Member Blog: How Brands Can Help Cannabis Decriminalization

By Mack Bush, King Palm

There has been a steady movement for the decriminalization of cannabis worldwide. Many organizations call for their governments to allow recreational and medical cannabis, and it’s hard to deny how valuable the cash crop can be for the local economy. Learn how some cannabis brands are contributing to decriminalizing cannabis and making an impact. 

As it stands, 19 U.S. states have fully legalized cannabis, and another 19 have medical marijuana programs. While this is fantastic progress, it’s still leaving many people convicted of drug crimes, medical patients, and minorities behind. While some places go the extra mile, there are still many places where it’s a punishable crime with the smallest amount of cannabis. Cannabis laws continue to evolve to protect users, such as the new California law that protects employees from smoking outside work hours.

A bill to decriminalize marijuana passed in the U.S. House in April, but there’s not a lot of hope that Congress will take it up. However, the fact that it was proposed shows that recreational and medical cannabis is becoming closer to the mainstream.

Global Cannabis Decriminalization 

Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, and Malta have legalized adult-use cannabis. The list is relatively short and shows that there’s still progress worldwide.

It’s become clear that many think it doesn’t make sense for people to go to prison for cannabis possession. Programs have been set up in most states and some countries to expunge cannabis possession records and free people who are locked up unjustly.

Here’s a quick introduction to some of these programs and how states, businesses, and individuals push cannabis decriminalization and legalization forward.

States Create Social Equity Programs

A common critique of the cannabis industry is that it’s dominated by white people who were never negatively impacted by anti-marijuana laws. Social equity programs in many states are working hard to level the playing field.

While each state has different qualifications, eligible people must live in an area strongly affected by high arrest and imprisonment rates for cannabis activity. Applicants might also receive extra assistance if they were arrested or convicted of marijuana crimes before legalization.

Some businesses also offer reduced product prices, grants, and loans for cannabis enterprises founded using social equity programs. This makes it easier for minorities to get the funding they need to start the industry.

Programs To Help Minorities with Cannabis Jobs

Not everyone who wants to get involved in the cannabis field is interested in running their own business. Some organizations are also making it easier for people of color to find jobs in the field.

The Minority Cannabis Academy is a New Jersey program that helps young Black Indigenous people of color find their vocation in the cannabis industry. It trains them to work as budtenders in existing dispensaries, giving them a leg up for employment.

In Illinois, cannabis companies can expedite their application for a license if the majority of their staff has been convicted of a cannabis-related offense in the past. This incentivizes businesses to hire minorities and people who need help from these programs.

More programs like these should be developed nationwide if we want a positive representation of BIPOC in the cannabis industry.

Grants Given to Provide Legal Assistance for Expunging Nonviolent Cannabis Crimes

Having a marijuana conviction on your record can have lasting consequences. Drug convictions come up in background checks, and since they carry a significant stigma, people can lose out on employment opportunities when a company judges them harshly for their past. 

A cannabis conviction can also make it difficult to rent an apartment or buy a home. Plus, people with drug convictions have been denied student loans and other loans from financial institutions.

When Illinois legalized cannabis in 2019, it was important to lawmakers that people who were convicted for marijuana crimes previously were able to clear their records.

An excellent organization focused on eliminating people’s cannabis records called the Illinois Equal Justice Foundation is taking a step forward. They will award over $1.4 million in grants spread throughout 18 organizations in the state to help rid people of their cannabis records. The funding will assist legal aid groups, so they can represent people in court and are committed to educating people about their expungement options.

Thailand has pushed its efforts even further. When the country delisted cannabis as a narcotic in June, they also released 3,071 inmates who had been convicted of cannabis-related crimes.

Canada has issued pardons for people with previous marijuana convictions for several years. The process can be slow, but the government feels strongly that these people should be released, and their records wiped clean.

These models show that it’s possible to legalize marijuana while still caring for people whose criminalization has been negatively impacted. Experts are hopeful that President Biden will free individuals in jail for marijuana possession, but the future in the United States remains unclear.

How Brands Can Help Impact Positive Change In The Right Direction 

King Palm is a cannabis smoking accessory brand that has created a Last Prisoner Project rolling tray to help spread awareness of that non-profit organization. 

This cannabis smoking accessory brand is donating to the Last Prisoner Project. This nonprofit organization is committed to freeing people convicted of marijuana-related crimes.

The organization works hard to advocate for bills that would free people from prison for marijuana offenses, and once people are freed, they help them integrate back into their communities.

Expungement Assistance

Many states are setting up expungement assistance programs that anyone can access. The process can take time and be confusing, but many people find it extremely worthwhile.

In 2021, Michigan passed the Clean Slate Act, which expanded the types of crimes that can be expunged. Some expungements will even be automatic under the law. The state says hundreds of thousands to millions of people are now eligible for their criminal records to be wiped clean.

Another strong member of the National Cannabis Industry Association is Cannabis Equity Illinois. They help community members expunge or seal their criminal records for cannabis and also advocate for automatic expungement. They also provide Know Your Rights seminars, so no one is criminalized for cannabis use.

Looking for help expunging your legal record with cannabis? Many areas have expungement events, and you can find exactly what you need to do on your state’s website.

Support for cannabis decriminalization is growing, but there’s still a long way to go. Luckily, many governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations are doing their part to make cannabis mainstream and help minorities make their way up through the budding industry.

Mack Bush (they/them) is a freelance writer who is passionate about sharing the joys of cannabis with the world. They manage their fibromyalgia with medical marijuana, and it’s opened up new doors and improved their quality of life. They live in Grand Rapids, Michigan with their cats, Rigatoni and Jasper. Find out more about their work at

King Palm is one of the leading cannabis companies in the world for joint wraps, pre-rolled cones, and rolling papers. Their specialty palm wraps are made from Cordia leaves and allow you to get in touch with nature while you smoke. They also create quality smoking accessories, including electronic devices like concentrate vapes and nectar collectors, as well as lighters, rolling trays, grinders, and ashtrays. Find out more about their products at!


Committee Blog: Four Tips for Cannabis Businesses to Maintain Cannabis Friendly Financial Services

by Kameron Richards and Steven Schain
Members of NCIA’s Banking & Financial Services Committee

Obtaining legitimate, cannabis-friendly financial services is among the cannabis industry’s biggest hurdles. Obtaining financial services is challenging for dispensaries, marijuana grows, and testing labs but it could also be an obstacle for non-plant touching businesses or individuals engaged in the cannabis industry. Without cannabis-friendly financial services, individuals and businesses related to the cannabis industry are deprived of simple financial solutions, like checking accounts, resulting in large amounts of cash being held at company facilities or the operator’s residence, posing significant risks.

Because only a small amount of insured banks and credit unions offer cannabis businesses financial services, finding cannabis-friendly financial services offered by FDIC or NCUA/CUNA institutions is challenging, and following a certain approach may fortify the longevity of a relationship with a financial institution.

Know Your Company Information and Banking Needs 

Thorough onboarding initiates the account opening process for cannabis companies seeking financial services. Cannabis-friendly financial institutions exercise enhanced due diligence at account opening for compliance purposes, which will be further discussed in this article. 

Financial institutions may require information on state licensing, corporate structure, and governance documents. Institutions generally collect information regarding the company’s underlying products and whether those products or services violate The Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”). Information collected during the onboarding process often determines the institution’s fee, risk-based categorization, and willingness to provide financial services to a particular cannabis company. 

During the onboarding process, cannabis companies should determine if the financial institution provides all services necessary for its specific operation. The services offered by cannabis-friendly financial institutions may vary based on its risk tolerance.

Know Compliance Requirements and Cannabis-Specific Programs 

Financial institutions serving the cannabis industry must comply with The Bank Secrecy Act’s (“BSA”) requirements set forth in the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s (“FinCEN”) BSA Expectations Regarding Marijuana Banking (FIN-2014-G001) (“FinCEN Guidance”). To mitigate the possibility of money laundering, institutions assemble extensive risk-based BSA programs centered around assessing the risk of each cannabis account and detecting and reporting “Red Flags” set forth by FinCEN Guidance. 

To understand the constraints under which financial institutions are forced to operate, cannabis companies should familiarize themselves with relevant cannabis industry regulatory guidance and, if possible, structure its operations to ease its financial institution’s compliance efforts. Further, cannabis companies should understand any contractual terms and operation of any specific cannabis programs required by its financial institution (e.g., participation in cannabis-specific programs to support loan approvals, liquidity management or the coordination of cash courier services).

Know the Risk-Based Approach

FinCEN Guidance requires institutions to perform enhanced due diligence on cannabis companies, because the risk category of each cannabis account is determined during the onboarding process, institutions are required to obtain corporate and state licensing documentation and detect any negative news on the potential account signers and the business.

Because there is no mandated risk-based structure for institutions to follow, it is critical that cannabis companies know its institution’s specific risk-based structure. Further, if a cannabis company is utilizing more than one institution, it should understand that each institution’s risk-based categorization may have specific factors or considerations. Some institutions use a tiering structure (which can vary by institution) or make this determination based on the direct or indirect relationship that the account’s source of funds has with cannabis prohibited by the CSA. An institution’s risk-based categorization could determine an account holder’s compliance obligations or eligibility for financial services such as lending, treasury services, payment processing, and 401(k)/retirement solutions.

Know What Could Cause Account Termination

After completing the onboarding process and placing cannabis accounts in the requisite risk profile (which may vary among institutions), institutions are obligated to conduct ongoing enhanced due diligence on cannabis accounts in accordance with the risk each account poses. 

This enhanced due diligence encompasses staying abreast of corporate changes, confirming that all licenses are up to date and conducting periodic negative news checks that indicate FinCEN Guidance “Red Flags.” It can also include a litany of happenings that cannabis account holders may not be aware of. While cannabis account signers may be compliant, without any negative news on them or their business, their institution could also close an account due to adverse information from tax and state licensing authorities or wrongdoing by employees or vendors. Cannabis account holders should also be aware of transactions prohibited by its institution’s policies and procedures like commingling funds between non-plant touching and plant touching accounts or transferring funds to and from vague accounts at unaware institutions unwilling to serve the cannabis industry. 

Cannabis account holders with multiple relationships should be aware that each institution’s closure protocol may vary in response to adverse information or conducting transactions prohibited by internal policies and procedures (account termination terms are often contained in the depository agreement between the institution and cannabis account holder). 


Beyond assisting a business’ core functioning, maintaining relationships with legitimate financial institutions leads to strategic advantages for a cannabis company and its owners and operators, like financing or payment processing.  

Further, because FinCEN requires institutions to monitor and report cannabis account transactions and file a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) when a cannabis account is opened or closed or if “Red Flags” are detected; cannabis companies can protect their accounts and businesses by knowing applicable laws and regulations and their institution’s cannabis-specific programs’ policies and procedures. 

NCIA Accepting Applications For 2023-2025 Board of Directors Term

NCIA has extended the application deadline for members seeking to apply for a seat on our board of directors. We are now accepting applications for eligible candidates to apply for the board through Friday, November 25, 2022.

The National Cannabis Industry Association is a nonprofit organization run for and by its membership, so we hope you’ll consider this opportunity to apply for a seat on the NCIA Board.

Serving on NCIA’s Board of Directors is no small task. Board members are responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the largest and most influential cannabis industry organization in the country. Board Members are also responsible for building membership, fundraising, and ensuring that NCIA continues to be the strongest force advocating for the fair and equal treatment of the industry on Capitol Hill.

Learn more about our current Board Members

Annual Board Selection Process

Current NCIA members in good standing are eligible to apply for a seat on the board. NCIA members who are interested and qualified to serve on our board are encouraged to submit an application for review by our nominating committee before the November 25 deadline.

Candidates may apply directly for a board position during the open application process. The application form asks for information about the candidate’s professional background, unique talents, skills, and viewpoints, and ability to contribute or raise financial resources for NCIA. Candidates must be fiduciaries of a NCIA member-business

Who Qualifies To Run For A Board Position?

To be considered for a seat on the board, a candidate must be a fiduciary (e.g. owner, president, CEO) of a current member business at any level of membership or must be a representative of the business that has been appointed to serve by a fiduciary. Candidates must submit an application online by November 25.

What Are The Requirements For An NCIA Board Member?

Board members serve two-year terms and are responsible for overseeing the association’s overall strategy and budget, assist in the development of strategic relationships, and as ambassadors of NCIA, they represent more than 1,000 member businesses. In general, the NCIA board meets in person twice and conducts 2-3 video conferences per year.

How Are The Board Positions Selected?

Once the application period closes, NCIA’s Nominations Committee will convene to carefully review and score all applications. The committee will ultimately select a slate of nominees to fill six (6) available board seats that are best suited to bring additional talent, resources, and diversity to our growing organization, based on their qualifications.

Our Nominating Committee will be comprised of the chairs of our 14 member committees as well as a select number of current board members whose terms are not expiring this year. Once the Nominating Committee selects the slate of six, members will be notified at the end of this year.


Lobby Days Post-Summer Haze

10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days Photo Recap

By Michelle Rutter Friberg, NCIA’s Deputy Director of Government Relations

It’s hard to believe it’s been more than three years since our 9th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days (Thanks, COVID)! 

Last week, 100 NCIA members traveled to our nation’s capital to execute more than 100 Hill meetings in one day. We mingled with members of Congress, lobbied legislative staff, and rendezvoused at some fabulous receptions. Keep scrolling for some photos and highlights, and see why you don’t want to miss our 11th Annual Lobby Days in May 2023!

Many thanks to everyone who participated and made the event possible, including our sponsors and DEI Scholarship attendees.


Planning and executing a fly-in is no small feat – especially with COVID restrictions! NCIA’s government relations team, Michael Correia, Michelle Rutter Friberg, and Maddy Grant worked diligently to ensure that our members had a number of impactful meetings. We prepped NCIA members with virtual training and connected lobbying teams ahead of time.

Welcome Reception:

After touching down, our attendees met at Player’s Club D.C. for a night of games, networking, and celebration! NCIA awarded Congressman Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) the Lifetime Legislator Achievement Award for his tireless work and advocacy on behalf of the cannabis industry, and in particular, his work on the SAFE Banking Act. Rep. Perlmutter is retiring so we were thrilled to be able to chat with him and celebrate the progress this topic has made.

Group Photo:

Attendees gathered in the morning at the Peace Circle to connect with fellow teammates and to pose for our annual “class photo!”

Hill Meetings:

Over the course of six hours, we were able to execute more than 100 congressional meetings! That includes priority Senate offices, committees of jurisdiction, and House offices.


Press Conference:

NCIA attendees, the media, and members of Congress gathered at the “Senate Swamp” (yes, seriously!) for a press conference on passing the SAFE Banking Act. Lead sponsor Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) spoke on the need for reform, while his Republican counterpart Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) sent a quote due to scheduling conflicts. Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) also joined us again to call on the Senate to pass SAFE.





Closing Reception:

After an incredibly productive day, NCIA members were joined by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) for a reception just steps from Capitol Hill. Their message was clear: cannabis is a winning issue for both parties! 



We look forward to an even bigger 11th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in May 2023!

Find us on NCIA Connect to chat with attendees from this year and to be the first to hear about next year’s event.






Kranewreck Enterprises


A Therapeutic Alternative

Law Offices of Omar Figueroa

Higher Growth Search

The People’s Ecosystem

MadisonJay Solutions

S2S Insurance Specialists

Pain Stopper’s Inc

Tahoe Wellness Center


Entourage Cannabis

Northern Emeralds

Participate in the Cannabis Voter Project on National Voter Registration Day!

Cannabis Voter Project is working with cannabis retailers and brands to get out the vote on National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

As a cannabis industry operator, the importance of having your voice heard in the political sphere likely crosses your mind on a daily basis. The 2022 midterm elections are right around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to encourage your customers to also be empowered and informed this November at the polls.

NCIA is happy to partner once again with HeadCount’s Cannabis Voter Project, which is a national initiative to increase voter turnout within the cannabis community. When citizens are informed and engaged, we grow our power for the future.

We’re inviting cannabis community leaders to join us on National Voter Registration Day (Tuesday, September 20) for a national day of action. That means hitting your email lists, SMS lists, social media outlets and other comms channels with a simple call to register to vote. Below is suggested messaging as well as links to social media assets.

NCIA members interested in participating can start by reviewing this kit, which also includes information about the initiative.

The kit includes assets like graphics, dedicated links, and suggested copy to directly engage your community. You will also have the opportunity to be listed as a partner on the Cannabis Voter Project website.

There is no cost and no obligation.

If you’re interested in more information, please contact Sam at

Member Blog: ESG Initiatives and Potential Impacts on Cannabis CRE

by Bryan McLaren, CEO and chair at Zoned Properties, Inc.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives are central to the evolving business landscape as more organizations dedicate resources to amplify their social impact, execute on purpose-driven goals, and ultimately create long-term value.  

Pressure from stakeholders and shareholders has been instrumental in transforming how organizations are planning for the future. In the Accenture Future of Work Study 2021, 65% of employees believe organizations should be responsible for leaving their people “net better off” through work and 71% of consumers believe ethical corporate practices and values are an important reason to choose a brand. But even beyond this shift in demand for company transparency and a more defined investment in communities from corporations, ESG reporting will soon be a necessity for public companies and a variety of financial organizations. 

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s climate-related disclosure earlier this year is a major shift in how companies will be structured requiring corporate entities to proactively integrate ESG into their business model. 

Though the proposed rules will most likely lead to legal challenges, accepting the realities of where global business stands today and the environmental issues communities are facing should be at the forefront of every cannabis business, whether they are public or private. There will also inevitably be opportunities that develop from these policies to engage with stakeholders and increase value. 

Recent data illustrate the positive results of adopting new standards and reporting methods. According to the Accenture Future of Work Study 81% of sustainable stock indices outperformed their peer benchmarks in 2020. ESG focuses on the Triple-Bottom-Line principles, which essentially advocates for a balance between people, profit, and planet when considering any program or project within an organization. Sustainability professionals who have been advocating for both ESG and Triple-Bottom-Line principles will likely not be surprised by these statistics, as their focus on a long-term, balanced approach to creating value can be less subject to the waxing and waning fluctuations that come with the single-bottom-line approach of focusing only on short term profit.

ESG in Cannabis Real Estate

It is essential for cannabis companies to make ESG initiatives a priority as more investors look to these frameworks as potential predictors for future success. Already some cannabis license applications are requiring environmental impact statements and state-level environmental compliance documentation. 

The cannabis industry also has a unique opportunity as a relatively young and emerging industry. Many cannabis companies already have the capacity and infrastructure to adapt swiftly to changing regulations. In the new era of ESG, cannabis corporations are in the position to make these principles a part of their core narrative early on and become more attractive to investors. 

In commercial real estate, here are some of the most relevant ESG initiatives to consider. 

  • ENERGY MANAGEMENT (e.g. Utility Installation & Efficiency)
  • WATER & WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT (e.g. Water Use & Treatment)
  • PRODUCT DESIGN & LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT (e.g. Building Operations)
  1. PHYSICAL IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE. (e.g. Indoor Air Quality)  

These are based on the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) materiality finder for real estate, which also provides insight across a broad range of industries for those interested in other sectors.

There are many ways to begin monitoring and collecting data that will help provide a clearer picture of a cannabis facility’s operational efficiency. For facilities already existing in the cannabis ecosystem, property owners and operators should consider investing in eco-friendly waste management initiatives, repurposing materials when possible, and ensuring recycling capabilities at every operation. Utilizing technology platforms to track water consumption and overall environmental performance will allow an operation to investigate what opportunities exist to reduce energy use by replacing equipment or introducing more natural ventilation into spaces to reduce heating and cooling use. 

For those in the early stages of a cannabis real estate project, industry professionals should make ESG initiatives a part of their buildout strategy from the beginning. This means addressing the potential physical risks and impacts on a building where you’re looking to develop. Is the property in a flood zone and at risk of rising sea levels? Is the potential building site exposed to other natural disasters like wildfires?

Many of these environmental and climate-related risks also intersect on a social level. In cannabis real estate, companies should consider whether a building and its materials are safe for workers and the larger community. For example, due to changing weather patterns and increasing temperatures, air quality may decrease or there may be extended periods of drought. Planning ahead to mitigate some of these risks is essential, from considering the introduction of cisterns to collect rainwater during extreme weather that can be repurposed in drier seasons, as well as on-site green spaces and rooftop gardens that can generate cooler temperatures while providing a welcoming environment for employees.

The key to preparing for ESG requirements and ensuring that your organization is ready to tackle these issues is to incorporate these specific needs directly into project objectives and having experts on the project team that understand both short-term requirements and long-term opportunities.

Overall, cannabis real estate needs to be developed with geography and locality risks in mind. It’s not only a necessity to make energy-efficient and sustainable strategies a part of a facility’s infrastructure, but also consider where and how that property will be impacted in the future. 

Bryan McLaren serves as the Chairman and CEO of publicly traded Zoned Properties, Inc. (ZDPY). As a licensed Realtor, certified Green Roof Professional,and former City Sustainability Commissioner, with multiple Masters degrees focused specifically on Sustainable Development, Bryan has navigated state regulatory programs for environmental projects and cannabis commercial real estate projects nationally across hundreds of development projects.  

About Zoned Properties, Inc. (OTCQB: ZDPY):

Zoned Properties is a leading real estate development firm for emerging and highly regulated industries, including regulated cannabis. The company is redefining the approach to commercial real estate investment through its integrated growth services.

Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, Zoned Properties has developed a full spectrum of integrated growth services to support its real estate development model; the Company’s Property Technology, Advisory Services, Commercial Brokerage, and Investment Portfolio collectively cross-pollinate within the model to drive project value associated with complex real estate projects. With national experience and a team of experts devoted to the emerging cannabis industry, Zoned Properties is addressing the specific needs of a modern market in highly regulated industries.   

Zoned Properties is an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, the U.S. Green Building Council, and the Forbes Real Estate Council. Zoned Properties does not grow, harvest, sell or distribute cannabis or any substances regulated under United States law such as the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, as amended (the “CSA”). Zoned Properties corporate headquarters are located at 8360 E. Raintree Dr., Suite 230, Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information, call 877-360-8839 or visit  

Twitter: @ZonedProperties

LinkedIn: @ZonedProperties


Social Equity Members Head to D.C. to Lobby for A More Inclusive Industry

by Mike Lomuto, NCIA’s DEI Manager

NCIA is proud to announce that for the first time, thanks to the support of our members, we have awarded nine Lobby Days Equity Scholarships to support our Social Equity members with travel expenses to attend NCIA’s Lobby Days in Washington, D.C., on September 13-14. These Social Equity applicants and operators from around the country are leaders and active contributors to NCIA’s Sector Committees, our DEI Initiatives (particularly policy-related ones), and to advocacy efforts in their local and/or state municipalities. 

Lobby Days provides the opportunity for NCIA members to come together to advocate for the issues most important to small cannabis businesses — from SAFE Banking to federal de-scheduling — and to share their personal stories with national lawmakers. 

Our delegation includes:

Dr. Adrian Adams, Ontogen Botanicals CBD
Ambrose Gardner, Elev8
LaVonne Turner, Puff Couture
Michael Diaz-Rivera, Better Days Delivery
Osbert Orduña, The Cannabis Place
Raina Jackson, Purple Raina
Toni MSN, RN, CYT, Toni 

We asked our DEI delegation why attending Lobby Days was important to them. Here are some of their responses:

“I want our elected officials to hear my story which gives a voice to so many others, who like me, grew up in areas that have disproportionately borne the brunt and weight of cannabis enforcement. Children and young adults, whose only crime was being poor and of color, faced the indignity of being stopped and frisked hundreds of times. Now after paying the ultimate entry price, we can not get in the door of the cannabis industry because of a lack of banking and lending opportunities that continue to shut us out of the cannabis market.

The de-scheduling of cannabis, the passing of SAFE Banking, or the repeal of IRC 280E all would immediately increase the opportunities for small cannabis businesses like mine to have a true opportunity for success, growth, and economic empowerment of our communities.” 

– Osbert Orduña, The Cannabis Place


“As the industry grows and moves towards federal legalization, our elected officials must hear constituents’ voices. It’s important that my energy, face, and voice are present, representing the need for safe banking, health equity, and policies that support federal legalization. As states continue to legalize adult recreational cannabis usage, there will be an increased need for cannabis health equity to address the social, political, and economic conditions in underserved communities.

I’m committed to increasing awareness of the importance of education, employee retention, and community wellness in these communities.”

– Toni MSN, RN, CYT, Founder of Toni
NCIA’s Education Committee & Health Equity Working Group


“I have begun to work on lobbying at a local level. Federal legalization, descheduling, decarceration, social equity, health equity, and safe banking are some of the areas that I would like to learn how to lobby for at the national level.”

– Michael Diaz-Rivera, Owner/Operator, Better Days Delivery


“We should not stop at using the SAFE Banking Act merely to provide legal and regulatory protection for financial institutions. That will enable, but not ensure, increased banking services for minority-owned cannabis and hemp companies.

As the regulatory gaps between state and federal governments are addressed, there must be mechanisms to prevent predatory practices while opening access to capital.”

– Dr. Adrian Adams, Ontogen Botanicals CBD



It is important to the NCIA, and its membership for Main Street Cannabis to continue to develop in as diverse, equitable, and inclusive a manner as we can achieve. As the industry has thus far failed at creating tangible Social Equity, it’s important to ensure our efforts this September to include these voices and the communities they represent. 

This is where the DEI delegation comes in.

As the official DEI delegation, the Lobby Days Equity Scholarship recipients will provide a foundational understanding of matters related to DEI in the industry for all NCIA members present at Lobby Days. The DEI delegation will ensure that there are members present speaking up on matters of DEI from within an important national trade association and within the context of Main Street Cannabis.

NCIA’s Government Relations team has organized a full day of meetings with Lawmakers and their Offices.  New citizen lobbyists will receive online training before the event and are grouped together with experienced industry leaders who can help them find their voice. There will be an opening networking reception for all attendees, and a closing event featuring some of NCIA’s most important allies in Congress.

We are still accepting sponsorships to fully fund Lobby Days Equity Scholarships to ensure our recipients have their travel and lodging expenses covered while in Washington, D.C. Contact for more information.

Let’s keep building a better industry together, as we bring our voices to Washington, D.C.


Member Blog: 4 Budtender Onboarding Tips To Help Keep You Compliant

by Tommy Truong, KayaPush 

A recent survey by found that 55% of budtenders leave their jobs within the first year of employment.* But why? 

Some believe improper onboarding could be a culprit.   

First impressions matter – and improper onboarding can leave budtenders feeling underprepared and unappreciated. Moreover, budtenders who don’t receive proper compliance training might be terminated due to compliance infractions and could even be at personal risk for their errors. 

Luckily, by setting up solid budtender onboarding SOPs that put compliance first, you are more likely to keep great hires – and avoid compliance infractions.

The following information will help dispensary owners implement hiring and training strategies to increase retention, avoid compliance infractions, and simplify dispensary onboarding.  

1 – Look into legal before you hire.

Compliant onboarding starts with understanding your budtenders’ requirements to work at your dispensary.

Every state has unique requirements regarding background checks, legal age, and budtender certifications – so it is essential to research each of these elements before you begin the hiring process. 

Once you have established your hiring guidelines regarding legal requirements – you can take it one step further and set up an applicant tracking system that is customized to only reach out to applicants who qualify for your set terms. 

Using tools that automate these processes will make compliant dispensary hiring easy.

Social equity hiring initiatives in cannabis 

While we’re on the topic of hiring for your cannabis dispensary, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention the importance of researching potential social equity programs for dispensary hiring opportunities. 

You can use these resources to find qualified social equity candidates for your dispensary based on the state in which you are located.

2 – Have an organized onboarding documentation process.

The next step to a smooth and compliant onboarding process is to know all the forms you need to provide and gather from your new hire. 

If you are an American business owner, the forms you will need to collect from your employee include:

  • W2
  • Criminal record check verification
  • 1-9 
  • State Tax Form
  • ID or Passport 
  • Social security information 
  • A void check 
  • A signed employer agreement 
  • Any certifications you have requested they acquire

The forms you will need to share with your new hire include:

3 – Use self-serve onboarding software. 

Business owners who don’t use employee onboarding software manage a lot of paperwork.

From chasing new hires around for signatures or documents – to figuring out the best way to store things – it’s a time-consuming headache, and it’s not ideal. 

With dispensary self-serve onboarding software, dispensary owners can eliminate 100% of their paperwork – and increase their compliance in many ways. 

Here’s how it works. When a new hire joins, a dispensary owner can share their onboarding link, where their new hire will upload digitized documents directly into the system for central storage. 

If any documentation is missing, the system will send a reminder to ensure they provide all the information needed for dispensary owners to stay compliant. 

4 – Provide compliance training for budtenders

Compliance training should be a critical part of the budtender onboarding process – but what does that mean? 

For budtenders, there are four main areas of compliance to master: How to sell products to customers and with a POS system, how to handle products, and overall regulations comprehension.

Selling products to customers training might include:

  • Learn how to greet guests in a compliant way 
  • How and when to properly ID guests
  • Knowledge of strains, potency, and effects
  • Understanding different types of products based on clients’ needs

POS training might include: 

  • Knowing how to input ID information 
  • Learning how to ring in products correctly
  • Understanding product limits per customer guidelines 
  • Knowing how to use and report sold products with a compliant POS 
  • Understanding the compliance factors behind customer loyalty programs and incentives

Product handling training might include:

  • How to properly package product 
  • How to showcase product
  • How to inventory product
  • How to handle products

Overall regulation comprehension might include:

  • Current cannabis laws in the state or city
  • Current compliant regulations 
  • Store opening and closing SOPs for compliance
  • Security SOPs for compliance 
  • How to use cannabis software tools for clock in’s and schedules.

What are other tips to stay compliant? 

Compliance is one of the most challenging aspects of running a cannabis dispensary – however, if you surround yourself with the right team, use cannabis software built for dispensaries in your state, and check in often on regulatory updates – you will be alright.

*(, 2022 An analysis of employee turnover in cannabis retail)

Author Tommy Truong is the CEO at KayaPush; the cannabis software helping dispensary owners manage their employee HR, scheduling, and payroll. KayaPush also integrates with leading dispensary POS systems. Tommy loves hot sauce, fried chicken, and running with his Boston terriers

KayaPush delivers an innovative, unified compliance solution that meets payroll and HR needs without compromising speed and accuracy. Implementing KayaPush will save you time and money and help eliminate the financial risks associated with non-compliance.


Video: Defending Main Street Cannabis Businesses

As the only national advocate for small and mid-sized cannabis businesses, NCIA works every day to advance policy reforms favorable to the whole industry — not just the wealthiest few. Hear from NCIA Board Members why our mission and advocacy work is crucial to defending the interests of everyday businesses in the cannabis industry.

We are Main Street Cannabis, not Wall Street Cannabis.

Become a member of NCIA today so that everyone can benefit from cannabis legalization — not just the wealthiest few.



Joining NCIA ensures that your interests are heard in our nation’s halls of power as the rules for national legalization are written. We’re also the only full service trade association in the industry, which means that our members enjoy unparalleled ROI and benefits to help them thrive in an increasingly challenging environment.

Committee Insights | 8.16.22 | Cannabis Consumption Lounges & the Next Wave of Hospitality Disruption

In this edition of our NCIA Committee Insights series originally aired on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 members of Risk Management & Insurance Committee convened a panel of cannabis regulators and legal experts alongside leading event and hospitality operators to provide cannabusiness professionals the inside scoop on new regulations being adopted to manage/establish cannabis consumption establishments.

Dive deep into the ins & outs of Michigan’s cutting edge regulatory structure and learn from those operating in the space across the country with our panel of experts.

Learning Objectives
• Review of leading edge regulatory framework providing a model for MI consumption lounges
• Highlight the license structure for temporary events – how do consumption, sales and/or both formats function within this framework?
• How have these regulations evolved since first adoption?
• Review dram shop liability and offer an educationally lensed analysis
• Discuss how that may or may not be a good framework to apply to cannabis?


Andrew Brisbo
Cannabis Regulators Association

Tatiana Grant
Infused PR & Events

Jodi Green
Special Counsel
Miller Nash LLP

Mathew Grimes
Director of Operations
Oregon Cannabis Association

Session Chapters & Discussion Outline

00:00 – Session Intro

01:27 – Moderator Intro

02:22 – Panelist Intros

06:26 – Background Story of Tatiana Grant Receiving 1st Marijuana Event Organizer License in Michigan

10:06 – Specific Challenges to Overcome as an Marijuana Event Organizer Licensee Holder – Taking on Product Liability and Insurance Requirements

13:52 – How Rules Surrounding Product Liability and Insurance Requirements Were Changed for Marijuana Event Organizer Licenses

20:51 – Exploring an Umbrella Policy and Vendor Contracts

24:44 – From a Regulator’s Perspective, What Are the Challenges to Establishing Rules Around Consumption Lounges and Event Licenses?

27:45 – Testing for Impairment

31:18 – Future Landscape for Marijuana Event Organizer Licensee Holders in Michigan

35:35 – Potential for DRAM Shop Laws to Pertain to the Cannabis Industry

40:49 – How Companies Can Protect from Themselves from Both Criminal and Civil Liabilities Surrounding Intoxication?

47:38 – Audience Q&A

54:53 – Final Thoughts

55:19 – Speaker Contact Info & Session Outro

1:00:11 – Program Outro & Member Appreciation Credit Sequence

#event #cannabis #hospitality #insurance #legal #riskmanagement

Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, August 25, 2022

NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. This week Bethany is joined by NCIA CEO Aaron Smith to talk about the importance of having your voice heard on Capitol Hill at our upcoming 10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days on September 13-14. Join us every other Thursday on Facebook for NCIA Today Live.



Video: Main Street Cannabis Heads to Capitol Hill in D.C. in September!

Join us September 13-14, 2022 as we return in person to Washington, D.C. for the first time since 2019 for NCIA’s 10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days!

This is your chance to unite with other NCIA members to advocate for the issues most important to small cannabis businesses – from SAFE Banking to federal de-scheduling – and to share your personal stories with national lawmakers who need to hear from Main Street Cannabis businesses.

Watch this video to hear from NCIA’s CEO and Co-founder, Aaron Smith, about why you should attend this most impactful and crucial event next month. Not yet a member? Join today and then make your plans to join us in D.C.

Committee Insights | 8.23.22 | Changing the Game for Women in Cannabis

In this edition of our NCIA Committee Insights series originally aired on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 members of NCIA’s Retail Committee convened an all-star panel of leading investors, entrepreneurs and C-Suite executives alongside retail and marketing experts to discuss how the time to “move the needle” for women in cannabis is gone… It’s time to change the game.

Female executive representation in cannabis has shrunk to 22% in 2021 from 36% in 2019 (below the average 30% in mainstream businesses). Learn how to advance women and tap into the single greatest market opportunity for legalization and sales. Tune in now to get actionable solutions to implement today and get your business and our industry back on track.

Learning Objectives:
• Discover the definition of a female-friendly cannabis retail experience
• Get a suite of actionable solutions to increase success and profitability
• Learn the best career paths in cannabis for female candidates
• Learn where male dispensary buyers are missing the mark
• Identify opportunities across the supply chain to attract women


Whitney Beatty
Josephine & Billie’s

Wendy Berger
WBS Equities

Brad Bogus
Cannabis Doing Good

Laura Wilkinson Sinton

Jeanne Sullivan
The Arcview Group

Jeanine Moss (Moderator)
Outfront Solutions

32 Solutions to Change the Game for Women:

Presentation Slide Deck:

Session Chapters & Discussion Outline

00:00 – Session Intro

01:49 – Moderator Intro

03:42 – Intro & Ah Ha! Moment (Jeanine Moss | Outfront Solutions)

04:51 – Conversation in Context (Learning Objectives & Agenda)

06:57 – Intro & Ah Ha! Moment (Wendy Berger | WBS Equities)

11:30 – Intro & Ah Ha! Moment (Whitney Beatty | Josephine & Billie’s)

15:31 – Intro & Ah Ha! Moment (Jeanne Sullivan | The Arcview Group)

21:13 – Intro & Ah Ha! Moment (Laura Wilkinson-Sinton | CALIGROWN™ / CaliMota)

25:58 – Intro & Ah Ha! Moment (Brad Bogus | Cannabis Doing Good)

30:11 – “How can women break down the doors of MSO’s? – Jeanne Sullivan | The Arcview Group

32:38 – “How do women stand out in the hiring pool?” – Wendy Berger | WBS Equities

34:31 – “How do retailers let women know they’re welcome in their establishement? – Laura Wilkinson-Sinton | CALIGROWN™ / CaliMota

38:40 – “What are some of the elements every retailer should be considering to attract women?” – Whitney Beatty | Josephine & Billie’s

45:29 – “How is the supply chain stacked against women?” – Brad Bogus | Cannabis Doing Good

51:15 – One Thing YOU Can Do to Change the Game for Women

55:55 – 32 Solutions to Change the Game for Women

58:44 – Speaker Contact Info & Session Outro

1:00:04 – Program Outro & Member Appreciation Credit Sequence

#cannabis #womenincannabis #changemakers #business #opportunity #sales #change #diversity #funding #marketing #experience #retail #entrepreneurs

Equity Member Spotlight: Osbert Orduña – The Cannabis Place

NCIA’s editorial department continues the Member Spotlight series by highlighting our Social Equity Scholarship Recipients as part of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program. Participants are gaining first-hand access to regulators in key markets to get insight on the industry, tips for raising capital, and advice on how to access and utilize data to ensure success in their businesses, along with all the other benefits available to NCIA members. 

Tell us a bit about you, your background, and why you launched your company.

I am a first-generation Latino of Colombian descent, Spanish was my first language and my dad spent most of my youth incarcerated. I grew up in NYC Public Housing projects, and I have first-hand knowledge of the indignity of what it feels like to personally be stopped and frisked nearly 100 times which is what happened to me as a kid and young adult for doing nothing else than being a poor Latino growing up in the hood. I was an Education Opportunity Fund scholar and the first in my family to go to college, where I received a degree in business, and a graduate certificate in law. I earned the designation of Disabled Veteran while serving in Iraq with the United States Marine Corps, and I am also a 9/11 first responder. I retired after a career in public service, and have worked as an entrepreneur for over 10 years, and know what it takes to start a business from scratch, without a rich uncle, generational wealth, or rich financial backers. 

In late 2020 and early 2021, I had the opportunity to visit 50 non-MSO recreation and medical dispensaries in five states on the east and west coast. I wanted to learn more about dispensaries and best practices across the industry, but my trip opened my eyes to a different reality. Forty-nine of the dispensaries were owned by white males and one was owned by a white female, not one owner looked like me or shared a similar background. None of these dispensary owners had been stopped and frisked hundreds of times for no other reason than just because they lived in an area with historically high rates of arrests and enforcement from over-policing. Yet they were now engaged in an industry that seemed to exclude us. My trip left me sad but determined to enter the cannabis market so that people who look like me who came from the struggle of the streets, and were collateral damage in the war on drugs could have a chance. I was determined to create a positive example for Latinos and others to follow. 

What unique value does your company offer to the cannabis industry?

The Cannabis Place offers a unique value proposition which is our commitment to launching as a union cannabis dispensary on day one. As of yet, we are the only dispensary in the state of New Jersey and the nation to propose this. By launching our business as a unionized shop we are being a partner to our Jersey City, NJ community. Our value proposition promises that we will be a responsible and proactive member of the community that provides union career opportunities with true living wages that will empower our team members to provide upward mobility for themselves, their families, and the greater community. Furthermore, we are engaged as a Workforce Development partner with Cornell University, the Workforce Development Institute, and Hudson County (NJ) Workforce Development Board. With these partnerships, we will develop standardized training modules that will be utilized to train prospective dispensary workers and provide opportunities for those seeking cannabis careers in this new and emerging industry.

Our mission: To provide high-quality cannabis to clients with a consistent product and first-class service they can trust. To build our brand on the core values of client service and care, while maintaining the highest standards of quality, integrity, and community outreach.

What is your goal for the greater good of cannabis?

As the CEO of The Cannabis Place, our primary goal for the greater good of cannabis is to advocate and support a proactive approach to adult-use by providing a local and safe environment to dispense cannabis products. We operate as a social impact cannabis brand and are dedicated to providing consistent access to safe and reliable cannabis products that are ethically grown and sourced. Our aim is to launch the first unionized cannabis dispensary in New Jersey, leading by example, and demonstrating to other businesses that true success is based on placing people over profits. 

Our goals are as follows:

  • Be an accelerator for generational wealth-building opportunities among our employees from the community
  • Be a reliable source for cannabis education and awareness
  • Utilize our Community Impact grants to assist and support outreach in areas that have been disproportionately impacted

Our advocacy at The Cannabis Place is based on workers rights, especially organization, fairness and quality healthcare. We believe that it should be easier for people in all job fields to organize. At The Cannabis Place we support the implementation of legislation that will raise the minimum wage floor for all workers in our community, to provide for true living wages that place people over profits. Workers in all industries deserve more from the moment they are hired. Like many others I grew up as part of the working poor, in public housing with limited minimum wage job opportunities, without healthcare and with minimal alternatives to life on the streets. At The Cannabis Place we believe that by providing our workforce with union careers with true living wages and full benefits, our team members, their families and their communities will feel the immediate difference of financial stability, long-term growth, and the impact of upward financial mobility to help them support their family and to build a better life. 

What kind of challenges do you face in the industry and what solutions would you like to see?

Latinos are consistently underrepresented in terms of business owners throughout all industries. Now when you focus specifically on cannabis and look at a national level, just 5.7% of all license types are held by the Hispanic community. I have seen challenges in the cannabis industry in two key areas, access to capital and the real estate market. It takes money to make money so if you grew up poor, without generational wealth, no rich uncle, no hedge fund connections or oligarchs to call on, how do you raise funds to have the millions that are needed to launch a dispensary or grow? Next and along the same lines is real estate. A lot of landlords won’t lease to cannabis businesses but unfortunately, our experience has been that again a predatory market exists where cannabis rental rates are 2 to 10 times the normal lease rates for the area. The other option is to buy a commercial parcel which brings us back to issue #1 – access to capital. I am ever the optimist, and I see the Latino community growing in the legal cannabis industry as entrepreneurs, c-suite members, and as leaders in the industry bringing our unique insight and sabor to the industry while creating opportunities for generational wealth for our community. In order to get there, we need to bridge the gap through social equity grants and loans that can help Hispanic cannabis entrepreneurs raise enough capital to start their business, and receiving financial education is also crucial for Hispanic entrepreneurs in multiple phases of the cannabis business planning timeline.

Why did you join NCIA? What’s the best or most important part about being a member through the Social Equity Scholarship Program?

We are a Disabled Veteran and Latino-owned company with a core focus on community impact through social impact so the ability to be a Social Equity Scholarship recipient in an organization like the NCIA, a group who are actually dedicated to ensuring that small cannabis businesses have a seat at the table in Washington, D.C. and beyond, was super important to us. We look forward to learning new information and utilizing networking opportunities to help us grow and succeed in the cannabis industry.

The fact that NCIA is leading change to protect the legal cannabis industry, advocate for our state laws, advance federal policy reforms, and to make this a more inclusive and prosperous space by working together to defend the responsible cannabis industry. Creating more opportunities for small businesses rather than just the wealthiest few is the most important thing for us as members of the Social Equity Scholarship Program. 

The Cannabis Place 420 Corp is the first ever Disabled Veteran and Minority Owned Business enterprise to successfully navigate the Jersey City, NJ municipal cannabis dispensary approval process in this new and emerging cannabis market.

Member Blog: The Delicate Issue of Dermal Considerations

by Justin Charneau, Eagle Protect

Skin-related (dermal) issues from the constant wearing of disposable gloves were among the top complaints revealed in various cannabis workplace surveys. Many employees required to don single-use gloves to conduct a variety of job-related tasks – in the cannabis cultivation process and several other industries – remain unaware of the distinct types and qualities on the market, and how they differ. The quality, fit, durability, and functionality of disposable gloves are determined by several factors, including the type, application, raw materials, and manufacturing processes used to produce them.

Gloves by Type and Dermal Risk

Among disposable gloves, there are three primary types – latex, vinyl, and nitrile, each with differing qualities and risks. Here is a snapshot of each variety, along with their associated dermal risks:

Latex – these gloves are constructed of rubber, a snug fit like second skin that is both highly elastic and resilient. They are mostly worn in the medical industry, where a high level of dexterity and tactility is warranted. However, latex gloves can trigger a Type I hypersensitivity reaction to latex and Type IV hypersensitivity reaction to rubber chemicals. Latex-free nitrile gloves have generally superseded this option in the market. 

Vinyl – these cheap gloves are manufactured from brittle polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material, prone to a high rate of defects (rips and holes) in the glove barrier, an immediate cross-contamination risk.

Vinyl gloves are manufactured with plasticizers to soften the PVC, which often contain toxic phthalates and chemicals. Many of these ortho-phthalates have been shown to harm reproductive health and brain development. These threats can be absorbed into the glove wearer’s skin, and leach into the food handled which, in turn, can later be ingested by customers. Phthalates in vinyl gloves are highly restricted in Europe and Japan for food handling and were recently banned by the state of Maine.

Vitrilea blend of vinyl and nitrile. These gloves should be stronger than plain vinyl gloves and less expensive than nitrile. Due to pandemic-related price increases in gloves, the vitrile option has recently grown in popularity. Buyers should beware of cheap nitrile gloves, blended with cheaper vinyl, yet still marketed as nitrile. Vitrile gloves carry the same risks to the wearer, and the products they handle, as vinyl gloves.

Nitrile – these gloves are among the best choice for the cannabis industry, as they protect against harmful chemical substances, and their puncture and tear-resistant qualities are ideal for complex cultivation and processing tasks. They also provide the highest level of protection and durability as a barrier to harmful chemicals and pesticide exposure.

However, nitrile glove allergies can also occur, posing potential problems for the glove wearer. Cheap and toxic raw material ingredients, which reduce glove manufacturing costs, can also cause occupational skin disease (OSD), such as contact dermatitis and Type IV hypersensitivity to rubber chemicals. Accelerators, added to speed up rubber vulcanization during the manufacturing process, are the typical cause of glove contact allergies.

For glove wearers prone to skin allergies and irritation, higher quality gloves and accelerator-free options are a necessity.

Keeping Your Workforce Safe

There are ways and means of reducing the risk of dermal disorders caused by single-use, disposable gloves. The more frequently gloves are worn, the higher the risk. Below are several ways to mitigate the risk of dermal disorders:

  1. Choose quality nitrile gloves, marketed by reputable suppliers with an extensive history of glove sourcing and experience. Look for well-established company websites, including industry-related blogs, published articles, and resources that demonstrate the supplier’s commitment to quality
  2. Request proof of factory and third-party audits, as well as HACCP compliance certifications
  3. Plan to undergo a commercial trial of glove products prior to committing to bulk purchasing. Any established and reputable supplier should be more than happy to ship glove samples for trial usage
  4. If possible, choose accelerator-free nitrile gloves
  5. Consider your options for glove types. Be wary of vinyl / nitrile-mixed gloves passed off as nitrile – always sample first before you buy
  6. If alternatives are available, avoid vinyl gloves

For more information on how disposable gloves can affect your business and productivity due to skin disorders and repetitive hand movement injuries, please read our recent NCIA blog post, “PPE and Staff Efficiencies – How Much Do the Quality of Your Disposable Gloves Matter?

Justine Charneau is the head of cannabis industry sales at Eagle Protect, a disposable glove supplier dedicated to the responsible sourcing of quality products that ensure customer safety and impact reduction, ultimately mitigating customers’ risk. Eagle Protect is the only global PPE supplier that is a Certified B Corporation, a designation that a business has met the highest standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency. She can be reached at


Member Blog: How Technology Can Ensure An Equitable Cannabis Industry

by Walter Moore, Cognitive Harmony Technologies CEO

The multi-billion dollar cannabis industry is coming to a town near you. With new states passing adult-use legislation every day, it’s only a matter of time before businesses begin opening their doors nationwide. 

In states such as New York, the first cannabis business licenses (CBLs) are being given to people who were impacted by the war on drugs and hemp farmers. The effort is a first-of-its-kind approach that is admirable in theory – a positive step toward righting the wrongs that have persistently and unfairly affected people of color – but still leave the door open for challenges in practice.

Simply put, the barrier for entry is too high for most individuals due to the complex and convoluted CBL application process. Between sifting through and submitting thousand-plus page documents and potentially spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to create a perfect, compliant application, new business owners are fighting an uphill battle against multi-state operators (MSOs) who have moved across the country as legalization opens state by state and have the process (and hundreds of thousands dollars needed to afford a dedicated application consulting firm) down to a science.

Legislators may have noble intentions in offering a head-start to people affected by the war on drugs in an effort to correct past wrongdoings and create a distribution of ownership that looks like the people most affected, but if the necessary regulatory framework of the application process is encumbered with more compliance to receive equity benefits, it will be even harder to complete a competitive application – leaving many potential new business owners without a license and the well-oiled machines known as MSOs first in line.

Not to mention the fact that the application process often plays out over years. States will frequently take half a year to review an application and only provide roughly 10 days to fix any deficiencies.

Technology is The Way

While the odds may seem stacked, the technology to close the gap exists and many CBL applicants are finding out how to compete against large MSOs and established players in the market. As someone who experienced everything that goes into the application process, and what is wrong with it, first-hand when I began my career in cannabis, I’ve realized that the only way to effectively compete is by working smarter. Through technology we can create greater access and a level playing field. 

There are several key areas where technology (i.e. “working smarter”) is already paving the way for true social equity while applicants embark on submitting a cannabis business license. Document generation, telepresence, language processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence and augmented reality are among areas of interest that savvy CBL applicants can implement into their strategy. By normalizing standard operating procedures (SOPs) across verticals and jurisdictions, companies can provide contextual SOPs directly in front of a user with a simple QR code. Imagine a world where a dispensary employee can access SOPs directly from each piece of equipment or area of a facility with minimal effort simply by scanning a QR code with their tablet.

A Cannabis Industry for All

Laws that benefit a more equitable industry surely help, but in a new industry where the gap between the have and have-nots is already wide and growing rapidly, more steps need to be taken by regulators to eliminate the pay-to-play mistakes that have infested other state cannabis policies such as in my home state of Illinois. In Illinois, there wasn’t a fair cap on the number of CBL submissions for a company, leaving businesses with the most money with an opportunity to submit over 40 times and flood the application pool.

Thankfully, I’m pleased that regulators in New York and New Jersey are doing a better job in this regard, avoiding these unfair situations, but I foresee a highly political zoning situation in New York. Historically, companies that can afford to pay lobbyists and other influential people to get the deals and contracts done, are more successful. I’m not sure what short-term regulatory solution exists for this age-old, persistent issue. 

It’s encouraging to see the cannabis legalization movements around the country paired with well-meaning equity and restorative justice initiatives. However, there is still a high barrier to entry presented by the extensive and convoluted cannabis business license application process. Only through advances in technology will this barrier be taken down.

Walter Moore Cognitive Harmony Technologies CEO & CTO, is an accomplished software architect, financial engineer, and entrepreneur residing in the south suburbs of Illinois. He specializes in architecting elegant, compliant, and scalable solutions to complex regulatory environments in the AdTech, FinTech, Digital Assets, and Cannabis industries. He has a Masters of Science in Financial Engineering and undergraduate degrees in Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics.

Walter started Cognitive Harmony Technologies in order to support social equity teams and bring change to an industry which has historically whitewashed the past injustices served in its former prohibition, something which he has experienced firsthand in prior decades. As a cannabis business license owner, Walter knows just how difficult it is to put together a competitive application. He developed the CHT platform in order to help lower the barrier of entry for others willing to put in the hard work of assembling an application, but who would otherwise be priced out of the competition.

About Cognitive Harmony Technologies

At Cognitive Harmony Technologies, our proprietary CHT Accelerator platform is paving the way for true social equity in the CBL application process by developing a meticulous roadmap to create a complete and competitive automated application much like tax preparation software generates tax returns, providing live-support, and offering access to a helpful network of architects, realtors and a range of connections.  Additionally, we offer this for a fraction of the cost of what the hundred-thousand-dollar consulting firms that multi-state operators employ, and in some cases it is completely free.  Cutting-edge technology is the best tool that an everyday, aspiring entrepreneur can leverage to break into the industry, and make the cannabis sector’s leadership as representative and diverse as the consumers. 

Our mission is to open the doors for equitable cannabis business ownership by making the application process easy as filing personal income taxes online. The CHT Accelerator streamlines the entire application process into one easy-to-use software platform so you can create a complete and competitive application. Follow us on LinkedIn or visit our website.

Behind Closed Doors: NCIA at CANNRA’s June Conference

The discussion about the future of cannabis legalization is ongoing, to say the least. Recently, Cannabis Regulators Association (CANNRA) held a two-day conference in early June to gather Marijuana government regulators, trade associations, and businesses. The Cannabis Regulators Association (CANNRA) is a national nonpartisan organization of government cannabis regulators that provides policymakers and regulatory agencies with the resources to make informed decisions when considering whether and how to legalize and regulate cannabis.

Representatives from NCIA participated in the conference – NCIA Board Members Khurshid Khoja (Chair Emeritus) and Michael Cooper (Board Secretary), and we caught up with them in this blog interview to better understand the goals and outcomes of the event.

From a bird’s eye view, what was the overall goal of this conference? 

MC:  The conference was an opportunity for regulators from around the nation to hear directly from stakeholders on the current and future challenges that face these markets and different models of regulation to tackle them.  

KK: I’ll add that our own goals, as the current Policy Co-chairs for NCIA, were to better understand the priorities of state and local cannabis regulators across the country, and anticipate future developments in cannabis policy early on, so we could take that back to the NCIA membership and the staff – especially Michelle Rutter Friberg, Mike Correia, and Maddy Grant from our amazing government relations team.

Let’s talk about who was invited to participate in these panel discussions. From cannabis industry associations to those who regulate cannabis, who else was there?

KK: Michael and I each spoke on a panel. The other speakers included reps from federal trade associations, lobbyists, vendors, and ancillary companies who were helping to underwrite the event (along with NCIA). Given that CANNRA is a non-profit that doesn’t receive any funding from their member jurisdictions, and has a single paid full-time staff member, I thought they were still able to obtain a fairly diverse and interesting set of speakers at the end of the day – including NCIA Board and Committee alums Ean Seeb, Steve DeAngelo, Amber Senter and David Vaillencourt (representing the Colorado Governor’s Office, LPP, Supernova Women and ASTM, respectively), as well as folks from Code for America, Americans for Safe Access, and the Minority Cannabis Business Association, U.S. Pharmacopeia, NIDA, the CDC, and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, representatives of the pharmaceutical, hemp, tobacco and logistics industries, and public health officials.

Were there any organizations or sectors of the industry that were not in attendance, whether they weren’t invited or just didn’t participate, and why is it important to note the gaps of who was not represented?

MC:  No licensed businesses were invited. Instead, organizations that represent industry members were invited. As a result, we felt it was crucial to inform these discussions with the perspective of the multitude of small and medium-sized businesses otherwise known as Main Street Cannabis that have built this industry and continue to serve as its engine.    

KK: Sadly, we did not have an opportunity to hear from members of the Coalition of Cannabis Regulators of Color. I can’t speak to why that was, but it was unfortunate for us nonetheless. And while we had some public health officials there, I know that CANNRA Executive Director Dr. Schauer would have preferred to see more of them in attendance.

Across the spectrum of policy and regulations and legislative goals, what topics were covered in the panel discussions across the two-day conference?

KK: We covered a ton, given the time we had, including the federal political and policy landscape; interstate commerce; the impact of taxes on the success of the regulated market; social equity and social justice; preventing youth access; regulation of novel, intoxicating and hemp-based cannabinoids; the prospects for uniform state regulations; technological solutions to improve compliance and regulatory oversight; and delivery models.

What information or perspectives did NCIA bring to the panel discussions that were unique from other participants? What does NCIA represent that is different from the other voices at the event?

MC:  There really are a wide variety of perspectives on how best to regulate this industry. We felt it was essential that NCIA give a voice to Main Street Cannabis, the small businesses that so many adult-use consumers and medical patients rely upon. We emphasized, for example, that these are often businesses that cannot simply operate in the red indefinitely, but provide essential diversity (in the background and life experience of operators as well as in product selection and choice). NCIA wants to make sure that the future of cannabis isn’t simply the McDonalds and Burger Kings of cannabis. There are times when consumers want that, but there are also times when they want something unique and different. And it’s crucial that policy not destroy the small and medium-sized, frequently social equity-owned, businesses that provide those choices.

What else was interesting to you about this gathering of minds? Were you surprised by anything, or was there anything you heard that you disagreed with?

MC: There are a ton of different perspectives and approaches to cannabis, and that’s no surprise to anyone who has followed these issues closely because the tensions are very clear in the policy debates that are ongoing. 

As the voice for the industry, we sought to urge an approach grounded in reality. Americans want these products. That’s clear from the ballot box and public polling. The question should be about how to encourage Americans to purchase regulated, tested versions of these products. 

KK: There was definitely stuff we didn’t agree with – some of it from folks that we otherwise largely agree with. For example, our good friend Steve Hawkins of the USCC shocked a few of us in the audience when he seemed to indicate some receptivity to re-scheduling cannabis on an interim basis, rather than moving to de-scheduling immediately. I think that while rescheduling may benefit scientific research and pharmaceutical development, it could ring the death knell for Main Street Cannabis businesses. NCIA has consistently advocated for de-scheduling rather than re-scheduling.

After two days of panels, did anything new come through these discussions, or were any accomplishments achieved?

KK: I think there’s a growing recognition that addressing social equity solely through preferential licensing and business ownership for the few isn’t enough and that the licensing agencies and regulators that execute social equity policies have a very limited (and often underfunded) arsenal to comprehensively redress the harm caused by federal, state and local governments prosecuting the war on drugs. In my remarks, I said it was time for us to start discussing additional forms of targeted reparation and had a number of regulators approach me afterward to continue the discussion. Candidly, I expected my remarks to fall on deaf ears. They didn’t. That was very encouraging.

MC: There was definite progress. At the end of the day, these cannabis regulators are working hard to try to get this right. But in such a new area, and with so many competing perspectives and voices, their job isn’t easy. We were heartened to see the level of engagement from regulators on these points, including follow-ups to get more information on some of the pain points we identified for small and equity businesses in the industry. 

It was definitely rewarding to provide NCIA and our members’ perspectives in a forum like this, and we’re looking forward to continuing to further strengthen NCIA’s relationship with CANNRA and regulators around the country.  

Member Blog: What Growers Should Know About Hop Latent Viroid

by Angel Fernandez, María Zuccarelli, and María de Catarina, MyFloraDNA

For many years, growers and breeders have speculated why “dud plants” are seen across different cannabis crops.

It is a fact that cannabis has faced many viral infections. Due to viruses and viroids, some varieties mutated into genetic changes over time, altering the evolution of the plant.

But… how can we detect Hop Latent Viroid (HLV)?

Hop Latent Viroid (commonly known as Dudding Disease) is a single-stranded, circular infectious RNA. It is not a virus. Let us explain the difference:

Viroids only replicate in plants. Also, viruses are more complex than viroids. Viroids are compounded by only RNA, while viruses are composed of a protein capsule enveloping their genetic material.

Viruses infect new hosts only once they enter a host and replicate on it. Viroids are transmitted through direct contact of a healthy plant with an infected one. Also, can be transmitted by contaminated tools and instruments (gloves, scissors, tweezers, even human hands).

Talking about HLV, we must remember that this viroid is latent, so there are many asymptomatic transmissions. It can spread without symptoms, and you will only realize it when it is too late.

HLV Symptoms:

HLV is a silent viroid, meaning that this viroid may or may not show early visual clues from its presence. Some physical symptoms in cannabis plants are:

What about transmission?

This issue is important, so please take note. If you have any doubts about an infection of Hop Latent Viroid in your garden, TREAT EVERYTHING AS IF IT IS INFECTED. Download here our guide on how to treat infected material.

HLV and other viroids in your garden or greenhouse can spread quickly from infected to healthy plants. The main transmission causes are:

  • Infected equipment: sterilize the equipment before working on new plants to reduce the possibility of contamination.
  • Clones: before cutting, we recommend doing a complete pathogen test, to avoid infected clones.
  • Seeds: this is currently under research, but HLV has an 8% chance of being present in the seeds of an infected mother plant.
  • Human touch: cultivation managers and staff have to sterilize their hands and gloves before jumping from one plant to another. A simple touch is enough to transmit HLV.
  • Bugs and pests: bugs and pests are always present, and their bites may transmit HLV, spreading the pathogen through your entire garden in a blink of an eye.

How can you prevent HLV?

Here are some essential tips:

  • Keep your equipment clean. You can read more about how to sterilize your tools on our Instagram profile.
  • Make sure you have pests under control
  • Tissue culture: HLV can travel through the plant’s vascular system and may be left behind in older tissues as plants develop. It can outgrow the problem by producing clones from the infected plant. The more cuttings a grower roots, the higher the chances of selecting a clean one.
  • Pay special attention when visits come by: HLV may come in a visitor’s hand, glove, or even shoes! 
  • When a plant or leaf enters, please do not accept it unless it has a negative DNA HLV test. It is the only way you can be sure it is not a threat to your garden.

Who asks if you think HLV may be in your garden?

Thank you for reading! We hope you find this information useful. In case of any doubts, do not hesitate to ask us regarding any related topic and download our Complete HLV Guide here. We highly recommend you consult with DNA Laboratory. They will guide you through the process, test your plants, and let you know if they are infected with HLV or not. 

Angel Fernandez, CEO & Co-Founder at MyFloraDNA. “It is time to fill in the gap between DNA Sciences and Agriculture. MyFloraDNA is willing to show the huge opportunities that exist for modern genetics in agriculture. Now, it is time for another agricultural revolution”

Co-author: María Zuccarelli, CMO at MyFloraDNA.
Editor: María de Catarina, PR Intern at MyFloraDNA.

About MyFloraDNA: We are a genomic laboratory based in Woodland California, delivering modern genomics for the Cannabis Industry

Our services include Trait detection (cannabinoid profile and sex/gender ID), Pathogen Detection, and Genetic Validation Services. We offer breakthrough solutions using the inner power of your plants.


Member Blog: Stellar Customer Service, Transparency, & Education Drive Cannabis Success

by Gary Paulin, VP of Sales and Client Services at Lightning Labels

With expansive product choices, it’s no longer enough to rely solely on product quality and availability. Today’s maturing cannabis marketplace requires differentiation to resonate and succeed.

Three pillars of that differentiation are stellar customer service, total transparency, and excellent education. At the core of each, sincerity and truth must predominate. In this age of “fake news,” anything that doesn’t seem trustworthy and true likely will backfire on the company sooner or later.

It only takes one unsubstantiated quality control or product claim to hit the social media lie detector, then potentially go viral. At the very least, one consumer badmouthing your company via word-of-mouth and/or digital messaging will harm your reviews and ratings. In most cases, the damage will be undetectable until it reaches a level where revenues and reputation are noticeably impacted.

Following are four basics of stellar customer service, transparency, and education:

  1. Interact authentically. Scripts and canned phrases instinctively don’t resonate with most consumers. One obvious example is the “I’m so sorry you’re having a problem” response. How likely is it that the person is really sorry and not just parroting something they’ve been told to repeat time and time again? Instead, communicate in a real way by tuning into what the existing or prospective customer is trying to address.

For example, when someone complains about lengthy waits to receive live phone support (including disconnects while waiting), it’s okay to say something like, “I get it. We’ve been having challenges. Now that we’re on the phone together, let’s address your needs right away. And, please give me your phone number, just in case this call drops. I’ll call you right back.”

  1. Offer multichannel communications preferences. Some people want live phone support, not a digital option. Chat bots can be extraordinarily frustrating unless the programming and ability is advanced. Ditto for “live chat.” As much as possible, make it easy and meet everyone’s preferences. Email, live phone support, texting, website knowledge center, and digital chat should all be offered to meet the customer in a way that works best.


  2. Offer total and transparent education. Knowledge centers (and associated forums) and FAQs can be excellent tools to help provide priority information, but they’re only one piece of the puzzle. Consumer questions and concerns can cover anything. There should be an easy way to find more information through the above-referenced channels as needed. Product labels can provide easy access to a variety of information, starting with label content and extending to either Augmented Reality or QR digital gateways for more in-depth education. Those digital gateways should contain valuable information, along with easily found follow-up calling, emailing, live chat, and additional educational options (including possibly Knowledge Center, FAQs, and keyword-search forums/articles, et al).

“Full disclosure” should be at the core of all things educational, both in information repositories and customer service support. For example, CBD can make some people cranky and anxious. Full disclosure must override the desire to sell. By fully informing a consumer of risks as well as rewards, the experience is much more likely to result in high marks for the company.

Conversely, incomplete or inaccurate information provided by salespeople motivated only by making sales will backfire when less than optimum outcomes occur. In contrast, a salesperson willing and able to fully educate will help build long-term customer relationships with the company. 

  1. Hire motivated, attentive, smart people. No matter what policies and training are in place, ultimately companies need to focus on hiring the best candidates — those dedicated to top-notch customer service, truthtelling, and education. Workforce shortages are not a valid reason to abandon these core values in the name of expedient hiring. Be committed to employee wants and needs, and be prepared to follow through. Offer generous wages, but beware of those who seem overly money motivated and demanding. They likely will be gone as soon as the next “shiny toy” opportunity comes along.

There are companies that have weathered supply chain and workforce shortage issues — and even inflationary pressures — well. One that comes to mind is Costco. Unlike many retailers during the pandemic, their quality of service has remained high. Product availability and selection have been maintained. Prices, although subject to some upward movement, don’t seem to have risen as much as most retailers.

Clearly, Costco found solutions instead of blaming challenging conditions and using those as an excuse for failure. Follow this example. Find ways to do more with less, get creative about becoming more efficient, and plan ahead so that emergent problems don’t become overly taxing. 

Cannabis companies that excel in being trusted, liked, and respected will outperform their competitors willing to live with mediocrity.

Gary Paulin is VP of Sales and Client Services at Lightning Labels, a Denver-based custom label printer that uses state-of-the-art printing technology to provide affordable, full-color custom labels and custom stickers of all shapes and sizes. Contact:; 800.544.6323 or 303.481.2304.



Committee Blog: Cannabis Lounges – Coming to a City Near You? 

By Jodi Green, Miller Nash LLP; Shay Gilmore, The Law Office of Shay Aaron Gilmore
Members of NCIA’s Risk Management and Insurance Committee

Although the concept of state-legal cannabis has been around in some shape or form since 1996, cannabis remains illegal to consume in most public places. In other words, legal cannabis consumption remains relegated to back alleys, derailing efforts to “normalize” cannabis use. Tourists visiting popular cities where weed is legal are caught in the unenviable Catch-22 of being able to purchase, but not publically consume, the product. And those who attempt to use cannabis in public still face criminal penalties in some states, with minorities three times more likely to be targeted for arrest, perpetuating racial disparities at a tremendous social cost. 

Enter the cannabis lounge. Cannabis lounges — also known as “consumption lounges,” cannabis cafes, or some variation on that theme — are in simplest terms the cannabis equivalent of a bar or restaurant. Depending on state and local regulations, lounges offer users the chance to congregate in a public place and smoke a joint, try out a $500 gravity bong, or sip on a cannabis drink. With any luck, consumers may enjoy their cannabis with a snack or dinner, but mixing with alcohol is typically not allowed. 

As with any “new” risks, some cities, states, and insurers are… concerned. Despite some obvious tax and social benefits, detractors cite a host of reasons to prevent lounges from coming to a city near you, including at the forefront: fears of public nuisance (odors, theft, and disruption) and overconsumption — especially because most states insulate cannabis cafes from liability for harm caused by obviously intoxicated or underage users, unlike dram shop laws for alcohol.

As another NCIA member recently pointed out, even in states that do allow cannabis cafes, regulatory bodies continue to struggle with how to shape the laws and regulations governing lounges to afford adequate consumer protection while allowing businesses to thrive. Moreover, without a better understanding of the regulatory landscape, some insurers — whose business model hinges on the ability to accurately price a risk — may be unwilling to play in this new cannabis lounge market.

A Sampling of State Approaches to Cannabis Lounges

Alaska led the country in 2019 in licensing on-site consumption. A handful of states and localities have followed Alaska’s guide, and more are anticipated to join this year, including Michigan and New York. We compare a few regulatory schemes below and also consider the impact of dram shop legislation on risks faced by the industry. 


California, governed on the state level by the Medicinal and Adult Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act, delegates to localities the right to open consumption lounges. Put simply, cities have to affirmatively “opt in” to allow lounges. With a few contingencies — including that patrons must be 21 or older and no alcohol or tobacco can be sold on premises — “a local jurisdiction may allow for the smoking, vaporizing, and ingesting of cannabis or cannabis products on the premises of a” licensed retailer. See BPC § 26200(g)

To date, only a few localities have opted in to allow cannabis lounges, including San Francisco, Oakland, and Palm Springs. West Hollywood, in efforts to create an epicenter for canna-tourism, plans to allow up to 16 lounges within its jurisdiction. Because state law provides little regulatory guidance for lounges, localities generally provide more specific guidance. As an example, West Hollywood’s local municipal code requires security guards on site, as well as within a two-block radius surrounding the business during operation, and allows the sale of cannabis to an individual “in an amount reasonable for onsite consumption.” West Hollywood Municipal Code §5.70.041. Only one lounge is currently open in West Hollywood, the Artist Tree’s Studio Cannabis Lounge, which offers not only lounge access but cannabis yoga, live music, and comedy shows, along with a revolving selection of local art. The Woods, another West Hollywood dispensary with a soon-to-open courtyard lounge space, is also slated to open in 2022. 

Although California law significantly limits third-party liability for alcohol-related accidents, it does not afford cannabis owners the same protection. For example, California Civil Code §1714 explicitly states that furnishing alcohol “is not the proximate cause of injuries resulting from intoxication,” which has essentially absolved bars, restaurants, party hosts, and most others of potential liability for selling or furnishing alcohol to customers and guests with an exception for liability arising from the furnishing of alcohol to an “obviously intoxicated minor.” See California Business & Professions Code § 25602.1. Without similar protections for cannabis lounges, injured parties could attempt to sue under a negligence theory if a business or employee serves an intoxicated patron who causes harm.


As of January 1, 2020, local jurisdictions in Colorado can opt-in to the state’s cannabis hospitality business license regime (Colo. Rev. Stat. § 44-10-609), and as of March of 2022, the City of Denver has approved cannabis hospitality businesses for operation. Denver operators include the first social equity applicant in Denver approved for a hospitality license, the Tetra Lounge, although from its website Tetra Lounge’s website describes itself as “a private lounge,” requiring a monthly or annual membership fee and a liability waiver to gain access.  

As to dram shop liability, although Colorado law authorizes damages against a licensee for willfully and knowingly selling or serving alcoholic beverages to a visibly intoxicated person, the Colorado Legislature caps liability at $150,000 (Colo. Rev. Stat. § 12-47-801 (3)(II)(c)). This damages cap improves (i.e., reduces) the ISO hazard grade, resulting in the improvement of insurance options available for liquor liability. The legislature has not adopted the same or a similar damages cap on liability for cannabis consumption establishments. 


In June 2021, Nevada’s Governor signed Assembly Bill 341 into law, authorizing the Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board (“CCB”) to license and regulate consumption lounges across the state, subject always to local approval. The State plans to issue up to 65 lounge licenses (40-45 for lounges attached to existing dispensaries, 20 for independent lounges) with 10 reserved for social equity applicants. 

Most recently, on June 28, 2022, the CCB voted to unanimously approve a host of regulations for cannabis consumption lounges. Nevada’s extremely detailed state regulations prohibit the sale of “single use cannabis products” with more than 3.5 grams of “usable cannabis” and 10 mg of THC for edibles; prohibit the removal of any cannabis products from a lounge; require a mitigation plan for impaired driving and detailed employee training for overconsumption; and require consumer education and warnings to customers, among other things. As with other states, Nevada allows local jurisdictions to prohibit consumption lounges and to implement more stringent regulations than state law. 

Unlike other states, however, Nevada law carves out protections for cannabis lounge operators just as it does for alcohol. Nevada law already protects businesses that serve or sell alcoholic beverages from injuries inflicted by an intoxicated person. And while any person who knowingly furnishes an alcoholic beverage to any person under 21 years of age is guilty of a misdemeanor, the law provides only for criminal penalties, not civil liability. The Nevada Supreme Court has repeatedly refused to impose responsibility on vendors selling alcohol absent a legislative provision. See Snyder v. Viani, 885 P.2d 610 (Nev. 1994) (holding consumption is the proximate cause of alcohol-related injuries and dismissing the negligence claim against a tavern owner for alcohol service). The same rules will apply to cannabis operators. 


Over two years after full legalization of adult-use commercial cannabis in Illinois, cannabis lounges in Illinois are still relatively rare, with the first Chicago-area marijuana consumption lounge opening on April 20, 2022. Like other states, the State of Illinois does not directly license lounges, but it allows local governments to opt in.

Illinois creates a cause of action against sellers for injury by an intoxicated person. § 235 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/6-21. The standards for liability under the Illinois dram shop law include: (1) sale of alcohol to any person who, while intoxicated, causes injury, and (2) any person owning, renting, leasing, or permitting the occupation of any building or premises with knowledge that alcoholic liquors are to be sold therein, severally or jointly, along with the person selling or giving liquor. In Illinois, the Dram Shop Statute provides the exclusive remedy for alcohol related injuries. See Charles v. Seigfreid, 65 NE.2d. 154 (Ill. 1995). The Statute also provides stringent limitations on recovery of damages. There is no equivalent in Illinois for cannabis entities. 

The Takeaway for Business Entities and Insurance Providers

As with cannabis law generally, lounge operators face a patchwork of state and local regulations that vary tremendously by jurisdiction. In most places, cannabis lounge owners are not protected by dram shop/gram shop laws that otherwise insulate bars and restaurants from liability for overconsumption. This means that companies must be vigilant in protecting themselves from liability by instituting compliance and risk-management procedures. 

In some instances, such as California’s West Hollywood, which has far fewer safeguards and guidelines than Nevada, operators are largely left to their own devices in implementing adequate risk transfer and risk management, compliance, employee training, and consumer education to limit risk of liability. While the West Hollywood municipal code requires lounges to limit cannabis sales of cannabis “in an amount reasonable for onsite consumption,” the “reasonableness” standard is rife with ambiguity and could lead to disputes regarding liability and assumption of risk if a patron overconsumes.  

Evaluating and preventing overconsumption and intoxication will be particularly difficult for cannabis when: patrons have varying experience levels with cannabis; products can be sold in more than a single serving, and no specific consumer education is required. Thus, even in locations that have more stringent regulatory oversight, companies would be wise to consult with experienced counsel and consultants to avoid or limit potential risks associated with regulatory uncertainty, civil liability, and government penalties for non-compliance. 

This brings us full circle to the question of insurance. Even in the states that allow consumption lounges, very few insurance companies provide coverage for on-site consumption (although some do). If an exclusion prohibits coverage, the company may not have coverage for important and sometimes catastrophic events, such as property damage by fire, theft/robbery, cyber events, sexual harassment or discrimination claims by employees or others, and bodily injuries to, or caused by, patrons (on and off premises). 

Most existing property, general liability, products liability, and other insurance policies — including those written for the cannabis industry — expressly exclude coverage for on-site consumption or bodily injury caused by intoxication. In fact, some existing cannabis insurance companies include a “health hazard” exclusion in their policies, which exclude coverage for any bodily injury arising in any way from the use of cannabis, including any health injury. Cannabis insurance policies may also exclude coverage for intentional or illegal acts, which some insurers may try to apply to any claim involving cannabis on the basis that the sale of cannabis violates federal law (the Controlled Substances Act), even if it is state legal. 

For current licensees that are planning to open an attached or adjacent consumption space, current insurance policies may not cover injuries arising in the lounge space. Further, any failure to identify a change in business type could prompt an insurance carrier to deny coverage for subsequent claims based on a theory of misrepresentation. 

In closing, cannabis owners should attempt to negotiate separate and/or broader coverage that carves out coverage for their cannabis-related activities, including on premise consumption, with their current insurer or seek to obtain coverage from a different carrier. Experienced insurance coverage counsel can assist with identifying reputable insurance brokers and negotiating policies that provide such coverage. Because of the limited options, companies would be wise to begin the process of identifying experienced insurance coverage advisors at the beginning of their licensing journey. 




Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, July 28, 2022

NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. This week Bethany is joined by NCIA CEO Aaron Smith and Deputy Director of Government Relations Michelle Rutter Friberg. Join us every other Thursday on Facebook for NCIA Today Live.


Equity Member Spotlights: Where Are They Now?

Where are they now? This month, NCIA’s editorial department continues the monthly Member Spotlight series by following up with three of our Social Equity Scholarship Recipients as part of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program. Participants are gaining first-hand access to regulators in key markets to get insight on the industry, tips for raising capital, and advice on how to access and utilize data to ensure success in their businesses, along with all the other benefits available to NCIA members.

For reference, previous member spotlights

    1. Equity Member Spotlight: Exspiravit LLC
    2. Equity Member Spotlight: Endo Industries – Nancy Do
    3. Equity Member Spotlight: Next Level Edibles – Anthony Jenkins, CEO

Exspiravit LLC

What’s new in the world of Exspiravit? 

First off, we have rebranded. We are now Cannvas Events. The name change was part of our evolution and maturation as a startup. As we scaled, more resources became available for things like branding. We brought in Greg Hill of Brand Birth to deploy the science of branding and the end result was a new name, new logo, and new understanding of where we were situated in the regulated cannabis ecosystem. The transformation led to the planning and production of our signature Cannabis Event 2.0 offering, the inaugural Saturnalia Canna Carnival, taking place at the Trinity Health Arena in Muskegon, MI on August 2oth. We are powering a traditional indoor/outdoor carnival – rides and attractions included – with a hassle-free, normalizing consumption solution. If you’re in the Midwest, come join us as we celebrate the first year of an iconic, perennial cannabis festival. Tickets and info at and follow us @saturnaliacannacarnival

Would you like to share anything that came out of being in the Spotlight previously?

The Spotlight feature presented tremendous value. The first year of the cannabis startup journey is devoid of financial revenue. Unless you’re needle-in-the-haystack lucky, it’s not even a consideration. The money is flowing in the opposite direction. So, the only available revenue, or currency, are the relationships. If you’re fortunate, these become renewable resources upon which you can draw repeatedly, and managed properly, they have no expiration date. You can bank them like any currency and you have much more influence on their stability, than on fiat currency. For me, that one relationship was with Michael Schwamm, who leads the Duane Morris cannabis practice out of New York. Michael opened doors for me and got me into rooms that I was previously unaware existed. That access has made all of the difference for me, personally, and for Cannvas Events. And had it not been for the Spotlight, I would have never been in position to enjoy that access.

Endo Industries

Since the last spotlight, you’ve joined the DEI Committee and its Regulatory Subcommittee. Anything you’d like to share about that experience thus far?

I’m impressed by the brilliant folks on the committee, and their dedication to making cannabis equitable. It takes time out of our grueling work days to contribute time on these committees but the contribution to making the industry better is crucial during these developmental years of cannabis. Perhaps our current misguided, harmful CA cannabis policies could have been prevented with more early participation from stakeholders who are stewards of the plant. However, there were many factors involved with the way CA policies were created, including special interest money from those who don’t care or want to see the industry fail. 

It’s been a painful journey living through the consequences of these challenging policies as a cannabis operator. It takes a long time to change once it’s been passed. However, companies who are willing to work together in these important processes will survive and write a new path to move forward. Most of us can’t wait anymore for things to change so we need everyone’s active participation now, whether it’s writing an email to your constituents or being a part of NCIA!

California cannabis seems to be going through terrible challenges. Is there anything you’d like to share about what you’re seeing, or about some of the solutions our members can support with?

Overburdensome taxes and high barriers to entry for licensing throughout the state are most obvious right now. The lack of diversity and equity, consumer education, state and federal funding for further research and development also play a huge role in CA’s struggles. I’m frustrated that the State doesn’t understand that those who have been dedicated to the industry, collaboration and this plant are the only ones who can truly guide this industry forward.

NCIA members can lend support by truly including legacy, equity, and other diverse teams into your conversations and partnerships, and opening our eyes to value brought to the table by different communities. I would also encourage members to think about ways we can create awareness to our consumers to make better buying decisions. We have left all the medical properties of cannabis while legalizing, and that’s also why the industry is failing. Lastly, we need to keep pushing for more consumption lounges and events!

At Endo Industries, we built our company on principles of collaboration, science, equity and inclusion. Most notably, we offer critical supply chain support through our tissue culture services, and certified virus-free clean clones for growers, breeders and brands. If you know good operators who could benefit from our support, please send them our way. I cannot stress enough that the work Endo is doing is crucial for the success of the supply chain right now.

Would you like to share anything that came out of being in the Spotlight previously?

We’ve gotten great exposure for being featured in Spotlight. Endo and myself are more internet searchable, which in this day in age means we are real people!

People started sharing the link to the Spotlight to use as an introduction to Endo and myself as a founder. We’ve been told by clients who decided to work with us because they came across the feature when researching Endo. It solidified their desire to pick us because we are bullish about our values because our business model is strategic and collaborative. 

It’s great to be co-signed by a credible organization like NCIA, and it goes a long way for a small business that doesn’t have an abundance of marketing and PR resources. I’ve hid in the shadows for far too long. My journey and passion for cannabis needs to be told and celebrated. Endo as a company needs exposure so we can reach a larger audience. I’m grateful for NCIA and look forward to our continued relationship.

Next Level Edibles

What’s new in the world of Next Level Edibles?

There is a lot new in the world of Next Level since our Equity Spotlight in September of 2021. In December, we had a booth, sponsored by the awesome team at The People’s Ecosystem, in Moscone Center at NCIA San Francisco. It was our first time attending an expo, let alone having a booth, and it was a great opportunity to grow our brand while creating relationships for future business opportunities. In the second week of the new year we launched our 1000 mg full spectrum coconut oil in Ivy Hill Oakland. And, later that month, we were welcomed into the Third Cohort of Momentum, Eaze’s Cannabis Business Accelerator. Two weeks before classes began, in early April, we launched our infused fast-acting brown sugar in 7 Star Holistic Healing Center. And in May, we attended MJ Unpacked NYC with other graduates of Our Academy. 

California cannabis seems to be going through terrible challenges. Is there anything you’d like to share about what you’re seeing, or about some of the solutions our members can support with?

California Cannabis is facing challenges on many fronts. Countless unnecessary hurdles to legal entry, political red tape, and excess packaging waste to name a few. But the biggest challenges are around security. Every week there is news of a new dispensary, farm, distributor, and friend being burglarized. High tech security systems, gates, and cameras are no match for organized thieves and slow police responses. Until we can get a portion of our excessive taxes dedicated to funding police divisions that specifically targets cannabis thieves, the best solution to combat this is to support your favorite brands by purchasing their products through legal cannabis retail sources.

Would you like to share anything that came out of being in the Spotlight previously?

Being in the Spotlight helped our company tremendously. It allowed us to grow our cannabis network as plant-touching and ancillary companies reached out from all over the country. In addition, the visibility it provided us helped connect with the team at The People’s Ecosystem which led to our booth at NCIA’s Cannabis Business Summit and our new supply chain partners. It provided the traction we needed to help us get to the next level.

Member Blog: As Professionals in the Cannabis Industry, It’s Our Responsibility to Unmask the 4 Big Lies

By Charlena Berry, Cannabis Business Growth

The following is adapted from Breaking the Stigma.

The vast majority of U.S. adults support the legalization of cannabis, with 60 percent supporting legalization for medical and adult use, and 31 percent supporting medical use only. Only 8 percent say it should not be legal for use by adults in any scenario. These numbers are promising for those of us in the industry, but behind the numbers, many stigmas still exist.

Breaking the stigma against cannabis is the responsibility of each and every individual currently working in the cannabis industry. In particular, for those of us working in retail, we are on the front lines of changing the criminal and negative perceptions associated with cannabis. 

As front-line workers, it is important to understand how the stigma against cannabis came about and how it has harmed not just the cannabis industry and cannabis users, but our entire country. We’ve all been lied to. These Big Lies have shaped our beliefs about race, cannabis, and addiction, and it’s time to unmask these Big Lies for what they are: lies.

#1: Black Men Are Dangerous

The lie that Black men are inherently dangerous extends far, far back into our country’s history, but we’re going to start in the 1930s, with a man named Harry J. Anslinger. Anslinger became the commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930. 

Anslinger initially spent most of his time chasing down bootleggers. When Prohibition ended in 1933, he suddenly found himself out of a job. For the Federal Bureau of Narcotics to continue to have purpose — and receive the funding that paid his salary — Anslinger had to find a new bogeyman to prosecute. 

He chose marijuana, a term that itself has racist roots and was a way to otherize cannabis as a “Mexican drug.” At this time, cannabis was not regulated in any way in the United States, so he first had to make it illegal. In order to do that, he needed people to fear it. He figured, why not link it to something people already fear: Black people — particularly Black men.

And so, the propaganda began. Anslinger sparked a national anti-cannabis movement by tying cannabis usage to the Black community and other marginalized groups. 

Obviously, Anslinger didn’t invent racism, but his propaganda propagated and amplified it. In short, Anslinger used the lie that Black men are dangerous to help make cannabis illegal, and then he weaponized cannabis against minority communities. 

To this day, people of color are disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs. In fact, though Black and white people use cannabis at similar rates, a Black person is 3.64 times more likely to be arrested for possession. And, as industry professionals, we need to understand the racist roots behind the stigma of cannabis and do our part to elevate those groups disproportionately and unfairly impacted by the war on drugs.

#2: Cannabis Is Dangerous

Using fear of Black men, Anslinger convinced people that cannabis was dangerous. The idea that cannabis makes people dangerous is ludicrous to me. I grew up during the war on drugs, and I bought into many of the lies. I truly believed cannabis was bad, but never once did I think of cannabis users as dangerous. 

As a child, I spent time around both alcoholics and cannabis users, and the difference was clear to me. Drunk people were violent, abusive, and dangerous. High people were safe, normal, and most importantly not violent.

However, in the drug education I received, I learned that all drugs are fundamentally bad, with no differentiation. Cannabis, meth, heroin, LSD, cocaine — they were all grouped together. And even when people acknowledged that cannabis was less harmful and addictive than harder drugs, they emphasized that it was still incredibly dangerous because it was a “gateway drug.” 

Today, despite all the evidence that cannabis is safe for most people, the lie persists. Cannabis is classified as a Schedule I drug, meaning it has “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” Other Schedule I drugs include heroin and meth. 

As a country, it’s long past time that we focused our attention on true dangers. As a cannabis retailer, it’s important to recognize that even though you know cannabis is not dangerous, your customers might not.

#3: Opioids Are Safe

Because of the lie that cannabis is dangerous, it was not normalized (or legal) as a method of pain management. There was a need for pain management, though, and so in 1996, Purdue Pharma, under the direction of the Sackler family, developed and patented OxyContin. 

It was hailed as a miracle drug that took all the pain away, as if by magic. Magic often comes at a cost, though, and in this case, the cost was hundreds of thousands of American lives — more than five hundred thousand, to be specific.

Within a few years, evidence emerged that the drug was addictive and led to overdose deaths. While we were all being told that cannabis was the gateway drug, Purdue Pharma was flooding our country with the real gateway drug—opioids. They funded research studies that supported the use of OxyContin, and Richard Sackler put intense pressure on sales managers to sell more.

This Big Lie has harmed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Opioids destroy lives, and the ripples extend beyond the addict alone. An entire generation of children will be shaped by addiction and the absence of their parents. 

You may not be personally connected to the Opioid Endemic, but as a cannabis retailer, you are in the business of pain management. By understanding this Big Lie and providing people with an alternative to addictive opioids, you could literally save lives.

#4: Addiction Is the Addict’s Fault

I understand the impulse to blame addiction on the addict. An addict’s struggles with addiction can be enough to tear their loved ones apart inside. You want to scream, “Why can’t you just quit?” But blaming addiction on the addict makes as much sense as blaming someone for having cancer, asthma, or migraines.

Who is responsible for addiction, then? The people who caused the Opioid Endemic, people like the Sackler family. As Patrick Radden Keefe puts it in Empire of Pain, “Prior to the introduction of OxyContin, America did not have an opioid crisis. After the introduction of OxyContin, it did.”

So, if you want to blame someone for addiction, blame the Sacklers. Blame Big Pharma. Blame the people who knew this drug was addictive but lied to us, told us it was safe, and pumped it into our communities.

Every single person I know who got addicted received their first pill or hit from a trusted source. This is how the Opioid Epidemic started. It didn’t start with irresponsible drug dealers on the street. It started between patients and doctors. Opioids moved through our world via trusted sources.

Cannabis and opioids are very different drugs. Cannabis is far safer than many people realize. Due to the nature of cannabis, I do not believe cannabis retailers will be creating addicts the way Purdue Pharma did, but it’s still important to understand this Big Lie because some of your customers may have struggled with addiction and need compassion from you.

The Consequences of These Lies

These Big Lies are all connected. Without racism, cannabis wouldn’t have been stigmatized. Without the stigma against cannabis, we would have had a nonaddictive alternative to opioids. Without the lies that opioids are safe and that addicts are to blame for addiction, hundreds of thousands more people would still be alive today.

When it comes to breaking the stigma, you are on the front lines. In knowing the truth about where the stigma came from and why it’s so harmful, you can begin to change it. 

One customer at a time, you can begin to undo the Big Lies and share the reality of cannabis.

For more advice on how to undo the Big Lies and share the Big Truths of cannabis, you can find Breaking the Stigma on Amazon.

Charlena Berry is the author of Breaking the Stigma: Racism, Lies, the Opioid Endemic, and Inviting Grandma to the Dispensary. In this book, she exposes lies that created the stigmas associated with cannabis, and how these stigmas must be addressed to see continued growth in the marketplace. She then outlines a framework that provides key strategies for retailers to implement to improve the customer experience and increase profitability. 

Writing from her experiences in the industry, Charlena is a global cannabis business executive and the founder of Cannabis Business Growth, a premier cannabis business consulting firm. Prior to that, she spent more than a decade in Supply Chain and Retail Operations for Fortune 500 companies like Whirlpool and Office Depot/Office Max. She also serves as the Chief Operating Officer for The Cake House, a chain of dispensaries in Southern California.

Midsummer Movement: The Pre-August Recess Rush in D.C.

Photo By

By Michelle Rutter Friberg, NCIA’s Deputy Director of Government Relations

As Congress gets ready to beat the D.C. heat and leave Washington for their annual August recess, there’s at least one thing on their minds: cannabis. 

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) along with Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) introduced their much anticipated Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), which is now the Senate’s only pending legislation that would provide comprehensive cannabis policy reforms across the nation.

The landmark bill would remove cannabis from the federal Controlled Substances Act and move regulatory responsibility from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other agencies to protect public health and safety. The bill would also institute a federal excise tax of 5-25% on cannabis on top of the already-hefty state taxes imposed on the industry, concerning advocates for small cannabis businesses and equity operators.

The long-awaited CAOA was introduced after sponsors circulated a discussion draft last year. NCIA and other advocacy organizations provided comprehensive feedback to the bill’s authors last year. Notable changes to the legislation include:

  • Increases the permissible THC by dry weight from the current 0.3 percent to 0.7 percent and refines the definition of “hemp,” and consequently “cannabis” by taking into account the total THC in a cannabis product, rather than just delta-9 THC. 
  • Changes to the weight quantity to qualify a person for felony cannabis distribution or possession charge under the section from 10 pounds to 20 pounds. 
  • Provides that a court shall automatically, after a sentencing review, expunge each federal cannabis conviction, vacate any remaining sentence, and resentence the defendant as if this law had been in place prior to the original sentencing. 
  • Enables a noncitizen who has received a deportation order based on a cannabis-related offense to file a motion to reconsider that decision. If the motion to reconsider is filed within 30 days of the removal order, the motion may allow for the cancellation of the deportation order. 
  • Establishes a new 10-year intermediary lending pilot program in which SBA would make direct loans to eligible intermediaries that in turn make small business loans to startups, businesses owned by individuals adversely impacted by the war on drugs, and socially and economically disadvantaged small businesses. 
  • Removes the requirement to maintain a bond for any cannabis business that had less than $100,000 in excise tax liability in the prior year and reasonably expects excise tax liability in the current year to be below such amount. 
  • Incorporates rules similar to rules currently applicable to permitted malt beverage producers and wholesalers.

While the historic nature of the CAOA cannot be understated, the bill has a multitude of challenges ahead of it. Not all Senate Democrats support the legislation, making the 60-vote filibuster threshold nearly impossible. Plus, with only a couple dozen legislative days between now and the end of the session, time is also working against advocates. 

Dovetailing with the introduction of the CAOA, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism will hold a hearing titled “Decriminalizing Cannabis at the Federal Level: Necessary Steps to Address Past Harms” this Tuesday. While the witness list has not been made public as of publication, expect the hearing to focus on the newly introduced legislation and how it would affect communities most impacted by the war on drugs.

In other news, the House and Senate will vote on a revised research bill, the Cannabidiol and Marihuana Research Expansion Act, this week. The bill is expected to pass both chambers and be sent to President Biden’s desk for his signature. The Senate bill is sponsored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Brian Schatz (D-HI) and passed by unanimous consent in March. The House bill is sponsored by Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Andy Harris (R-MD), and passed 343-75 in April. One of the notable areas of compromise? The House bill would have allowed researchers to do their studies on cannabis that’s actually being sold to consumers in dispensaries. That was removed during negotiations, meaning that researchers will still have to obtain their cannabis from the University of Mississippi’s cultivation facility.  

There’s still time before recess begins, so make sure you stay tuned to NCIA’s podcast, social media, and newsletter to stay up-to-date on all the latest from Washington, D.C.! Interested in making more of an impact? Don’t forget to register for our upcoming 10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days on September 13-14, 2022!


Making History In Congress, Thanks To NCIA Members!

by Aaron Smith, NCIA’s CEO and Co-founder

History was made today as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) along with Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) introduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act which would finally remove cannabis from the federal Controlled Substances Act and begin the process of federal regulation.

For the last year, NCIA has been working behind the scenes to ensure this landmark legislation not only ends prohibition but also creates an environment where small and medium-sized businesses can thrive under national legalization. These businesses – who we now call “Main Street Cannabis” – are the heart of our industry and we’re proud to have been giving them a seat at the table in our nation’s halls of power for over 12 years.

We will continue working with our allies in the Senate to advance this bill and advocate for some necessary amendments to better ensure that small, equity, and women-owned businesses (in particular) are well-positioned to thrive after the end of federal prohibition.

We would not be where we are today if not for your support which has allowed us to effectively represent the interests of small businesses like yours in the halls of Congress and in the court of national public opinion.

I hope you’ll join us in making national legalization a reality by making your voice heard at our upcoming 10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in Washington, D.C. September 13 & 14! 

Thanks to your membership, NCIA’s government relations staff represents Main Street Cannabis in D.C. every day but Lobby Days is your chance to show up and tell your unique story to our nation’s lawmakers, firsthand. 

Lobby Days is also the best opportunity to connect with your fellow industry leaders who are truly invested in the future of cannabis and sensible national policy. Please register today so you don’t miss out on making history with us! Reach out to my colleague Madeline Grant to learn more about how you can be as impactful as possible at this year’s Lobby Days. 

Thanks, as always, to all NCIA members for their support of the cannabis industry. If your company is not yet a member of NCIA, now’s the time to join and have your voice heard in the halls of Congress.

Watch this video update with Aaron Smith and Michelle Rutter Friberg:

Member Blog: Another Day, Another Lawsuit – Cannabis Companies Are Finding Out the Hard Way They Need EPLI

By Eric Rahn, Managing Director, S2S Insurance Specialists

Harassment, wrongful termination, race, gender and age discrimination, and hostile work environments are wreaking havoc on the cannabis industry, resulting in an upswing of recent lawsuits that are costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars and causing harm to the workforce and brand damage that is – oftentimes – beyond repair. 

With the average claim costing small-to-mid-sized cannabis companies between $100,000 and $500,000, there needs to be more of a focus on creating a workplace environment free from harassment, discrimination, and bias. Furthermore, cannabis businesses need to be proactive in having the proper insurance policies in place.

You may make a mistake and be exposed to liability. You may do everything right, yet still be sued. Employer’s Protection Liability Insurance (EPLI) is key to protecting your business from employee-related risks and detrimental lawsuits.

What is EPLI and What Does it Cover?

EPLI is a type of management liability insurance that helps safeguard businesses against employee claims alleging inappropriate or unfair treatment. Former, current, and potential employees who believe the company has violated their legal rights can file lawsuits for a variety of reasons. The most frequent types of claims covered under EPLI include sexual harassment, discrimination, and wrongful termination/retaliation. However, EPLI can also cover a broader array of employment issues, such as breach of an employment contract, negligent evaluation, failure to employ or promote, wrongful discipline, deprivation of a career opportunity, wrongful infliction of emotional distress, defamation, invasion of privacy and mismanagement of employee benefit plans.

While policies vary, EPLI generally covers settlement, judgment, legal costs, fines and penalties. EPLI also protects a company’s directors and officers, management, and other employees from being held personally liable in a lawsuit. 

Common Scenarios Resulting in Recent Lawsuits:

Sexual Harassment. According to the 2020 report, Prospects and Pitfalls: Confronting Sexual Harassment in the Legal Cannabis Industry, “sexual discrimination and harassment plague the legal cannabis industry. Moreover, the industry’s past illicit nature threatens to perpetuate employer misconduct.”

Over the past few years, there has been a surge in sexual harassment claims in the cannabis industry. One such suit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) alleged that a general manager at a medical marijuana dispensary in Maryland engaged in “unwelcome touching,” made “highly offensive sexual comments to and about staff and customers,” and “showed an employee a nude picture on his phone.” Although employees complained for months about the harassment, the company did not investigate until after it learned a complaint had been filed with the EEOC. The courts ruled in favor of the plaintiff, and the dispensary and its parent company were remanded to pay $175,000 to settle the suit.

The cannabis industry is plagued by many of the same gender issues as other mainstream industries. In a study conducted by WeedMaps, 53% of women in the cannabis industry have experienced workplace harassment with 46% reported feeling sexually harassed. However, it’s not just women and lower-level employees making claims. Last February, a large publicly traded California cannabis flower distributor came under fire when its former Chief Revenue Officer – a male – accused the company of fostering a culture of sexual harassment and coverup. In the official complaint, the executive said he was subject “to severe and pervasive sexual harassment, both hostile work environment and quid pro quo, as a result of unwanted sexual advances and other discriminatory conduct.” The pending court case seeks an unspecified amount of damages from the company and also names three of its related companies liable. 

Discrimination. Title VII is the Federal Civil Rights Law that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, and religion. For women, the cannabis industry remains a harassment-filled boys club. The latest in the battle to fight misogyny in the cannabis growing and retail industry, is a lawsuit filed by two workers at cannabis-growing companies in California who claim they were “wrongly fired after protesting workplace conditions and gender bias, including prohibitions on women working in growing rooms and pregnant women working at the companies.” The complaint also alleges that the companies conducted “a sham investigation of their complaints of bias, to further create pretense for firing them.” The plaintiffs are seeking compensatory and punitive damages, as well as other penalties against the companies.  

Wrongful Termination/Retaliation. According to the EEOC, this is the most common claim brought against employers. The latest case to make headlines was filed in June 2022 by a former employee of a Chicago-based health center who claims she was fired under the pretense that she had bullied a coworker, but in reality she was terminated because she had reported her supervisor’s unwelcome behavior. In the suit, she alleges “violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Illinois Human Rights Act, and asked the court for damages for emotional distress, humiliation and her loss of employment, as well as punitive damages.”

EPLI – Is it Worth It? Critical Points to Consider:

Navigating employee-related issues can be tricky business. Cannabis companies that land in legal hot water are often more focused on boosting profits and growing their business rather than implementing HR policies and ensuring they have the proper insurances in place to protect themselves against legal claims. The dozens of companies over the years that were embroiled in legal litigation and did not have EPLI learned the hard way that they are solely responsible for paying significant defense fees, compensatory and punitive damages, fines and penalties. 

When considering an EPLI, it is critical to negotiate policy limits, selection of counsel and defense limits, when you are first obtaining EPLI insurance or when you are renewing your policy. A qualified cannabis insurance broker can walk you through all the options and guide you on the policy that best meets your needs and budget.

While EPLI can be offered as a stand-alone policy, it is typically more affordable to combine EPLI with an existing policy, such as Directors & Officers Liability (D&O). Certain policies automatically include sexual harassment, but others do not, or you may be required to get a special endorsement for sexual harassment. Keep in mind that coverage is specific and EPLI cost is based on the business type, employee numbers and past lawsuits associated with the organization. Your broker should do the leg work for you and present coverage options and cost comparisons, so management can make an informed decision.

In Summary

Prevention is the cornerstone of reducing the risk of employee-related lawsuits. However, even if you develop and enforce a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, discrimination, and other harmful issues, and take immediate and appropriate action when a complaint is made, claims can and will happen. 

As you hire more employees, your risk of discrimination and sexual harassment increases. An EPLI policy can help your legal defense and settlement of such claims. In today’s climate, business owners and managers need to be proactive and understand the risk management tools and options available to them to protect their business. 

Eric Rahn, Managing Director of S2S Insurance Specialists, is a highly specialized insurance broker and risk management professional with over 30 years of experience providing C-Suite executives strategies and solutions that protect and safeguard their businesses.

Eric has held several executive positions in the maritime and casino/gaming industries, including CEO of the largest privately own casino concessions company operating on cruise ships around the world. He transitioned his knowledge of corporate business practices in highly regulated industries into the burgeoning cannabis space, establishing S2S Insurance Specialists in 2017.

Eric has served on the National Cannabis Industry Association’s (NCIA) Risk Management Insurance Committee since 2016. He is also a national speaker on cannabis insurance and author of NCIA’s Risk Management and Insurance’s “Introduction into Cannabis Insurance.”





Service Solutions | 7.13.22 | Scarcity Shouldn’t be Scary – How to Fund Your Growth

NCIA’s Service Solutions series is our sponsored content webinar program which allows business owners the opportunity to learn more about premier products, services and industry solutions directly from our network of established suppliers, providers and thought leaders.

In this edition originally aired on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 we were joined by e2b Teknologies whose team of leading integration & technology experts discussed some easy steps to prepare your business for funding and accelerated growth. As you all know, competition was stiff for funding prior to 2022 but with the current economy and rising interest rates, capital is much harder to acquire today. You should be taking steps get noticed and get the MONEY you need to grow your business now.

Presentation Slide Deck: [View Here]

After viewing you’ll walk away with a better understanding of:

• How to leverage a team properly
• What’s most important – It may not be what you think.
• What’s necessary in terms of reporting, compliance, and record-keeping
• Evaluating potential technology partners

Sit back and settle in for an informative and timely program outlining the challenges facing operators and how you can position yourself for success with the right tools to help succeed at scale.


Joshua Gilstrap
Marketing Manager
e2b Teknologies

Mary Jo Mahood
Practice Manager
e2b Teknologies

Lynne Henslee
e2b Teknologies

Tyler Evinsky
Sales Manager
e2b Teknologies

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Want to know more about the products and services offered by e2b Teknologies? Head to to learn more today!

Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, July 14, 2022

Committee Blog: Strong Brands Are Led By Strong Employee Development

by NCIA’s Education Committee

Brand drives revenue. Companies – in any industry – with a strong brand are able to sell their product at a premium price over the non-branded (or perhaps generic) products in their market or sector. Think of a few of the household names with strong brands (e.g., Apple, Tide, Chevron, or Peet’s Coffee). These companies have direct competitors but they are able to charge a higher price point because of their brand and the loyalty that comes with a positive brand experience. The companies also draw customers for repeat business every time they are in the market for the product. Loyalty drives repeat business. Revenue increases from investing in your brand far outweigh the costs, and many of those revenue increases are rewarded directly from training and developing employees.

Continuing our theme from a previous blog, investing in your employees has a direct correlation to building a strong brand, which leads to increased profits. Brand for most consumer products is experiential. Your customer has an experience from which they establish their association with your brand – both positive and negative. The experience may start with where the purchase was made, how the employees (e.g., budtenders) explained the product through the experience of using the product, and finally disposing of the product. Each touchpoint creates a personal brand experience and demonstrates the importance of training your employees throughout the sales and use cycles to provide exceptional customer service and education. Some key reasons cannabis employers should invest in their employees with a focus on brand include:

  • Brand drives loyalty, which is derived from the experience your customers have with the product from purchase to disposal. Loyalty drives increased pricing.

  • Developed, well-trained employees have relationships with customers that resonate beyond the transaction. Friends support friends.

  • From seed through product sale, well-educated employees will increase sales volume by gaining the trust of your customer who may need education about your product and its benefits or differentiators from the product’s competitors. Trained employees build trust which leads to increased sales.

  • At the retail level, educated employees will create a better customer experience, and therefore will drive brand loyalty to the dispensary increasing return sales and referral sales. High-traffic retailers have strong brand loyalty, which increases sales of your products on their shelves.

  • Educating employees in retail locations will increase sales volume by cross-selling other products in your brand portfolio.

  • Customers seeking a specific brand will drive dispensaries to seek out and stock those brands.

  • Educated employees will be proud of their employer and its products and therefore go the extra mile to ensure their success and the success of their employer.

A strong company culture of collaboration, employee investment, and thoughtful branding increases your product’s value in a highly competitive market. Customers want to invest, via their purchase power, in businesses that value their employees through a commitment to the personal and professional success of their workers. A company that is able to and focused on enriching its staff is reaping the benefits of flourishing profit margins. The cannabis industry, and general industry as a whole, needs to focus beyond a feast or famine mindset. Investing in your employees builds trust, respect, and loyalty; this can be translated to customers. Building a stable and balanced community of educated employees and happy customers that is sustainable provides repeat sales.

Well-educated and trained employees work as teams, supporting each other and your business. They give back to their employer in many ways both tangible and intangible. For example, they will go out of their way to assist a customer, work a little faster towards the end of the day to get through the line of customers or help to recruit their friends to work at your company, minimizing hiring and onboarding expenses. Invest in your employees, and your teams will succeed. Training doesn’t require extensive budgets. Check here for access to a set of learning tools offered by NCIA. Team members will help each other, not let others fail. They will also drive product recommendations to the products they know (e.g., have been trained on the benefits). Happy employees reward their employer with increased profits by creating a positive brand association to your customers.

NCIA’s Education Committee assists with the design and development of educational programming for NCIA, and helps identify emerging topics in the cannabis space. Learn more about our members here


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