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Top 5 Amendments To Watch For In Congressional Committee Next Week
August 31, 2017

Top 5 Amendments To Watch For In Congressional Committee Next Week

by Michelle Rutter, NCIA Government Relations Manager

Every year, Congress must pass appropriations legislation to fund the government for the upcoming fiscal year. This annual budget bill, which is currently set to expire on September 30th, has been one of the only avenues by which pro-cannabis reform language can be inserted into federal law– even if only for a year at a time.

But, like most things in Washington, D.C., the appropriations process is lengthy, complicated, and chock full of procedure.

Early next week, the House Rules Committee will hold a hearing to discuss amendments to the upcoming appropriations bill that will fund the government for FY2018. The Rules Committee is used by leadership to maintain control over the House floor, and is heavily stacked in favor of the majority party (by a 2:1 ratio). Despite that, over a dozen cannabis related amendments have been filed and submitted by various members of Congress, but it is up to the Rules Committee to determine which provisions will be ruled “in order.” Let’s take a look at a few of the amendments that, if passed, could significantly affect the cannabis industry:

Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment: This provision, formerly known as the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, has been included in the federal budget since 2014. The amendment bars the Department of Justice from interfering with states’ medical cannabis laws and businesses. Those protections will expire on September 30th if this amendment is not renewed. The amendment has 12 cosponsors: seven Republicans and five Democrats.

McClintock-Polis Amendment: First introduced in 2015, this amendment would ban the Department of Justice from interfering with states’ adult-use cannabis laws and businesses. When voted on in 2015 on the House floor, the amendment narrowly failed.

Heck Amendment (1): This amendment would protect financial institutions that choose to service the cannabis industry from interference from the federal government. The provision protects banks in adult-use states, medical cannabis states, and CBD-only states.

Heck Amendment (2): The second cannabis related amendment introduced by Congressman Heck would prohibit any changes to the guidance issued by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network titled “BSA Expectations Regarding Marijuana-Related Businesses.”

Heck Amendment (3):  Similar to the second Heck amendment, this provision would prohibit the Department of Justice from revoking the guidance issued by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network titled “BSA Expectations Regarding Marijuana-Related Businesses.”

It is important to note that in recent years, House Republicans have essentially shut down the appropriations process by not allowing any controversial amendments (including cannabis) to be ruled “in order”. Just a few months ago, the Rules Committee blocked a measure that would have allowed Veterans Affairs physicians to talk to their patients about medical cannabis in states where it’s legal. Should this happen next week, NCIA will be working closely with our allies and Members of Congress to ensure that the Senate’s version of the budget bill, which does include the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer amendment, is passed into law.

Navigating Congress and all of its procedural quirks can be stressful and difficult, but that’s what NCIA is for. Stay tuned for updates on appropriations throughout September as we continue to watch this process unfold.


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