Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC’s resource page includes what you should know about the virus, situation updates, and information for travelers, businesses, and others. CDC has also issued guidance for mass gatherings.
U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs: This COVID-19 emergency notification includes information on travel advisories, presidential proclamations on travel restrictions, and information for U.S. citizens returning from Europe and China.
World Health Organization: WHO has issued a risk assessment and mitigation checklist for mass gatherings, which includes a decision matrix that provides a recommendation on whether an event should be held.
Meetings Mean Business Coalition: MMB’s toolkit of coronavirus preparedness and response resources is tailored specifically for meeting and event professionals. It includes talking points, templates, and “fast facts” graphics that can be shared in social media.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: The Chamber’s “Understanding the Coronavirus” webinar, recorded on January 27 in partnership with CDC, discusses the impact of the virus on the private sector and what businesses should consider as they respond.
U.S. Travel Association: Emergency Preparedness and Response: Coronavirus (COVID-19). This toolkit includes guidance for travelers, a guide for communicating healthy travel practices, and other resources.
Thanks you to ASAE for this list of resources.