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Amy Margolis | The Initiative
By Vince Chandler
June 9, 2021

Amy Margolis | The Initiative

Each week Khadijah Adams hosts cannabis industry operators, advocates, and allies to discuss issues related to social equity and highlight their experiences, challenges and success stories as people of color in the cannabis industry. This episode, Khadijah is joined by Amy Margolis, of The Initiative. We are also joined this week by co-host Alexis Olive of OliveYou Media.

Amy T. Margolis has been an attorney for more than 17 years and is the founder of the Oregon Cannabis Association, one of the largest state cannabis trade groups in the United States. She frequently advises both businesses and investors on deploying capital, multi-jurisdtictional growth, public offerings and every other stage of business and corporate development. Ms. Margolis founded The Initiative, a business accelerator established to help female founded businesses succeed, and find funding, in the cannabis space.




© 2021 National Cannabis Industry Association and NCIA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee

Weediatrics with Erin O’Hearn

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