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December 9, 2015

Timeline: 2015 Legislative Year in Review

by Michelle Rutter, Government Relations Coordinator

As we look forward to 2016, there’s much on the horizon for the cannabis industry. NCIA remains dedicated in its effort to pass banking and tax legislation through Congress that would provide immediate relief to cannabis-related businesses all over the country.

In addition to the federal advocacy that NCIA engages in every day, there will be at least five states seeking to legalize and regulate adult-use cannabis via the ballot initiative process: Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada. It’s also likely that Florida will have another ballot initiative relating to medical cannabis, and it’s possible that other states will move forward with cannabis reform through ballot initiatives or legislative processes. What happens over the next twelve months will be crucial in shaping the future of the legitimate and responsible cannabis industry.

While 2015 was a milestone year for cannabis reform, that same momentum will be necessary in order to continue moving the conversation forward with Congress in Washington, D.C. The Rohrabacher-Farr medical cannabis amendment earned more that 60 Republicans votes. For the first time ever, there are multiple pro-cannabis bills that have been introduced in the U.S. Senate. Continued progress is vital in garnering more national support for cannabis reform, so make sure your interests are heard through national advocacy, education, and community with NCIA.

The timeline below lays out some of the highlights from a busy year in cannabis industry advocacy. We look forward to more exciting milestones with your help in 2016!

*Click on the “Full Screen” button (with the four arrows) at the bottom of the image to expand its size. 

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