form of marijuana legalization on the ballot this year in numerous states, the Czarkowskis are anticipating another boom.

Read more: http://www.5280.com/digital/2016/04/meet-marijuana-consultants-growing-industry

Yahoo Finance: Why 4/20 Is a $40 Billion Day

Those are the primary industries and they are looking for people – engineers, developers, marketers, truck drivers, finance gurus, equipment operators, growers…the list goes on. And I’m not including the many ancillary industries that will see significant profits from the pot business over the coming decade. For example, the board members of the National Cannabis Industry Association, a trade group and event organizer whose mission is “to promote the growth of a responsible and legitimate cannabis industry and work for a favorable social, economic, and legal environment for that industry in the United States” includes the owners of dispensaries, attorneys, healthcare professionals, researchers and academics.  Look for these numbers to grow and watch this organization expand (and likely face more competitive organizations) as the marijuana industry explodes.

Read more: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-4-20-40-billion-123200811.html

The Morning Call (PA): Medical marijuana business will be big business

In Pennsylvania, patients will need a license to buy the drug and doctors will need to undergo training and apply for a license to prescribe it. Patients won’t be able to smoke the drug; it will only be available in the form of pills, oils, topical gels, creams or ointments. The plant’s active ingredient could also be prescribed in liquid form with a vaporizer or nebulizer

That’s a potential downside, said Taylor West, spokeswoman for the National Cannabis Industry Association.

“That is not a deal-breaker, but in general our position is that if you want patients to have access to the benefit of medical marijuana, you shouldn’t be limiting the type of product that provides them with relief,” he said.

Read more: http://www.mcall.com/news/nationworld/pennsylvania/mc-pa-medical-marijuana-business-20160415-story.html

International Business Times: Marijuana Could Soon Be Rescheduled As A Less Dangerous Drug By The DEA, So Why Aren’t Cannabis Proponents Excited?

But as many marijuana supporters point out, shifting cannabis to Schedule II would not solve the biggest problems facing the nascent marijuana industry. Many unique barriers for marijuana research would still remain, such as the fact that all cannabis for such studies has to be obtained, via a lengthy and complicated approval process, from a single marijuana grow at the University of Mississippi that’s administered by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). “The big issue is Ole Miss’ marijuana monopoly, and this wouldn’t fix that at all,” said drug-policy expert Mark Kleiman, a professor of public policy at the New York University Marron Institute of Urban Management.

Then there’s the fact that the biggest headaches afflicting marijuana businesses, such as a lack of banking services and sky-high tax rates thanks to IRS section 280E, which prohibits drug dealers from deducting the costs of selling illicit substances, are due to laws that cover drugs in both Schedules I and II of the CSA. “Moving it to Schedule II really doesn’t accomplish a lot, and frankly it is not scientifically supportable,” said Taylor West, deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association. “From a business perspective, it is unclear [if] it would have any impact on the banking situation, and it is specifically clear it would not have any impact on the 280E situation.”

Read more: http://www.ibtimes.com/marijuana-could-soon-be-rescheduled-less-dangerous-drug-dea-so-why-arent-cannabis-2353217

MarijuanaPolitics.com: NCIA’s Aaron Smith Giving Federal Law Update at the OMBC

It is clear that the states have led the way on cannabis law reform and that the federal government is playing catch-up. However, there are new and upcoming developments at the federal level that impact the cannabis industry. In many ways, Oregon, with representation from Earl Blumenauer, Jeff Merkley, Ron Wydenand Suzanne Bonamici, is leading the way at the federal level, so it makes sense for Aaron Smith, Executive Director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, to update Oregon entrepreneurs at the Oregon Marijuana Business Conference on April 24th.

Read more: http://marijuanapolitics.com/ncias-aaron-smith-giving-federal-law-update-ombc/

L.A. Weekly: Here’s Who’s Likely to Reap the Benefits of Recreational Marijuana in California

“Legalized pot creates opportunities across the spectrum,” says Taylor West, deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association. “When an industry of this size comes in, it impacts construction, retail, accounting, the legal field, food, food testing (of marijuana edibles), licensing fees, taxes, banking. California makes up 50 percent of the national market just on medical marijuana alone. If [recreational use] passes, it’s going to mark a significant shift in the center of gravity within the industry.”

Read more: http://www.laweekly.com/news/here-s-who-s-likely-to-reap-the-benefits-of-recreational-marijuana-in-california-6815468

Cannabis Radio: NBA’s Cliff Robinson on Marijuana, Bulls vs. Warriors

Cannabis Radio News attended the 2nd quarter Oregon Cannabis Caucus, held by the National Cannabis Industry Association, in Portland, Oregon, tonight.

In attendance was Cliff Robinson, the NBA All-Star who played in two Finals with the Portland Trail Blazers in the 1990s. Robinson is the man behind the Uncle Spliffy brand, a play on his NBA nickname, Uncle Cliffy. Robinson’s company will be marketing a line of cannabis-infused products aimed at athletes to reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness.

Read more: http://www.cannabisradio.com/news/nbas-cliff-robinson-on-marijuana-bulls-vs-warriors/

Associated Press: New Jersey law would allow pot use for menstrual cramps

Taylor West, the deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, a nonprofit trade group, said she’s not aware of any other state that specifically list cramps as an ailment authorized for medical marijuana use. But she said that it has likely been prescribed for menstrual cramps in states where doctors have more leeway in prescribing medical marijuana.

Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-jersey-law-would-allow-pot-use-for-menstrual-cramps/

Denver Post: Cannabis Caucus in Denver on April 21 will update pot pros on policy

The National Cannabis Industry Association will update marijuana professionals on the latest policy and industry developments at a conference April 21 in Denver.

The event, dubbed the Cannabis Caucus, is intended to connect local pot-business leaders and inform them about the newest industry issues.

Read more: http://www.denverpost.com/2016/04/08/cannabis-caucus-in-denver-on-april-21-will-update-pot-pros-on-policy/

Florida Politics: National Cannabis Industry Association scheduled to host Florida Cannabis Caucus in Miami

The Cannabis Caucus is headed to South Florida.

The National Cannabis Industry Association will host a Florida Cannabis Caucus on April 14 in Miami. The organization’s quarterly caucus event will be held at the Marseilles Hotel, and will feature Ben Pollara, campaign manager for the United for Care ballot initiative.

The National Cannabis Industry Association is a national trade association aimed at advancing the interests of “the legitimate and responsible cannabis industry,” according to its website. The association’s Cannabis Caucus event series is meant to educate attendees, provide policy briefings and give companies a chance to meet with industry leaders.

Read more: http://floridapolitics.com/archives/206370-national-cannabis-industry-association-scheduled-host-florida-cannabis-caucus-miami

Denver Post: Rescheduling marijuana: DEA says decision on tap in first half of 2016

Dropping marijuana even further down into Schedule III — home to drugs such as ketamine — potentially would help marijuana businesses by allowing them to take a tax deduction that sellers trafficking in higher-schedule substances cannot claim, said Taylor West of the National Cannabis Industry Association.

But rescheduling marijuana would not make those businesses legal under federal law, nor would it give them access to banking.

“It is certainly possible they would just continue to operate at odds with the federal system,” West said of marijuana businesses.

Read more: http://www.thecannabist.co/2016/04/06/dea-marijuana-rescheduling-decision-2016/51527/

Huffington Post: Anti-Drug Senators Criticized For ‘Sham’ Hearing On Legal Marijuana

No one at the hearing spoke in favor of reforming marijuana laws. Pro-legalization groups chided Grassley for not holding hearings on Senate legislation that would legalize marijuana for medical use and re-schedule the substance as a less dangerous drug.

“Grassley may be stuck in the past, but the rest of us are not. It’s time for him to do his job and hold real hearings on real legislation that could make a real difference for patients and providers across the country,” said Aaron Smith of the National Cannabis Industry Association.

Read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/senate-hearing-marijuana_us_57041367e4b0daf53af13d3d

Politico Influence: High Times on Capitol Hill

The marijuana industry is blazing up, Timothy J. Burger writes in DuJour. The National Cannabis Industry Association has signed on both Heather Podesta + Partners and Republican law firm Jochum Shore & Trossevin to boost its presence on the Hill. The five-year-old association also has an in-house lobbyist, former Director of Federal Affairs at the American Legislative Exchange Council Michael Correia. Together, Podesta, Correia and others working for NCIA held about 50 meetings on Capitol Hill in the second half of 2015. Though groups like the George Soros-backed Drug Policy Alliance, the Marijuana Policy Project, Americans for Safe Access and even the ACLU and NORML have been advocating for legalization and medical marijuana access for years, NCIA is all business: The group is working on issues like tax deductions and allowing marijuana companies to use banks.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/politico-influence/2016/04/spb-for-duke-uga-ncec-returns-gms-bhuta-to-bockorny-213543

Marijuana Business Daily: CBD, Marijuana Banking and General Cannabis Reform: Q&A With NCIA’s Taylor West

Before landing her current job as deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, Taylor West spent more than a decade working in national politics, including four years in Washington DC.

During that time, West gained insight she can use today to assess the likelihood of federal change on the cannabis front.

Marijuana Business Daily sat down with West recently to get her thoughts on how the 2016 election could impact the cannabis industry and the chances of meaningful MJ reform for businesses.

Read more: http://mjbizdaily.com/cbd-marijuana-banking-and-general-cannabis-reform-qa-with-ncias-taylor-west/

DuJour: Inside the Surprisingly Sober World of the Pot Lobby

For the weed industry, NCIA is a new type of Washington player, in part because the group focuses on the commercial aspect of the marijuana trade. “We want to show a different face of the industry, the growing small-business, job-creating, entrepreneurial side of the industry,” says Michael Correia, the group’s in-house lobbyist. “A constant, recurring theme we hear from members of Congress is they think it’s great to have the industry represented by professional lobbyists, and they think the message on the banking issue and the tax issue is a lot easier for members to understand and support.”

Together with Correia, Podesta and NCIA’s other hired guns would hold some 50 meetings on Capitol Hill after signing on in the second half of 2015.

Read more: http://dujour.com/news/legal-marijuana-lobbying-washington-dc/

The Weed Blog: Check Out One Of NCIA’s Quarterly Cannabis Caucuses In April

I have attended a handful of National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) events, and literally every single one of them have been educational, empowering, and were fantastic for networking opportunities. NCIA does an outstanding job of advocating for its members and the cannabis industry as a whole, which is why I have always supported them. They also hire a lot of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) alumni, which is always a smart move and a surefire way to improve any organization or company.

One type of NCIA event that I haven’t attended yet is one of their ‘Quarterly Cannabis Caucuses.’ The first round of caucuses took place in January, and I heard from several people that they were amazing. I am going to try as hard as I can to get up to the Portland caucus on April 12th to check it out. Looking at some of the people that have been talking about it on social media, it is shaping up to be an amazing event.

Read more: http://www.theweedblog.com/check-out-one-of-ncias-quarterly-cannabis-caucuses-in-april/

The Weed Blog: What Makes A Marijuana Industry Event Better Than Others?

There are two events coming up that I’m going to specifically try to get to. The OMMBC is coming back to Eugene in April. I had a ton of fun last year, and I’m looking forward to hopefully being able to attend this year. The other is the Cannabis Business Summit put on by NCIA. There’s a brochure that you can download for the Cannabis Business Summit by going to this link here and signing up for it. That event is taking place in Oakland in June, and that’s an event that I absolutely want to get to. I’ve been to a lot of local NCIA events and some other celebrations, but I have a feeling that this summit is going to be particularly outstanding.

Read more: http://www.theweedblog.com/what-makes-a-marijuana-industry-event-better-than-others/

Arizona Daily Star: Cracks appear as medical-pot licenses up for grabs

As new medical-marijuana programs learn from other states’ experiences, disputes likely will lessen, said Taylor West, deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association.

“We are in a process of transition from a completely underground market to a sort of in-between market, to now in some states a fully legal market,” she said.

She expects future regulatory frameworks to require common business practices, such as written contracts and up-to-date record keeping.

Still, “anyone getting into this industry is kind of signing up for a bit of a roller coaster ride.”

Read more: http://tucson.com/news/cracks-appear-as-medical-pot-licenses-go-up-for-grabs/article_ded152b8-769f-52ee-802a-996b2c5a2444.html

The Hill: Defying ‘outsider’ label, some lobbyists give to Trump, Cruz and Sanders

Sanders often touts receiving small-donor donations that average about $27, and the contributions from lobbyists don’t deviate much from that. While some on K Street reported writing checks ranging in size between $25 and $250, the biggest donation Sanders received from a lobbyist last year was $500.

The lobbyist behind that $500 donation was Michael Correia, the director of government relations for the National Cannabis Industry Association.

Correia said he made the contribution because Sanders has been the most positive candidate about the drug reform movement — including criminal justice sentencing reform.

He cut a check for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who suspended his race for the White House earlier this month, for the same reason.

“My job is basically representing the cannabis industry on Capitol Hill,” he said. “Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders have been the biggest vocal advocates for the movement in general.”

Read more: http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/business-a-lobbying/270682-only-a-few-lobbyists-give-to-2016-outsiders

McClatchy: Will California pot legalization survive the presidential election?

Taylor West, deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, a trade group for the industry, said most presidential candidates either support legal marijuana or want to leave it to the states.

“I think we’re looking at a scenario where, if California passes an adult use initiative and commits to developing a regulated program, the likelihood is that they will be able to move forward,” West said.

Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article60885312.html

New Cannabis Ventures: Leading Illinois Cannabis Cultivator Cresco Labs Looks to Expand

Cresco Labs CEO Charlie Bachtell and award-winning chef Mindy Segal, owner of Hot Chocolate restaurant in Chicago, teamed up recently on a line of edibles. The two discussed their excitement over their partnership, which came to fruition somewhat unplanned. Bachtell, who is looking to expand beyond Illinois, where it holds three cultivation licenses, credits his success to the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA).

Read more: https://www.newcannabisventures.com/leading-illinois-cannabis-cultivator-cresco-labs-looks-to-expand/

The Weed Blog: Barney Frank To The Marijuana Industry: “Thank You For Being Responsible”

Today was one of those days that I had to pinch myself because I felt so lucky. I got to attend a brunch fundraiser for legendary United States Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), who has fought for the cannabis reform movement for a very long time, and continues that support as more states allow a thriving cannabis industry to exist by leading the charge in Congress. The fundraiser was hosted by the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA). Speaking at the fundraiser was another individual that led the charge for many, many years in Congress. That individual was former Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA).

Read more: http://www.theweedblog.com/barney-frank-to-the-marijuana-industry-thank-you-for-being-responsible/

The Weed Blog: NCIA Releases 280E Guide To Help Marijuana Businesses During Tax Season

Taxes can be confusing, especially when it comes to 280E. I am by no means a tax expert, but there are fortunately others out there that are. The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) recently released a 280E white paper document that provides a ton of information about 280E. It answers frequently asked questions, such as basic ones like ‘What Is Section 280E?’

Read more: http://www.theweedblog.com/ncia-280e-marijuana-businesses-tax-season/

Huffington Post: There’s A New Bob Marley Brand Trying To Make Cannabis Upscale

The company’s business strategy is indicative of how the market has matured, said Taylor West, deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association.

“There is an increasing emphasis on developing a brand identity for your product,” West said. “Marley Natural is appealing to people who haven’t necessarily been cannabis consumers for a long time, and are looking for customers who aren’t just the pop culture stereotypes.”

While Marley Natural isn’t the first brand to try that approach, “they have the potential to be very influential in that space,” West said.

While philanthropic efforts can add a sheen to a business’ image, they’re a crucial part of being in the cannabis industry, West noted.

“More than other industries, this is built on a movement. A lot of the industry pioneers started on the advocacy side, so it’s important to a lot of people in this industry that we don’t lose sight of that.”

West called Marley Natural’s RiseUp initiative a “smart move.”

“Depending on where you live, you can still be arrested for being part of this industry,” West said. Buying and cultivating marijuana is still illegal in many U.S. states and under federal law. “There are still a lot of people in jail or with criminal records because of this plant,” she said. “It’s important that this business not forget that.”

Read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bob-marley-cannabis-brand_us_56afb102e4b057d7d7c7add6


From a numbers standpoint, beer looks like it has little to stress over. Though U.S. marijuana sales have risen since 2012, estimates for 2016 are in the $4 billion range. By comparison, beer brings in around $100 billion each year. But the marijuana industry believes it potentially has an ace up its sleeve, pushing pot as a healthier and safer alternative to drinking. “If people are replacing some amount of alcohol with cannabis consumption, it is a net positive for public health,” Taylor West of the National Cannabis Industry Association told Quartz.

Read more: http://www.foodandwine.com/fwx/drink/should-beer-be-worried-about-marijuana-cutting-its-sales

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