February 8, 2016

NCIA’s High-Impact Quarterly Cannabis Caucuses – Q1 Photos and Feedback

Last week we wrapped up the first quarter of our newly established event series, the Quarterly Cannabis Caucuses. Thanks so much to the nearly 500 members, speakers, supporters, and volunteers that engaged with NCIA’s federal advocacy work at caucuses in twelve cities across the country!

Take a look at these photo highlights and member testimonials from the first quarter and get registered for the Q2 Cannabis Caucuses, coming in April!

The National Cannabis Industry Association's First Quarterly Colorado Cannabis Caucus

“Last night we attended the National Cannabis Industry Association meeting and were reminded about the crucial importance of advocacy in this election year. The continued reform of our drug laws and the nation’s growing access to cannabis is not a given.
Kiva Confections


“I had the pleasure of attending both the Denver and Las Vegas NCIA caucuses and can’t begin to say enough good things. The content, location, and format were on point. I got to catch up with lots of colleagues, who were able to introduce me to prospective customers, and I was also able to meet several new entrants to the industry. I made amazing business connections and was able to set up 5 meetings for the following day.”
Amanda Ostrowitz, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, CannaReg§

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“Last night at NCIA’s Quarterly Cannabis Caucus, I opened it up by expressing the importance of national advocacy. We all know the importance of local and state advocacy but the biggest threat to my business is 280E. This is the IRS tax code that does not allow dispensaries to write off ANY expenses. We just want to be treated like every other small business in America. This tax theft will happen every year until the tax code changes. Simply put, the IRS has robbed me and my patients. This is just one reason why federal law MUST CHANGE. Get involved, get active, and join the National Cannabis Industry Association.”
 – Aaron Justis, Buds & Roses

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Looking for downloadable versions of the information we provided at the first round of Cannabis Caucuses? Check out our Cannabis Caucus Resources page.

The next events in the Quarterly Cannabis Caucus series will come to you in April. So check out the dates below, mark your calendar, and register online now by visiting the NCIA Events page!

Q2 QCC CalendarHave any feedback from an event you attended? Want to suggest a particular topic you would like covered at our next Cannabis Caucus in your area? Fill out our short attendee survey to provide us with valuable feedback we’ll use to improve future events.

Interested in sponsoring an upcoming Cannabis Caucus in your area or a series of events across the country? Check out our Cannabis Caucus sponsorship guide which outlines pricing and benefits, as well as discounts on packages for our third annual Cannabis Business Summit & Expo taking place this year in Oakland, June 20-22.

See you at the next Caucus!

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NCIA is leading the cannabis industry's unified and coordinated campaign to ensure our business sector is treated fairly and has the opportunity to reach its full potential. Now - more than ever - is the time to invest in your business and the future of the industry by becoming a member.

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