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May 12, 2014

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Dr. Lakisha Jenkins

By Dr. Lakisha Jenkins, California Cannabis Industry Association (CA)

It is both an honor and humbling experience to be nominated for the NCIA Board of Directors. I am excited about the potential of the opportunity to extend my dedication and passion in the area advocating for responsible business practices and corporate accountability within the cannabis industry to a national level. If elected for this position, I will bring to the Board both direct practice and competent experience with executive level management and fundraising. I would bring to the position my corporate expertise in a variety of settings, across different institutions, cultures, and business industries. I currently serve as President of the Board of Directors for the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA), which is the state affiliate of NCIA and the trade organization representing both the cannabis and industrial hemp industries in California at the local and state levels. In addition to service with CCIA, I also serve on the Health, Hunger and Wellness Coalition Board for the City of Patterson and the Board of the Alameda County 4H – an extension of the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources division. Currently, I hold a Doctorate in Naturopathy and am a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild. My passion for natural health and alternative healing therapies started while researching alternative treatment options as my eldest child, Kiona, battled with brain cancer. I have served as President of the Kiona T Jenkins Foundation for Natural Health since its inception in 2003. I believe that my background, education, and my experiences in administration, leadership, and fundraising have prepared me to be an effective member of the Board of Directors and a strong advocate for NCIA’s diverse base of professional and business members. I am immensely grateful for this nomination and eager to serve if elected. I am asking for your vote and support in this leadership position and challenge.

See the full Board of Directors Voter Guide here.

NCIA Board Candidate Statement – Scott Van Rixel (Incumbent)

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