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Service Solutions | 5.19.21 | Holistic Energy Management Solutions | APPI Energy

In this edition of our Service Solutions series originally aired on Wednesday, May 19th a dynamic panel of energy experts led by the team at APPI Energy hosted in-depth session on building out an integrated infrastructure to yield a healthier environment for growth. Let the experts walk you through what it means to have a holistic approach to energy management; a strategy that focuses on all aspects of your facility, from securing favorable electricity and natural gas supply contracts, to implementing renewable energy solutions while reducing costs, to exploring the wide array of funding options available to you. You’ll leave this webinar with insights into the energy markets, as well as proven, technology-agnostic solutions for cannabis businesses.

Presentation Slide Deck:

Learning Objectives:
• Exploring specific, cannabis-centric energy solutions to help you meet your sustainability goals while reducing costs, including but not limited to: renewable energy, energy storage, and combined heat and power.
• Reviewing options for secure funding for energy solution technologies and on-going projects
• Effective ways to formulate future energy profiles to ensure you have the best pricing and strategy in place
• Available solutions for reaching 100% renewable energy goals


Dan Forgacs
VP of Market Intelligence & Analytics
APPI Energy

Oliver Hoad
EMP – Energy Consultant
APPI Energy

Chris Fraga
Founder & CEO
Alternative Energy Development Group

Ben Samways
Executive VP
Energy Efficiency
Alternative Energy Development Group

Margo Madden (Moderator)
Vice President
Energy Solutions
APPI Energy

Speaker Details & Bios:

Cannabis Advertising, Marketing, and Branding Restrictions are Aimed at Preventing Youth Use, So Why Are We Driving Them to Drink?

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