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Insights into National and International Market Trends
By Bethany Moore
November 8, 2021
/ Education

Insights into National and International Market Trends

Learn more about Insights into National and International Market Trends with Kelly Nielsen. Kelly is the Vice President of Insights and Analytics with BDSA. She leads the Insights and Analytics team and engages with clients to generate insights from a vast quantity of data to make informed business decisions and drive results. Together with her team, she works with manufacturers, retailers, and investors to deliver unmatched insights and analytics to drive their businesses forward. Headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, BDSA is the premier global cannabis market research firm helping businesses improve revenues, reduce innovation risk, and prioritize market expansion.

We start by talking broadly about the cannabis movement which is beyond national and now global. We dive into who the players are in this global market and what we expect to see in the next five years or so. Here in the U.S., we’ve had a few years to watch what’s happened in the first states to legalize adult-use like Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington. We talk about what trends emerged from that journey and if we expect that to hold true in other emerging markets. Also, what lessons we learned watching these last 6 years. There are also these new emerging markets especially on the east coast as we’re watching Massachusetts and Michigan for example, plus New York and New Jersey. Different demographics, different cultures, different customers, but the same plant. With that, we talk with Kelly about what is she is expecting to see from these markets.

Michael Webster | Exspiravit

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