Navigating the Cannabis Landscape: Federal Cannabis Reform Outlook for 2024
A month into 2024, Congress is (still) grappling with a number of urgent, must-pass bills related to issues like border security, aid for Ukraine and Israel, and the federal budget. At a time when the government seems more dysfunctional than ever, it’s important to remember that this chaos results in cannabis issues (and unfortunately, many others) having difficulty in gaining traction in Congress. As a result, cannabis legislation and priorities have been slow moving so far this year- but I feel confident that there’s light at the end of the tunnel!
SAFE Banking
To recap: the ever-elusive SAFE Banking Act was reintroduced in 2023 by Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Steve Daines (R-MT) alongside Representatives Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Dave Joyce (R-OH). Soon after, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs held a hearing titled “Examining Cannabis Banking Challenges of Small Businesses and Workers” discussing both the bill and the topic of cannabis banking broadly.
As the momentum for SAFE Banking increased, so did some Senators’ concerns– primarily surrounding a provision that would bar federal banking regulators from taking discriminatory enforcement action against any industry.
As a result, an updated version of the bill called the SAFER (Secure and Fair Enforcement Regulation) Banking Act was introduced, marked up by the Committee, and passed out of Committee by a vote of 16-14 in late September 2023.
That brings us to 2024. Although SAFER has not been scheduled for a floor vote yet, NCIA is cautiously optimistic on its chances this year — whether that be as a standalone bill or attached to another larger financial services related package. That being said, the bill will undoubtedly face an uphill battle no matter how it arrives at the GOP-controlled House of Representatives.
Other Congressional News
Outside of SAFE(R) Banking, there has been some additional congressional cannabis news in 2024 including a Senate letter urging descheduling, a bicameral letter regarding Chinese-related illicit grow operations, and a new Congressional Research Service (CRS) report on the impact of moving cannabis from Schedule I to III in the federal Controlled Substances Act.
In late January, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and John Fetterman (D-PA), led nine of their Democratic colleagues (including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer [D-NY]), in sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Drug Enforcement (DEA) Administrator Anne Milgram. The letter urged Milgram and Garland to remove marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act entirely, commonly known as descheduling.
Then, just days ago, Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Angus King (I-ME) alongside Congressmen Pete Sessions (R-TX), Jared Golden (D-ME), and David Valadao (R-CA) led 48 of their colleagues in calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland to prevent any national security risk and end any illicit human trafficking connected to Chinese-linked marijuana farms in the United States.
In the bipartisan, bicameral letter, the lawmakers pointed out that Chinese nationals (some with potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party), are operating marijuana farms across the country and even potentially engaging in human and drug trafficking in conjunction with these operations. The lawmakers asked the Department of Justice for a briefing on the topic by the end of the month and posed several specific questions for the agency.
In mid-January, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) released a new report titled “Legal Consequences of Rescheduling Marijuana” that primarily focused on “Legal Consequences If Marijuana Moved to Schedule III” and considerations for Congress. CRS works for members of Congress and their committees and staff on a confidential, nonpartisan basis and is highly regarded here in Washington, D.C.
Biden Administration
In 2022, the Biden Administration announced that it would ask the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.
As a result, in August 2023, news broke that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommended to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that cannabis be rescheduled and placed in Schedule III, meaning that it has moderate to low abuse potential, a currently accepted medical use, and a low potential for psychological dependence. Since then, the DEA has been conducting their review of where marijuana should be placed in the Controlled Substances Act, which will then be followed by a public comment period.
To be clear, NCIA supports ending the criminalization of our industry by removing cannabis (including THC) from the federal Controlled Substances Act altogether so that our businesses are treated like all other lawful American businesses. That being said, it’s likely that the DEA will follow the HHS recommendations and choose to place marijuana in Schedule III.
While NCIA continues to draft our response to the inevitable announcement — whatever it may be — we also want to hear from our members about their views on this critical issue. If you are a member of NCIA, check your inbox for a link to our online survey in order to make your voice heard. If your business isn’t yet a member but you want to get off the sidelines of the cannabis reform movement, join today! NCIA is proudly the only organization focused on representing independent businesses in our nation’s capital and the work we do moving policy reforms forward is only possible because of the hundreds of businesses that make up our membership.
It goes without saying that 2024 is shaping up to be a big one for federal cannabis policy reform. Stay connected and engaged by attending one of our upcoming Stakeholder Summits where you can engage and learn from state officials, federal policymakers, and even me!
If you really want to play a bigger role in advancing cannabis policy reform, we hope you’ll also join us in Washington, D.C. for our 12th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days this May. See you there!
HHS Recommends Rescheduling: Now What? | 9.14.23 | Fireside Chats with NCIA’s Government Relations Team
NCIA’s #IndustryEssentials webinar series is our premier digital educational platform featuring a variety of interactive programs allowing us to provide you timely, engaging and essential education when you need it most. The Fireside Chat series of NCIA’s #IndustryEssentials webinars are an opportunity for industry professionals to hear from our government relations team and guests about the latest developments in federal policy LIVE.
For more than fifty years, the federal government has maintained that cannabis is a Schedule I drug, meaning that it has a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical value.
That recently changed when the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommended to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that cannabis be placed in Schedule III, meaning that it has moderate to low abuse potential, a currently accepted medical use, and a low potential for psychological dependence.
There’s no doubt this move was an historic one– but what does it mean? What’s next? How will it impact your business? Join NCIA’s Aaron Smith and Michelle Rutter Friberg as they unpack all these questions surrounding cannabis rescheduling impact and more!
Fireside Chats with NCIA’s Government Relations Team: HHS Recommends Rescheduling; Now What?
NCIA’s #IndustryEssentials webinar series is our premier digital educational platform featuring a variety of interactive programs allowing us to provide you timely, engaging and essential education when you need it most. The Fireside Chat series of NCIA’s #IndustryEssentials webinars are an opportunity for industry professionals to hear from our government relations team and guests about the latest developments in federal policy LIVE.
For more than fifty years, the federal government has maintained that cannabis is a Schedule I drug, meaning that it has a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical value.
That recently changed when the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommended to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that cannabis be placed in Schedule III, meaning that it has moderate to low abuse potential, a currently accepted medical use, and a low potential for psychological dependence.
There’s no doubt this move was an historic one– but what does it mean? What’s next? How will it impact your business?
Join NCIA’s Aaron Smith and Michelle Rutter Friberg as they unpack all these questions and more! Register today and don’t miss your chance to hear from two of the foremost government relations experts in the cannabis industry.
Aaron Smith
Chief Executive Officer
National Cannabis Industry Association
Michelle Rutter Friberg
Director of Government Relations
National Cannabis Industry Association
NCIA Members United in D.C. at Lobby Days! Join Us Next Year!
Photo By
by Michelle Rutter Friberg, NCIA’s Deputy Director of Government Relations
Essentially every industry and association with a presence in Washington, D.C. hosts their own lobby days, advocacy days, or fly-ins – whatever you want to call them – where their members come to the Capitol to lobby Congress on their respective industry and legislative issues.
Thanks to NCIA, the cannabis industry is no different. In fact, just a few weeks ago, more than 100 members of the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) descended upon Capitol Hill for NCIA’s 11th Annual Cannabis Industry Association Lobby Days. Lobby Days are an opportunity to advocate for our industry and tell Capitol Hill staff about the real, lived, on-the-ground experiences that cannabis professionals experience daily.
Planning 150+ meetings over the course of two days with 100+ attendees and 21 teams is about as easy as it sounds. That’s not to mention the multiple events, a congressional briefing, and training sessions! But that’s exactly what the NCIA team does for our members every spring. At lobby days, NCIA members gather to amplify our message and make their voices heard in the halls of Congress, while simultaneously forging strong relationships with the most influential leaders in the cannabis industry.
With more than 80 freshman members in Congress this session and multiple bills that have yet to be reintroduced, we wanted to focus our efforts on educating new members about the issues the cannabis industry – and the people that comprise it – face regularly. Many of these members and their staff have never heard of 280E, haven’t had to vote on SAFE Banking (yet!), and are on the fence about legalization, while others have never even talked with a cannabis professional. As a result, it was incredibly important to us that we reach out to those offices and provide them with the resources they need to best inform their position on the various policy areas that cannabis touches.
After arriving in D.C., attendees were greeted with a tropical vibe at our welcome reception at Tiki TnT & Potomac Distilling Company. This gave teams an opportunity to meet up ahead of meetings and mingle with other professionals who made the trip. The next day, we all gathered bright and (very) early for our mandatory breakfast training ahead of shuttling to the Capitol grounds for our group photo. At the training, attendees were able to grab a quick bite to eat, drink some coffee, get together with their teams, and get the final “do’s and don’ts” for their meetings. After our training and group photo, our teams split off for their meetings and reconvened at the end of the day for our stunning closing reception. There, attendees debriefed after an incredibly productive day and unwound with beautiful views, some drinks, and a dreamy jazz band. On the final day, attendees began their morning with a Senate briefing focused on SAFE Banking, where they rubbed elbows with congressional staff. Post-briefing, teams broke off for their final meetings, and just like that, lobby days 2023 was a wrap!
It’s no secret that the cannabis industry is undergoing significant struggles and we’re feeling that squeeze in Washington, D.C. Many companies have downsized and laid off government relations professionals, while others continue to just hope that Congress will pass reform magically. The truth is that lobbying, advocating, and being active in the legislative process are critical to moving our industry forward. Stay tuned for other citizen lobbying opportunities, and take it to the next level by sponsoring NCIA’s 12th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in 2024!
It Takes A Village: NCIA’s Equity Workshop Tour is Developing an Ecosystem
by Mike Lomuto, NCIA’s DEI Manager
The depth and cohesiveness of our networks are what will carry us through to the other side of cannabis prohibition, positioned for ultimate success.
When I started my transition from the legacy space into regulated cannabis about a decade ago, I did so in the silo of the Bay Area. After failing to make that transition successfully, I took a step back and recognized that my network wasn’t what it needed to be in order for me to build the type of long-lasting business I dreamt of.
In order to turn the dream of generational wealth into an actionable plan, I needed to expand my network. That’s when I started getting involved with NCIA. I saw access to a national network as a priceless resource on this journey. So I set out to not only access the network myself but I was also provided the opportunity to build out the DEI Program so that we could create a structure that would allow everyone to plug in.
Like any other network, not everyone is for everyone. But my legacy days taught me all I needed to navigate the network and find the people who were real, and who actually care about the industry’s potential to create a new paradigm, distinct from the normal corporate, colonial systems we see rampant in other industries.
But creating a new paradigm isn’t easy. It takes a village. And then some.
And that’s why I believe the Equity Workshop Tour is so important. It’s an opportunity for us to continue to grow our networks, and to do so with intention in a structured and curated environment, designed to facilitate and accelerate network development, so that real can find real, and folks can not only get the info and insights they need to succeed but make those valuable connections.
The Spring 2023 Tour is four stops – Chicago, Detroit, Jersey City, and Brooklyn. But this is just the beginning. We’re planning something more expansive for our Fall and Winter tours. And we also have some virtual events in the works in between, so that folks who attend the workshops can continue to build together, as well as with fellow attendees from the other workshops across the country.
Partner Organizations Who Are With Us for the Long Haul
You’ll notice that we have several organizational partners signed on for the tour. This isn’t just some slapped-together list. These partners are all organizations that we’ve been building with for some time now and intend to do so for a long time coming.
In Chicago, some of these conversations go back several years to the rollout of adult use. We hosted a Catalyst Conversation in February with Cannabis Equity Illinois Coalition on the power of Community Benefit Agreements. We’ve intersected with SEEN countless times. The United Latino Cannabis Industry Alliance is a new organization, but one whose founders we’ve been building relationships with for years.
And in Detroit, we have to show some love to the Detroit Cannabis Project, as they were also an integral part of our very first Equity Workshop at our Cannabis Business Summit in Detroit in September 2021.
NCIA proudly represents Main Street Cannabis, and this Spring Tour consists of cannabusinesses that reflect that.
Several of our sponsors are represented in NCIA’s committee structure. Meaning they have been volunteering their time, experience, and insights to the movement in more ways than one already. So much of my success in building the DEI Program comes from my regularly leaning into support from our committees.
Grow America Builders and Etain both came on as gold sponsors, and both have been contributing to our committee work for some time now.
I’m also proud to say that Dao Mastery (the coaching & consulting company I co-founded) is the official platinum sponsor for the tour.
All of these companies understand the importance of DEI in cannabis as an integral part of what we’re building toward in this industry in the first place. It’s not an afterthought, but rather something that informs the decisions we make.
It All Culminates In D.C.
This Spring Equity Workshop Tour has also been designed to provide me and our DEI Delegation with lots of insight and fuel as we head to Washington, D.C. for NCIA’s 11th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days, May 16-18. We’ll be bringing with us the stories and the collective power of everyone we workshop with over the coming days. In fact, two of our DEI Delegates, Osbert Orduna and Adrian Adams, have been an integral part of planning this round of the Equity Workshop Tour. Not to mention the fact that two of our other DEI Delegates, Raina Jackson and Anthony Jenkins, were a part of planning the original round of workshops back in 2021.
I hope to see folks while I’m out here on the road this month. This is just the next step in the building of our ecosystem, and it’s an important one.
Anyone who qualifies for Social Equity is eligible to attend these FREE workshops. And if you don’t qualify for Social Equity, but you believe in what it means and stands for, we’d like to connect with you too, so don’t be shy.
It’s the 4/20 Cannabis Industry Update!
Join NCIA Director of Communication Bethany Moore for an update on what’s going on with NCIA and our members.
NCIA Today – Thursday, April 6, 2023
Join NCIA Director of Communication Bethany Moore for an update on what’s going on with NCIA and our members. This week we discuss 13 women scientists you NEED to know, our recent podcast check-ins with members of the New York State Office of Cannabis Management, discuss a recent letter NCIA sent to the Congressional Banking and Finance Committees, and look forward to the remainder of our city events coast-to-coast leading up to Lobby Days in May.
Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, March 23, 2023
Join NCIA Director of Communication Bethany Moore for an update on what’s going on with NCIA and our members. This week we look back on our Colorado Caucus, joined by video by Governor Jared Polis, and look forward to the remainder of our city events coast-to-coast leading up to Lobby Days in May.
Come Meet Congress – 11th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days
by Madeline Grant, NCIA’s Government Relations Manager
Will you join us as a united front in Washington, D.C. this year?
Hundreds of cannabis industry professionals from all over the country will descend on Capitol Hill this month for the 11th year for NCIA’s Annual Lobby Days. It’s more important than ever before to make your voice heard and advocate for the federal reforms our industry needs to truly thrive.
Whether it’s access to banking for your business, much-needed federal tax reforms, or some of the many other struggles faced by our industry that could be remedied by congressional action, we need you to tell your stories on Capitol Hill with us on May 16-18.
Here’s our top four reasons for you to register today to join us for this exciting and impactful event this year:
New members of Congress
Last November, we saw midterm elections bring in a new class of freshman members of Congress. Many of these new faces replaced the old guard of those with long-standing prohibitionist views toward cannabis. Many of them lean more progressive, which means they are more likely to be friendly toward our issues. This infusion of new blood, new minds, and new perspectives in the halls of Congress can work in our favor.
NCIA’s Lobby Days is the best way to get direct access to some of these offices so we can get off on the right foot with them on our issues. Joining us in D.C. means you will inform and educate these new members of Congress on the struggles we face like tax reform, veterans’ medical access, social equity, and of course, the SAFE Banking Act specifically. How many new co-signers can we get on this bill? Let’s find out together.
Discuss incremental and comprehensive reform
With new members of Congress come new staffers that need to be educated on cannabis policy reform. In an environment where there are hundreds of issues, it’s important we reach every Hill office. When we descend on Capitol Hill, NCIA members will have the ability to discuss their personal stories in the cannabis space. The government relations team is constantly on Capitol Hill meeting with offices; however, hearing directly from businesses is something special.
As we are at the beginning of the 118th Congress, cannabis legislation will continue to be introduced and this is our opportunity to get members of Congress on board. It’s all about baby steps; as we educate congressional offices they now have the ability to reach out to NCIA for resources and information. Over the past ten lobby days, NCIA sees a significant increase in co-sponsorship for cannabis legislation.
When we go into meetings the government relations team will provide talking points covering incremental reform; such as SAFE banking and 280E reform. Further, we have the opportunity to gather intel regarding their view on comprehensive reform. We’ve seen bills, such as the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act and the States Reform Act. Although these bills have not had any legislative success, it’s important for Hill offices to understand the importance of state and federal conflict for the cannabis industry.
Meeting 200+ other politically active industry professionals
It’s not a conference — it’s different. There’s no expo floor or panel discussions, just people. And it happens to be some of the most politically engaged leaders of our industry who attend Lobby Days. You’ll rub shoulders and team up with cannabis industry pioneers who have been in the game for years. You’ll learn the “ins and outs” of the Beltway from lobby day veterans who join us every year to advocate for our industry. Hear about it for yourself by watching this re-cap video from last year’s 10th Annual Lobby Days:
Learn how to lobby and take those lessons home
This isn’t our first rodeo, but it might be yours, and that’s okay. Even if you’ve never done citizen lobbying before, NCIA’s government relations team makes it easy by offering training before the event, as well as on-site. We’ll give you materials to help you tell your stories including descriptions of our priority legislation, and background information on the offices you’ll be speaking with. And you won’t have to go it alone! We will team you up with a small group of your fellow cannabis industry peers to navigate the halls of Congress together.
Lobby Days with NCIA will empower you to go back to your home state to advocate on the industry’s behalf. You’ll know what to say, how to say it, and what to expect.
Together, we can make a real difference and push our industry past the tipping point. Hundreds of NCIA members have already registered for this event, so what are you waiting for? Register today, schedule your flight, and book your hotel. We can’t wait to see you there.
Lobby Congress with NCIA – Hear From First-Time Attendees
Spring is almost here, and NCIA’s 11th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days are just two months away!
Over the past decade, NCIA members have made real, measurable progress moving the dial for cannabis policy reform. Year after year, our industry continues to gain support from members of Congress on both sides of the aisle on crucial issues like banking access, 280E reform, and federal de-scheduling.
It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of WHEN and HOW. Lobby Days is YOUR opportunity to make sure federal legalization is favorable to main street cannabis.
This is the most important cannabis event of the year, so you don’t want to miss this opportunity to join your industry peers in the halls of Congress. Be sure to REGISTER NOW to join NCIA members to advocate for the issues most important to small cannabis businesses and to share your personal stories with national lawmakers who need to hear from Main Street Cannabis now more than ever.
Never lobbied Congress before?
Hear from these first-time attendees of last year’s Lobby Days:
Video: NCIA Today – Friday, March 10, 2023
NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff.
Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, February 9, 2023
NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. Join us every other Thursday on LinkedIN for NCIA Today Live.
Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, January 12, 2023
NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. Join us every other Thursday here on Facebook for NCIA Today Live.
Reach thousands of leading cannabis businesses while supporting NCIA’s advocacy work to protect and expand the industry by securing the right sponsorship package for your marketing needs. Contact us at to learn more
Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, December 15, 2022
It’s the final episode of NCIA Today for the year 2022! NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. Join us every other Thursday on Facebook for NCIA Today Live.
Cultivating Community in a City Near You: Announcing NCIA’s 2023 Event Calendar
It’s been a year of big change for NCIA. As we come to the end of 2022, we want to take a moment to send a message to our members and supporters about these changes, and most importantly, get excited for what’s next for the future of NCIA events.
The End of An Era
The events industry has faced unforeseen challenges these last couple of years, and NCIA was not isolated from these issues. Outside of needing to postpone our large tradeshows until late 2021, we also had to postpone a whole calendar of approximately 40+ events nationwide which was our primary way of connecting our community and meeting with our members face to face. Our team overcame these challenges by building our expansive digital presence and online events program to continue to provide education and exposure opportunities to our members, however this did still require a significant pivot in organizational strategy. Due to the residual hardships brought by the pandemic, we learned earlier this year that the Cannabis Business Summit & Expo was not going to be able to be produced on the scale or quality that we or our members had come to expect throughout the years. So, in tandem with our previous tradeshow co-producers, we made the difficult decision to dissolve our existing partnership and accepted an offer from them to acquire our tradeshow portfolio. For those who have been attending our tradeshows since 2014, we can’t thank you enough for your participation in those events and making them so impactful for the industry. There are too many good memories to revisit, and hope you take a moment to remember some of your personal highlights throughout the years as we look forward to coming together for new events in 2023.
Looking Ahead to 2023
For now, we will be taking a hiatus from the tradeshow space. This will allow our team to refocus our efforts into other impactful networking and educational opportunities. We’re excited to get back to our roots and focus our efforts on intentional and innovative gatherings that connect Main Street cannabis businesses with each other and with NCIA’s advocacy efforts.
We’ve listened to the feedback from our members, and know that in-person networking remains essential to building your business and growing your network. In these uncertain economic times, every dollar spent and any time away from your business impacts your bottom line. As the leading cannabis trade association representing small-business owners, we’re committed to making the investment to meet our members where they are, and to continue facilitating experiences where our members can make key connections with fellow business owners. Moving into 2023, we’re reinvigorating our events program starting with our regional Industry Social and Cannabis Caucus event series, leading into the cannabis industry’s biggest policy and advocacy event of the year: NCIA’s 11th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days.
We invite you to move forward with us as we enter a new chapter in our history. Without further ado, we are excited to announce the lineup of events for the first half of 2023!
Join NCIA to Take Advantage of Complimentary Tickets
As always, NCIA members receive complimentary access to all of these events based on membership level. Looking to have an expanded presence at each event? Consider upgrading your membership today in order to include your entire team or prospective clients.
Huge thanks to the initial sponsors of these events which have made a significant investment in NCIA’s community building efforts moving into 2023! Learn more about each of these pioneering businesses helping drive our mission forward and reach out to schedule a meeting with their team surrounding the upcoming events.
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Support These Events Through Sponsorship
Has your company had trouble breaking through the noise on a crowded expo floor this past year? Is your brand looking for quality B2B connections with market leaders? Want to play a larger role and align your business with NCIA’s community building and educational efforts?
Consider one of our affordable sponsorship packages, starting for as low as $500, which will allow you to reach thousands of leading cannabis businesses while supporting NCIA’s advocacy work on behalf of small cannabis businesses. Contact our team at to learn more.
We can’t thank our community enough for the continued support of NCIA and our events. We look forward to seeing you, in person, next year!
Member Blog: Reaching The Highest Common Denominator
by Raina Jackson, Founder & CEO of PURPLE RAINA Self Care Member of NCIA’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee (DEIC)
This past September I had the pleasure of lobbying in D.C. for the first time as part of NCIA’s 10th Annual Lobby Days. The lobbying process was demystified for me, and I found that lobbying isn’t easy, but it isn’t that hard when you share your talking points from your heart, representing your own and others’ experiences. I learned that the NCIA delegation shares more common ground than we realized with Congressmembers, especially through their younger and more hip staffers and family members. One senator has a daughter who used to be a budtender and now podcasts about the industry, Senator Gary Peters (D-MI).
I was encouraged by how receptive legislative aides and advisors were to the factual talking points and statistics NCIA provided us to appeal to their sense of reason and fairness. They recognized the public health and economic benefits cannabis has delivered and its potential, without being distracted by useless moral arguments against it. Our team gave an overview of the cannabis landscape and advocated while offering solutions to our varied struggles as cannabis entrepreneurs.
We highlighted that 47 states have adopted some form of cannabis commerce and decriminalization, representing 97.7% of the U.S. population! The majority of the American public demands safe access to cannabis. Why not ride the wave?
Cannabis has been found to be a “gateway” medicine for a more safe withdrawal from opioid addiction, especially crucial to states experiencing high overdose death rates.
We discussed the DEA recently approved funds for even more substantial clinical research on the myriad of proven and potential health benefits delivered by the cannabis plant in a wide range of forms. Yet existing cannabis research is often more robust and held to higher standards than over the counter aspirin. Many pharmaceutical drugs are advertised on TV as the best thing since sliced bread one day (albeit with alarming potential side effects), then next named in TV ads for class action lawsuits for their harmful effects.
A case for an enhanced SAFE Banking Act
The legal U.S. cannabis market is valued at $17.7 billion, with a substantial amount unbanked, causing a public safety crisis. Our discussions illuminated our common ground regarding the public safety improvements and economic benefits that the bipartisan supported SAFE Banking Act will bring to each state choosing to introduce its own customized hemp CBD/low THC, medical, or adult recreational cannabis program.
When compliantly banked these funds will offer financial institutions of all sizes more capital for lending to spur economic recovery and a safer industry. While no financial institution will be required to participate, the risk mitigation and sizable financial benefits can’t be ignored.
SAFE will remove the risk of federal prosecution for compliant financial institutions already offering banking to cannabis businesses, while encouraging more banks and credit unions to join them. Too many existing entities providing cannabis banking services tend to mitigate risk by charging exorbitant monthly fees, financially hobbling startup cannabis businesses or excluding them altogether.
SAFE would also support hemp CBD businesses like mine, still navigated the grey area regarding access to banking, loans, leases/mortgages, and payment processing.
In my follow-up email to the Congressional aides and advisors we met with, I attached a white paper authored by the Cannabis Regulators of Color Coalition (CCRC) offering best practices for increasing financial access to cannabis businesses, prioritizing groups that have been historically underserved by traditional financial institutions and disproportionately harmed by prohibition.
What’s next?
This regulated cannabis industry is so new that we must allow each other some grace as stakeholders. As cannabis advocates, we have learned that “calling people in” for discussions on the benefits of the SAFE Banking Act and comprehensive cannabis reform is more effective than “calling them out.”
Elected officials and their staff don’t understand first-hand what we experience as cannabis entrepreneurs, and many care more than I expected. Lobbying and sending them emails on new and modified policy recommendations helps them to be well-informed enough to support us. My highlight was meeting with a CA legislative aide who is a fellow CA native and sincerely wanted to be updated on my progress and pain points. We all had a laugh about him agreeing to let me go into “the weeds” concerning the licensing process, pun intended.
Since Lobby Days, President Biden announced the upcoming FDA and DEA review of cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug. It could potentially be de-scheduling within the next 12 to18 months! However, to date, only seven states provide licensing priority, exclusivity, or set aside a percentage of licenses for qualified social equity applicants. The same way the SAFE Banking act should be passed with amendments fostering equity, state, and future federally legalized cannabis programs must include targeted equity programs to help level the playing field. I look forward to returning to D.C. in May for 2023 NCIA Lobby Days!
Raina Jackson is a multifaceted cannabis brand strategist, product developer, and advocate, and is the founder & CEO of PURPLE RAINA Self Care, the culmination of her love for beauty wellness products, the color purple, and the musical and cultural phenomenon Prince. For the past 7 years she has worked in the San Francisco Bay Area cannabis industry in sales management, field marketing, distribution, and product development, and a verified SF Cannabis Equity applicant in Oakland and San Francisco. For the past year she has served on the NCIA Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee and the Regulatory Compliance subcommittee.
Raina has over 15 years of experience in beauty/wellness care product development, sales/ marketing management, and product education at Maybelline, L’Oréal Professional, and Design Essentials Salon System and has taught cosmetology at The Aveda Institute in SoHo NYC. A San Francisco native, Raina earned a B.A. degree in cultural anthropology and linguistics from Stanford University and an MBA in marketing and management from NYU.
The NCIA DEI Delegation Reports Back from Lobby Days in D.C.!
by Mike Lomuto, NCIA’s DEI Manager
On September 13-14, Social Equity applicants and operators from around the country traveled to Washington D.C. as part of NCIA’s Lobby Days. Lobby Days provides the opportunity for NCIA members to speak directly with national lawmakers about the issues most important to small cannabis businesses – from SAFE banking to federal de-scheduling. This first-ever DEI delegation was supported by our members’ contributions to the Social Equity Scholarship Fund, and was the first of its kind – intentionally bringing diverse voices from our membership to Lobby Days.
Due to the pandemic, this was our first in-person Lobby Days since the launch of our DEI Program in 2019, and the launch of our Social Equity Scholarship Program in Spring of 2020. Since then, we have been coalescing our members’ diverse voices into clear perspectives and opinions on the direction of our industry. Something that our DEI Program is very proud of is that at this year’s Lobby Days we supplied talking points with the purpose of creating a proper impact.
Some of these talking points were sourced from the excellent white paper on SAFE Banking by the Cannabis Regulators of Color Coalition, which provides very thorough recommendations including: Requiring federal banking regulators to identify best practices to achieve racial equity in financial services; and Clarifying that cannabis criminal records are not an automatic red flag. Notably, this group which has some of its roots from NCIA’s very first Catalyst Conversation over two years ago, and its Treasurer, Rafi Crockett, now serves on NCIA’s DEI Committee.
The Social Equity applicants and operators comprising the delegation spoke directly to lawmakers on the kind of real changes we need for DEI and social equity to become a reality in our industry, in particular regarding SAFE banking. From their experience as professionals and advocates in the industry they were able to provide much-needed insight into how legislation impacts owners, operators, budtenders, and the social equity community in particular at the ground level. These conversations proved to be the missing link for a lot of these elected officials on Capitol Hill who stated their support for making a more equitable industry and righting the wrongs of the war on drugs, but lack real-life experience on the matter.
Here are some of the highlights from the delegation:
“My highlight was meeting with a CA legislative aide who is a fellow CA native and sincerely wanted to be updated on my progress and pain points. We all had a laugh about him agreeing to let me go into “the weeds” concerning the licensing process, pun intended.”
Raina Jackson, Founder & CEO PURPLE RAINA Self Care
“As I moved from meeting to meeting, one thing became crystal clear; there’s a knowledge gap that surrounds this plant, a gap fueled by learned behaviors, stigmas, pain, gain, and loss. This message rang clear to me from members and staff of both the senate and house…”
Toni MSN, RN, CYT, Toni
NCIA Education Committee and Health Equity Working Group
“From my experience, I learned that people make a difference. The people who make the laws don’t know everything and us providing information and answers can and may make that difference”
LaVonne Turner, Puff Couture, LLC
NCIA DEI Committee
“NCIA Lobby Days was an interesting peek behind the curtain of how the sausage is made in D.C. It became easier to see why some politicians seem so ill-informed about cannabis. Elected officials may themselves come from a state with draconian laws and politics about cannabis. Mix that with their staffers/advisors being recent college grads from other parts of the country with those same conditions, and you have a recipe for horrific policy. What was refreshing however was the amazing amount of knowledge that some of those staffers did possess both about cannabis policy and the plant itself. Not surprisingly they without fail worked for pro-cannabis congresspersons.”
Dr. Adrian Adams, CEO Ontogen Botanicals
NCIA DEI Committee – Subcommittee Regulation
“In each session, as I spoke about equity in underserved communities, the representative(s) appeared as it was the first time hearing the phrase Safe Equitable banking. Through their perplexed faces, I saw them registering that safe, equitable banking is needed.” – Toni
“I’ve never done something like this before sounds so cliche but it’s the best way to describe this eye-opening experience of speaking directly to Congressional staff about what it means to be a small business owner in the cannabis space. The challenges and hurdles that we have to deal with because of 280e and cannabis being a “controlled substance” are real and huge burdens to us as small businesses and owners of color. The lack of banking and financing is exponentially more damaging and difficult to black and brown communities because of our historic lack of fair and equitable access to this vital resource. This lobby days opportunity strengthened my resolve to be a loud voice for the Latino and black communities to ensure we have our seat at the table from this day forward!”
Osbert Orduña, The Cannabis Place
“Everyone we met with was compelled by the financial and public safety benefits that SAFE would offer under any form of cannabis decriminalization, from CBD with low-THC to adult consumption” – Raina Jackson
All in all, the consensus was that it was a valuable experience and folks would take the time to lobby again and encourage others to do the same. Lobbying in DC is one part of many strategies that have the potential to spark policy change at the federal level and without a doubt, getting a chance to speak personally to experienced industry professionals with a social equity lens was invaluable for the policymakers.
Next year we are pledging to double or even triple our DEI delegation. If you’d like to be a part of making this happen, we are already accepting sponsorships as we plan for 2023’s event, NCIA’s 11th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days on May 16-18, 2022.
If you did not get a chance to read our blog post before the delegation left for Washington, D.C. to participate in NCIA Lobby Days as part of the first-ever Lobby Days Social Equity Scholarship delegation, you can read more here.
Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, October 22, 2022
NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. Join us every other Thursday on Facebook for NCIA Today Live.
Biden’s Announcement, SAFE Banking, and the CAOA
Photo By
By Michelle Rutter Friberg, NCIA’s Deputy Director of Government Relations
October has been a mixed bag in Washington, D.C. in terms of cannabis policy: there hasn’t been much news from Capitol Hill, but the Biden Administration shocked everyone when they made a big announcement earlier this month. As we draw nearer to the midterm elections in November (don’t forget to register!), let’s take a look at where things stand currently:
On Capitol Hill:
SAFE Banking Act
The SAFE Banking Act (S. 910) has been held up in the Senate for more than a year now. Many Senate Democrats (including Leader Schumer) have been pushing for changes to the bill to create a “SAFE +” bill that includes justice-focused provisions. As with all things in politics, a delicate balance must be kept in order to reach 60 votes in the hyper-partisan Senate.
The good news: Leader Schumer and other Democrats have been in negotiations with lead-Republican co-sponsor Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) and others to determine what “SAFE +” could look like. Those discussions have been occurring for a few weeks now and will continue.
The bad news: those negotiations are taking time. As a result, you shouldn’t expect any legislative movement to occur until after the midterm elections.
There’s also the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to consider. The House passed and sent the FY2023 NDAA to the Senate months ago and the large package did include the language of the SAFE Banking Act (as currently written). It’s unclear how the SAFE+ negotiations may impact cannabis banking’s chances in the NDAA: Leader Schumer could make sure the language is not in the NDAA if he feels confident about SAFE+’s chances.
Unfortunately, there’s no substantive news regarding the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), or comprehensive reform broadly on Capitol Hill right now. While NCIA and others continue to push for descheduling and responsible regulations from Congress, the upcoming election and Senate timeline have taken precedent. It’s unlikely that CAOA will move this legislative session given the number of legislative days left in the year.
From the Administration:
Earlier this month, President Biden made an unprecedented announcement that his administration would begin the process for the pardoning of thousands of people with nonviolent marijuana use or possession convictions, and would begin the process of working with the Department of Health and Human Services to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I drug in the Controlled Substances Act.
This announcement comes on the heels of NCIA’s successful 10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days held in mid-September, where 100 cannabis industry professionals, representing small and medium-sized businesses including social equity operators, met with more than 100 Congressional offices to discuss barriers faced by the industry stemming from marijuana prohibition.
It’s no coincidence that when NCIA members show up to D.C., big things happen! Make sure to stay informed as we head towards the lame duck session via our newsletter and social media platforms and don’t forget to register for NCIA’s upcoming 11th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in May 2023!
Video: Insights From NCIA’s 10th Annual Lobby Days
“I think it was really successful on all fronts.
Whether it be the networking aspect, VIP access to key decision makers, or just the ability to get to know people both fellow cannabis business owners and congressional leaders.
Lobby Days was a perfect example of really putting the membership into work and seeing what it is that you pay for.” – Chris Jackson, NCIA Board Member
Social Equity Members Head to D.C. to Lobby for A More Inclusive Industry
by Mike Lomuto, NCIA’s DEI Manager
NCIA is proud to announce that for the first time, thanks to the support of our members, we have awarded nine Lobby Days Equity Scholarships to support our Social Equity members with travel expenses to attend NCIA’s Lobby Days in Washington, D.C., on September 13-14. These Social Equity applicants and operators from around the country are leaders and active contributors to NCIA’s Sector Committees, our DEI Initiatives (particularly policy-related ones), and to advocacy efforts in their local and/or state municipalities.
Lobby Days provides the opportunity for NCIA members to come together to advocate for the issues most important to small cannabis businesses — from SAFE Banking to federal de-scheduling — and to share their personal stories with national lawmakers.
Our delegation includes:
Dr. Adrian Adams, Ontogen Botanicals CBD Ambrose Gardner, Elev8 LaVonne Turner, Puff Couture Michael Diaz-Rivera, Better Days Delivery Osbert Orduña, The Cannabis Place Raina Jackson, Purple Raina Toni MSN, RN, CYT, Toni
We asked our DEI delegation why attending Lobby Days was important to them. Here are some of their responses:
“I want our elected officials to hear my story which gives a voice to so many others, who like me, grew up in areas that have disproportionately borne the brunt and weight of cannabis enforcement. Children and young adults, whose only crime was being poor and of color, faced the indignity of being stopped and frisked hundreds of times. Now after paying the ultimate entry price, we can not get in the door of the cannabis industry because of a lack of banking and lending opportunities that continue to shut us out of the cannabis market.
The de-scheduling of cannabis, the passing of SAFE Banking, or the repeal of IRC 280E all would immediately increase the opportunities for small cannabis businesses like mine to have a true opportunity for success, growth, and economic empowerment of our communities.”
– Osbert Orduña, The Cannabis Place
“As the industry grows and moves towards federal legalization, our elected officials must hear constituents’ voices. It’s important that my energy, face, and voice are present, representing the need for safe banking, health equity, and policies that support federal legalization. As states continue to legalize adult recreational cannabis usage, there will be an increased need for cannabis health equity to address the social, political, and economic conditions in underserved communities.
I’m committed to increasing awareness of the importance of education, employee retention, and community wellness in these communities.”
– Toni MSN, RN, CYT, Founder of Toni NCIA’s Education Committee & Health Equity Working Group
“I have begun to work on lobbying at a local level. Federal legalization, descheduling, decarceration, social equity, health equity, and safe banking are some of the areas that I would like to learn how to lobby for at the national level.”
– Michael Diaz-Rivera, Owner/Operator, Better Days Delivery
“We should not stop at using the SAFE Banking Act merely to provide legal and regulatory protection for financial institutions. That will enable, but not ensure, increased banking services for minority-owned cannabis and hemp companies.
As the regulatory gaps between state and federal governments are addressed, there must be mechanisms to prevent predatory practices while opening access to capital.”
– Dr. Adrian Adams, Ontogen Botanicals CBD
It is important to the NCIA, and its membership for Main Street Cannabis to continue to develop in as diverse, equitable, and inclusive a manner as we can achieve. As the industry has thus far failed at creating tangible Social Equity, it’s important to ensure our efforts this September to include these voices and the communities they represent.
This is where the DEI delegation comes in.
As the official DEI delegation, the Lobby Days Equity Scholarship recipients will provide a foundational understanding of matters related to DEI in the industry for all NCIA members present at Lobby Days. The DEI delegation will ensure that there are members present speaking up on matters of DEI from within an important national trade association and within the context of Main Street Cannabis.
NCIA’s Government Relations team has organized a full day of meetings with Lawmakers and their Offices. New citizen lobbyists will receive online training before the event and are grouped together with experienced industry leaders who can help them find their voice. There will be an opening networking reception for all attendees, and a closing event featuring some of NCIA’s most important allies in Congress.
We are still accepting sponsorships to fully fund Lobby Days Equity Scholarships to ensure our recipients have their travel and lodging expenses covered while in Washington, D.C. Contact for more information.
Let’s keep building a better industry together, as we bring our voices to Washington, D.C.
Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, August 25, 2022
NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. This week Bethany is joined by NCIA CEO Aaron Smith to talk about the importance of having your voice heard on Capitol Hill at our upcoming 10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days on September 13-14. Join us every other Thursday on Facebook for NCIA Today Live.
This is your chance to unite with other NCIA members to advocate for the issues most important to small cannabis businesses – from SAFE Banking to federal de-scheduling – and to share your personal stories with national lawmakers who need to hear from Main Street Cannabis businesses.
Watch this video to hear from NCIA’s CEO and Co-founder, Aaron Smith, about why you should attend this most impactful and crucial event next month. Not yet a member? Join today and then make your plans to join us in D.C.
Making History In Congress, Thanks To NCIA Members!
by Aaron Smith, NCIA’s CEO and Co-founder
History was made today as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) along with Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) introduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act which would finally remove cannabis from the federal Controlled Substances Act and begin the process of federal regulation.
For the last year, NCIA has been working behind the scenes to ensure this landmark legislation not only ends prohibition but also creates an environment where small and medium-sized businesses can thrive under national legalization. These businesses – who we now call “Main Street Cannabis” – are the heart of our industry and we’re proud to have been giving them a seat at the table in our nation’s halls of power for over 12 years.
We will continue working with our allies in the Senate to advance this bill and advocate for some necessary amendments to better ensure that small, equity, and women-owned businesses (in particular) are well-positioned to thrive after the end of federal prohibition.
We would not be where we are today if not for your support which has allowed us to effectively represent the interests of small businesses like yours in the halls of Congress and in the court of national public opinion.
I hope you’ll join us in making national legalization a reality by making your voice heard at our upcoming 10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in Washington, D.C. September 13 & 14!
Thanks to your membership, NCIA’s government relations staff represents Main Street Cannabis in D.C. every day but Lobby Days is your chance to show up and tell your unique story to our nation’s lawmakers, firsthand.
Lobby Days is also the best opportunity to connect with your fellow industry leaders who are truly invested in the future of cannabis and sensible national policy. Please register today so you don’t miss out on making history with us! Reach out to my colleague Madeline Grant to learn more about how you can be as impactful as possible at this year’s Lobby Days.
Thanks, as always, to all NCIA members for their support of the cannabis industry. If your company is not yet a member of NCIA, now’s the time to join and have your voice heard in the halls of Congress.
Watch this video update with Aaron Smith and Michelle Rutter Friberg:
Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, July 14, 2022
NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. Join us every other Thursday on Facebook for NCIA Today Live.
Video: NCIA Today – Thursday, June 30, 2022
NCIA Director of Communications Bethany Moore checks in with what’s going on across the country with the National Cannabis Industry Association’s membership, board, allies, and staff. Join us every other Thursday on Facebook for NCIA Today Live.
Positioned for Success – Highlights from the Insights & Influencers: NY Opportunity Tour
Any cannabis insider knows that New York is poised to become the next cannabis epicenter since legalizing last year. As such there is naturally incredible interest in learning about the business opportunities, how to best position yourself for success, as well as networking with potential future partners and clients. To meet these needs for our members and supporters, NCIA hosted the “Insights & Influencers: NY Opportunity Tour”, a weeklong series of events across New York featuring stops in Rochester, Albany and Brooklyn in partnership with founding members Canna Advisors, a trusted advisor to cannabis entrepreneurs who are starting or expanding a cannabis business.
(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.
Returning with our first in person events of the year, we couldn’t have been more thrilled to meet face-to-face with nearly 150 attendees who were either current or prospective business owners operating in New York and interested in expanding their operations or trying to break into the industry. With stops in Rochester, Albany, and New York City, the events brought together attendees from across the Empire State to not only learn about the developing regulatory landscape and opportunities to get involved with the burgeoning cannabis industry, but also the latest developments with NCIA’s work on federal cannabis policy.
(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.
Speakers were NCIA CEO and co-founder Aaron Smith and representatives from Canna Advisors including Bob Wagener, Vice President of Real Estate Development; Sumer Thomas, Director of Regulatory Operations; and Vincent DiMichele, Regulatory Content Manager. During the hour long presentation, numerous topics were covered that were relevant to business owners in the cannabis industry such as:
• The possibility of federal legalization and the work NCIA is doing to ensure small — or “main street” — cannabis businesses have a seat at the table as legislation is written
(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.
• Benefits of starting the license application process early and the importance of community engagement efforts
(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.
• Understanding zoning requirements and ensuring your business can operate in the best location possible
(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.
• Developing staffing needs and protocols so the team behind your operations is positioned for success and growth
• Engaging in public comment periods including the New York Office of Cannabis Management’s (OCM) current 60 day comment period open now through August 15 surrounding regulations for packaging, labeling, marketing, advertising, and laboratory testing of adult-use cannabis
Throughout the tour, representatives from the OCM were on-site to chat with participants, answer questions that attendees had, and generally get to know those interested in owning or operating a cannabis related business in the state. We are proud to facilitate those connections at our events time and time again, so that regulators and business owners alike can meet in person to build relationships which in turn helps break down the barriers to communication down the line.
Nevillene White, Manager of Community Relations and External Affairs for OCM, joined our Albany gathering right next door to The Egg performing arts venue located inside of Empire State Plaza. Throughout she was able to supplement the presentation by providing comments directly to crowd feedback during updates on the licensing process in the Capitol.
(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.
Trivette Knowles, Press Officer and Manager of Community Outreach for the OCM, was present in Brooklyn and commented ”We need more events like this to show people that cannabis touches all walks of life,” he said. “It’s part of the culture.”
(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.
NCIA’s Aaron Smith closed out each of the events with a final call to action for everyone in the room: Contact New York’s U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand to urge them to support the SAFE Banking Act and bring it to the floor for a vote. As the Majority Leader in the Senate, Sen. Schumer has the power to allow the legislation to be voted on but has not done so, stating a preference for more comprehensive legislation. Smith also discussed the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), which addresses federal legalization on a broader scale. A final version of that bill is still yet to be introduced however, and passage of the SAFE Banking Act would provide protections to financial institutions working with cannabis business and would have a positive impact on the cannabis industry while support for CAOA and comprehensive reform builds in Congress.
Of course we encourage anyone reading to take this call to action even further, and plan to join NCIA at our upcoming 10th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days from September 13-14 in Washington, D.C. Find out more details and register online here.
We can’t thank all our members and supporters who attended the events on our “Insights & Influencers: NY Opportunity Tour” enough, as well as our co-hosts, Canna Advisors, for making these events possible!
(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.(C) Sam C. Long / Honeysuckle Media, Inc.
Interested in attending our next in-person event this Summer? Register now for the Colorado Industry Social taking place on Thursday, July 28 in Denver, CO.
Want to know how you can sponsor events like these? Please contact our Events Team at to explore possibilities.
Continuing Conversations on Capitol Hill
by Madeline Grant, NCIA’s Government Relations Manager
The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) held its very first Virtual Mini Lobby Days with NCIA’s Evergreen Roundtable members. Before the pandemic and closure of our Nation’s Capital, the Government Relations team planned an in-person annual fly-in every spring, the Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days, for all NCIA members. For our first Virtual Mini Lobby Days, it was important to facilitate conversations between our Roundtable and Capitol Hill offices. The Evergreen membership tier is for leading businesses looking to make a meaningful investment in shaping policy for the cannabis industry. Evergreen members receive exclusive access to private briefings from members of Congress, inside information from NCIA’s government relations team, and many more opportunities to participate in the national conversation around cannabis policy.
Now more than ever we’ve seen more comprehensive legislation being introduced at the federal level, on both sides of the aisle, so we wanted to focus on meetings with our cannabis champions but also educate all congressional offices on Capitol Hill. We were able to meet with representatives, senators, committee staff, office staff, and much more. Evergreen members were able to share information, stories, and data to Hill offices.
The NCIA team, Monica Gray with Nice Guys Delivery, Khurshid Khoja with Greenbridge Corporate Counsel, and Christina Hollenback with The People’s Ecosystem meeting with Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14), a co-chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus.
As we hopped on our zoom calls, our main focus was education. The Evergreen Roundtable was able to share stories from their personal experiences in the cannabis industry and directly relate these experiences to the importance of cannabis policy reform. The dichotomy around incremental versus comprehensive cannabis policy reform was a central focus in discussion. As around thirty meetings took place throughout the week, the Government Relations team and Evergreen Roundtable caught up with friends, gained valuable insight, and continued to educate Congress. We took this opportunity to show our support and gratitude for all the representatives and senators who constantly support cannabis policy reform. Furthermore, we educated congressional offices with data, testimonials, and research to highlight the necessity for cannabis policy reform at the federal level. There is no doubt that reform is needed for the cannabis community and NCIA will continue to be a resource to all congressional offices.
NCIA’s 9th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in 2019 May 21-23 2019.
As we monitor the full opening of Capitol Hill, stay tuned for updates regarding NCIA Lobby Days. The Government Relations team is looking forward to our next Mini Lobby Days later this year for all Evergreen members. If you’re interested in learning more or getting involved in our policy work please feel free to reach out to
Video: NCIA Evergreen Members Lobby Congress Virtually
Due to ongoing COVID-19 and Capitol security restrictions, efforts to lobby Congress on cannabis policy issues have been challenging. Though logistics prevent us from hosting our traditional annual fly-in event in D.C., with hundreds of cannabis industry professionals navigating the halls of Congress, members of Congress themselves are still able to hear from their constituents through virtual means. Recently, NCIA’s Government Relations team worked with our Evergreen Members to guide them through the process of meeting with members of Congress to continue to tell our stories and share our concerns for our industry.
Hear more about their experiences in this video with insights into how those meetings went.
NCIA’s Evergreen membership is for leading businesses looking to make a meaningful investment in shaping policy for the cannabis industry. This premium membership plan provides your company with a seat on NCIA’s Evergreen Member Roundtable, with exclusive access to private briefings from members of Congress, access to NCIA’s lobbying team, invitations to political events, special membership concierge service, and more.
NCIA Member Benefits: Advocacy, Education, and Community
by Madeline Grant, NCIA’s Government Relations Manager
Over the last year, NCIA’s Membership Department has dedicated a lot of time to revamp our membership tiers and benefits to ensure the best value for our members. We gathered feedback from members, conducted market research, and learned what value cannabis businesses sought in this fast-growing industry. I want to spend a little time today going through your benefits to be sure you are utilizing them to the fullest. As we represent the cannabis industry as a whole, we made sure there was a tier that could represent every cannabis company, small or big. Our three tiers are Seedling, Blooming, and Evergreen. To offer an array of benefits for your business, NCIA has three main buckets of benefits; networking & education, marketing & business resources, and policy & advocacy. Let’s take some time to go over all three.
Networking & Education
NCIA offers the opportunity to network and meet other cannabis professionals in the industry. It’s our job to provide events and tangible platforms so our members can grow their networks and businesses. Through our networking platform, NCIA Connect, we offer an exclusive online community to chat daily with other cannabis professionals. Here you can post questions, provide resources, share articles and utilize the platform to build relationships across the country. As an NCIA member, you are eligible to apply to speak at any NCIA virtual or in-person event. Depending on what tier you join you receive a certain amount of complimentary admissions to our trade shows and regional events, which you can check out here. As you move up to our Evergreen tier, there is the opportunity to attend exclusive VIP networking events, private meet-and-greets with celebrity keynote speakers, and a guaranteed seat on one of NCIA’s committees.
Marketing & Business Resources
As a cannabis business, it is important to have access to resources, especially as the industry is rapidly growing. Through membership, we offer discounts for Simplifya SmartCabinet compliance software, discounts on NCIA’s digital marketing and event sponsorship, a listing with a link to your company’s website in the online member directory, and access to BDSA Greenedge market intelligence platform. Through our digital platforms, we offer the ability to submit educational content to NCIA’s Industry Insights blog or post news about your business on our website and the eligibility to apply to be a guest on NCIA’s top-rated Cannabis Industry Voice and Cannabis Minority Report podcast. As we move into the Blooming and Evergreen membership levels, we offer company logo impressions and links posted to all NCIA social media platforms with over 200K total followers and featured in our newsletter sent to 40K e-mail subscribers annually. Our benefits offer great marketing opportunities to network and grow your business.
Policy & Advocacy
With momentum building across the country as more and more states are legalizing every year, we are simultaneously seeing more policy movement in Washington, D.C. It is more important now than ever to support cannabis policy on Capitol Hill. As a member of NCIA, your dues are directly supporting our ability to lobby and advocate for an industry we can be proud of while investing in the cannabis industry’s national policy agenda. All NCIA members have the opportunity to come out to our Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days (which is the best event to attend in my opinion). In D.C., you’ll meet with congressional offices and discuss the challenges you face as a business owner and meet other NCIA members from around the country. As a member at our highest tier, Evergreen, companies have private monthly updates with our Government Relations team, private briefings with key congressional offices, the opportunity to provide input on NCIA’s policy white papers, and direct access to NCIA’s registered lobbyist in D.C. Our support from the Evergreen tier allows us to allocate more resources to meet our goals on Capitol Hill, therefore, allowing us to continue to be as influential as possible.
Speaking of policy on Capitol Hill…
Just last month, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), along with Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR), unveiled long-awaited draft legislation that would remove cannabis from the schedule of controlled substances while allowing states to determine their own cannabis policies.
This legislation called the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), is actually a discussion draft and has not been formally introduced (yet). If you’re interested in learning more about the bill and seeing the text, check this blog out.
But now, we need your help! As a discussion draft, we have the ability to weigh in on the CAOA’s proposed language and provide our feedback as an association. As members of NCIA, your input and expertise are essential and critical to us as we prepare our submission. Your submissions will be reviewed by NCIA and incorporated into the feedback our team is simultaneously compiling.
Use this form to send our government relations team your thoughts! I can’t wait to hear from you.
It’s important to understand and utilize all of your benefits as an NCIA member. If you ever want a quick refresh on your benefits please check out the membership matrix found here. Of course, if you have any questions please feel free to email me at I’d love the opportunity to hear from you!
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