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Accurate Public Awareness Of The Cannabis Industry
By Bethany Moore
October 7, 2019
/ Education

Accurate Public Awareness Of The Cannabis Industry

In this episode of NCIA’s Cannabis Industry Voice weekly podcast, learn more about accurate public awareness of the cannabis industry with Anthony Bratti of LOCALiQ.

LOCALiQ offers data-driven digital marketing solutions and is a part of the USA Today network. LOCALIQ simplifies local marketing with unparalleled data and insights, smart technology that learns what works for you. They rely on storytelling that helps your business connect with local consumers. Their digital marketing agency offers SEO and PPC services, social media marketing, web design help, and much more.

There’s a lot of war-on-drugs rhetoric leftover from prohibition. Between medical, adult-use, and now hemp/CBD products, the landscape is complicated and there’s a lot of confusion. We discuss what can we as an industry or specifically cannabis companies themselves can do to create more accurate awareness and knowledge of real information, plus advice Bratti would have for the industry.

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